2019-09-08 + [Feature] Sankey diagram enhancement: Add left/right node align, right in sankey diagram. Support user to specify the depth of the node. Enhance sankey node tooltip formatter. Add depth layout info for each node. + [Feature] Support callback in `series.symbol`. Contributed by PR #9664 originally. + [Feature] Enhance Pie chart: Support `minShowLabelAngle`. Contributed by PR #8997 originally. Support label rotate in pie chart. Fix #10045. + [Feature] Support `backgroundColor` for connected charts in toolbox. `toolbox.feature.saveAsImage.connectedBackgroundColor` can be used to set the background color. Fix #10099. + [Feature] Enhance toolbox: Enable to set text style of toolbox. Support tooltip for toolbox. Fix #10202. + [Feature] Enhance dataZoom: Normalize illegal range setting and get accurate `start`/`end`/`startValue`/`endValue` in `'dataZoom'` event. + [Feature] Add `dimensionNames` and `encode` info to callback parameters of formatters. Fix #10248 and Close #10250. + [Feature] Funnel enhancement: `series.label.position` support to set `rightTop`, `rightBottom`, `leftTop`, `leftBottom`. And fix style in funnel text position. + [Fix] Support mouse event in iOS when css transform used. Fix #9434, #8326, #5009, #5921. + [Fix] Use a clearer warning message when initing dom without size. Fix #10478. + [Fix] Fix that the rgba opacity does not work in SVG renderer. Fix #9014 + [Fix] Enhance funnel chart label display policy PR #8759 + [Fix] Fix the highlight/downplay of pie graphic. + [Fix] Fix the mouse pointer in force graph. Fix #7764, contributed by PR #9134. + [Fix] Fix that `symbol` and `symbolSize` and `opacity` does not work in `series[i]-graph.categories[i]`. Fix #8009 and #5969, contributed by PR #9171. + [Fix] Fix that `axisLine.show` does not work in the gauge. Fix #9194, contributed by PR #9195. + [Fix] Fix a display error when the first data item is '-' in radar. Fix 8962. + [Fix] Fix polygon rendering bug when the first value is `NaN`. Fix #8962, contributed by PR #9162. + [Fix] Fix text truncate bug in treemap when using SVG renderer. + [Fix] Fix that `label.rotate` does not work in graph. Fix #9182, contributed by PR #9210. + [Fix] Fix the rich content hiding bug and confine bug in tooltip. Fix ecomfe/echarts-for-weixin#360, ecomfe/echarts-for-weixin#347. + [Fix] Fix that callback function params.color is incorrect in sunburst area. Fix #8952, contributed by PR #9238. + [Fix] Fix that when `axisLabel.interval` of a category axis is set as `0`, all labels are displayed regardless of overlap. Fix #9589. + [Fix] Fix sub-pixel in markLine. Move subPixelOptimize to zrender. Fix #9598. + [Fix] Fix that when doing clear on click handler error is thrown. Fix #9649. + [Fix] Fix that `false` value in data items effect subsequent items in `visualMap`. Fix #8799. + [Fix] Enhance `hoverStyle` and `highlight`/`downplay` API. Support keep highlighted when changing style (e.g., `setOption` or `hoverLink`). Fix the highlight conflict. + [Fix] Fix radar line disappear on hover when there is empty value in data. + [Fix] Fix that geo map panning not working on Edge browser. Fix #9479. + [Fix] Fix map label bugs: Fix map rich label missing when missing data. Fix map label miss to enter formatter when missing data. Fix #9682. + [Fix] Enable `triggerEvent` for label of `angleAxis`. Fix #9765. + [Fix] Fix that the hover style bugs of graph: Fix that the hover style is disabled by `focusNodeAdjacency` in graph. Fix that the line label can not be returned to its original opacity after `"focusNodeAdjacency"`. + [Fix] Lift the axis line arrow over splitLine and tick. + [Fix] Fix that the scrollable legend pager does not work when the target index is illegal. Fix #7568. + [Fix] Exclude padding from tooltip position, since it's included in clientWidth. Contributed by PR #9750. + [Fix] Fix `barWidth` calculation when stack on multiple polars. Fix #9626. + [Fix] Loop to find the first non-NaN angle for clipPath in pie. + [Fix] Fix line width in singleAxis. Fix #9965. + [Fix] Fix the label bounding rect calculation error when `rich` used (e.g., containLabel: true while axisLabel has rich). + [Fix] Part of emphasis in sunburst do not work. Fix #9563, constributed by PR #9993. + [Fix] Add `seriesId` in `pieselectchanged`. Fix #9830. + [Fix] Fix that axis name align does not work. Fix #9901. + [Fix] Fix taht the strange label position when the pie chart series data value is `null`. Fix #10088. + [Fix] Do not create an anchor element if you don't need to in `SaveAsImage`. Contributed by PR #10132. + [Fix] Fix that `axisLabel` dost not display correctly in radar. Fix #9282, contributed by PR #10036. + [Fix] Fix that bar chart is abnormal when `filterMode` of `dataZoom` is 'empty'. Fix #9882. + [Fix] Fix `series.label.formatter` callback bug. Fix #10248, contributed by PR #10250. + [Fix] Fix that the last axis labels are duplicated. Fix #10304. + [Fix] Fix that setting `emphasis.lineStyle.type` as `solid` dose not work. Fix #9704, close #10129. + [Fix] Fix that if some negetive numbers or strings existing in the dimensions array, the corresponding line will not show. Fix #10343. + [Fix] Fix that when `'0'` existing in dimentions the chart do not work. Make backward compat when dimention is a number-like string. Fix #9363, contributed by PR #9388. + [Fix] Fix hover style on `textStroke` bug in custom series. + [Fix] Fix graph bug when data is number typed. Fix #10485. + [Fix] Fix that `axisPointer` label padding does not work. Fix #10569. + [Fix] Add `dimIndex` for callback formatter in radar. Close #10403, #10180, contributed PR #10437. + [Fix] Prevent treamap from using hover layer by default. Fix #10521. Ref #10635. + [Fix] Update pointer when type is none. Fix #10570. + [Fix] Enhance circular layout: based on symbol size and fix overlap when some value are very smaller than the max value. Fix #10462, Close #10615. + [Fix] Support click and tooltip in bar large mode. Fix #10699.