Changes from Ant 1.8.0 TO Ant 1.8.1 

Changes that could break older environments:

 * ant-trax.jar is no longer produced since TrAX is included in JDK 1.4+.

 * Ant no longer ships with Apache Xerces-J or the XML APIs but relies
   on the Java runtime to provide a parser and matching API versions.
 * The stylebook ant task and the ant-stylebook.jar are removed.  

Fixed bugs:

 * Tasks that iterate over task or type definitions, references or
   targets now iterate over copies instead of the live maps to avoid
   ConcurrentModificationExceptions if another thread changes the
   Bugzilla Report 48310.

 * The filesmatch condition threw a NullPointerException when
   comparing text files and the second file contained fewer lines than
   the first one.
   Bugzilla Report 48715.

 * Regression: The <ear> task would allow multiple
   META-INF/application.xml files to be added.
   Bugzilla Report 6836.

 * VectorSet#remove(Object) would fail if the size of the vector
   equaled its capacity.
 * Regression : ant -diagnostics was returning with exit code 1
   Bugzilla Report 48782
 * Fix for exec task sometimes inserts extraneous newlines
   Bugzilla Report 48746
 * SymlinkTest#testSymbolicLinkUtilsMethods failing on MacOS
   Bugzilla Report 48785.

 * If <concat>'s first resourcecollection child is a <resources>,
   any subsequently added child resourcecollection joins the first.
   Bugzilla Report 48816.        
 * <get> with an invalid URL could trigger an NPE in some JVMs.
   Bugzilla Report 48833
 * Broken Pipe issue under Ubuntu Linux
   Bugzilla Report 48789
 * Properties wrongly read from file or not update during read
   Bugzilla Report 48768       

 * AntClassLoader in Ant 1.8.0 has been considerably slower than in
   Bugzilla Report 48853
 * ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS are rippling through lower level Ant usage 
   Bugzilla Report 48876
 * email : IO error sending mail with plain mimetype
   Bugzilla Report 48932    

 * the script failed to create a proper cache of
   target if "ant -p" failed.
   Bugzilla Report 48980

 * <rmic>'s sourcebase attribute was broken.
   Bugzilla Report 48970

 * <copy>'s failonerror didn't work as expected when copying a single
   element resource collection to a file.
   Bugzilla Report 49070

 * <get> no longer followed redirects if the redirect URL was relative
   and not an absolute URL.
   Bugzilla Report 48972

 * fixed a performance degradation in the code that expands property
   Bugzilla Reports 48961 and 49079

 * <jar filesetmanifest="merge"> was broken on Windows.
   Bugzilla Report 49090

 * <symlink> delete failed if the link attribute was a relative path
   to a link inside the current directory without a leading ".".
   Bugzilla Report 49137

 * <telnet> and <rexec> failed to find the expected strings when
   waiting for responses and thus always failed.
   Bugzilla Report 49173

Other changes:

 * Project provides new get methods that return copies instead of the
   live maps of task and type definitions, references and targets.

 * Ant is now more lenient with ZIP extra fields and will be able to
   read archives that it failed to read in earlier versions.
   Bugzilla Report 48781.

 * The <zip> family of tasks has been sped up for bigger archives.
   Bugzilla Report 48755.
 * Add removeKeepExtension option to NetRexxC task.
   Bugzilla Report 48788.

 * Add prefix attribute to loadproperties task.

 * Add resource attribute to length task.

 * PropertyResource will effectively proxy another Resource if ${name}
   evaluates to a Resource object.

 * Added forcestring attribute to equals condition to force evaluation
   of Object args as strings; previously only API-level usage of the
   equals condition allowed Object args, but Ant 1.8.x+ property
   evaluation may yield values of any type.
 * BuildFileTest.assertPropertyUnset() fails with a slightly more 
   meaningful error message
   Bugzilla Report 48834
 * <junit> will now throw an exception if a test name is empty.  This
   used to manifest itself in unrelated errors like
   Bugzilla Report 43586.

 * A change that made <exec> more reliable on Windows (Bugzilla Report
   5003) strongly impacts the performance for commands that execute
   quickly, like attrib.  Basically no single execution of a command
   could take less than a second on Windows.
   A few timeouts have been tweaked to allow these commands to finish
   more quickly but still they will take longer than they did with Ant
   Bugzilla Report 48734.

 * Added SimpleBigProjectLogger, intermediate between NoBannerLogger and

 * <mappedresources> supports new attributes enablemultiplemappings
   and cache.

 * Added the augment task to manipulate existing references via Ant's basic
   introspection mechanisms.