API compatibility report for the hbase library between rel/1.2.6 and 2.0.0 versions


Test Info

Library Namehbase
Version #1rel/1.2.6
Version #22.0.0
SubjectBinary Compatibility

Test Results

Total JARs13
Total Methods / Classes3673 / 391
Compatibility 61.4%

Problem Summary

Added Methods-0
Removed MethodsHigh361
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types
Other Changes
in Methods

Removed Methods  361 

hbase-annotations-1.2.6.jar, InterfaceStability.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification
InterfaceStability.InterfaceStability ( )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, AccessControlClient.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access
AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions ( Configuration conf, String tableRegex ) [static]  :  List<UserPermission> *DEPRECATED*
AccessControlClient.grant ( Configuration conf, String namespace, String userName, Permission.Action... actions ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
AccessControlClient.grant ( Configuration conf, String userName, Permission.Action... actions ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
AccessControlClient.grant ( Configuration conf, TableName tableName, String userName, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qual, Permission.Action... actions ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
AccessControlClient.isAccessControllerRunning ( Configuration conf ) [static]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
AccessControlClient.revoke ( Configuration conf, String namespace, String userName, Permission.Action... actions ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
AccessControlClient.revoke ( Configuration conf, String userName, Permission.Action... actions ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
AccessControlClient.revoke ( Configuration conf, TableName tableName, String username, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, Permission.Action... actions ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Admin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Admin.addColumn ( TableName p1, HColumnDescriptor p2 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.createTable ( HTableDescriptor p1 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.createTable ( HTableDescriptor p1, byte[ ] p2, byte[ ] p3, int p4 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.createTable ( HTableDescriptor p1, byte[ ][ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.createTableAsync ( HTableDescriptor p1, byte[ ][ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.disableTableAsync ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.enableTableAsync ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.getCompactionState ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  AdminProtos.GetRegionInfoResponse.CompactionState
Admin.getCompactionStateForRegion ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  AdminProtos.GetRegionInfoResponse.CompactionState
Admin.isSnapshotFinished ( HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean
Admin.listProcedures ( ) [abstract]  :  ProcedureInfo[ ]
Admin.modifyColumn ( TableName p1, HColumnDescriptor p2 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.modifyTable ( TableName p1, HTableDescriptor p2 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.snapshot ( HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription p1 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.snapshot ( String p1, TableName p2, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription.Type p3 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.takeSnapshotAsync ( HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription p1 ) [abstract]  :  MasterProtos.SnapshotResponse

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Append.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Append.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap p1 )  :  Mutation
Append.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap<byte[ ],List<KeyValue>> map )  :  Append *DEPRECATED*
Append.setWriteToWAL ( boolean p1 )  :  Mutation
Append.setWriteToWAL ( boolean write )  :  Append *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, ClusterStatus.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ClusterStatus.ClusterStatus ( ) *DEPRECATED*
ClusterStatus.ClusterStatus ( String hbaseVersion, String clusterid, Map<ServerName,ServerLoad> servers, Collection<ServerName> deadServers, ServerName master, Collection<ServerName> backupMasters, Map<String,RegionState> rit, String[ ] masterCoprocessors, Boolean balancerOn )
ClusterStatus.convert ( )  :  ClusterStatusProtos.ClusterStatus
ClusterStatus.convert ( ClusterStatusProtos.ClusterStatus proto ) [static]  :  ClusterStatus
ClusterStatus.getAverageLoad ( )  :  double
ClusterStatus.getBackupMasters ( )  :  Collection<ServerName>
ClusterStatus.getDeadServerNames ( )  :  Collection<ServerName>
ClusterStatus.getRegionsInTransition ( )  :  Map<String,RegionState>
ClusterStatus.getServerInfo ( )  :  Collection<ServerName> *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, ColumnPrefixFilter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
ColumnPrefixFilter.filterColumn ( byte[ ] buffer, int qualifierOffset, int qualifierLength )  :  Filter.ReturnCode

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, CompareFilter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
CompareFilter.doCompare ( CompareFilter.CompareOp compareOp, ByteArrayComparable comparator, byte[ ] data, int offset, int length )  :  boolean

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, CoprocessorRpcChannel.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc
CoprocessorRpcChannel.callBlockingMethod ( Descriptors.MethodDescriptor method, RpcController controller, Message request, Message responsePrototype )  :  Message
CoprocessorRpcChannel.callExecService ( RpcController p1, Descriptors.MethodDescriptor p2, Message p3, Message p4 ) [abstract]  :  Message
CoprocessorRpcChannel.callMethod ( Descriptors.MethodDescriptor method, RpcController controller, Message request, Message responsePrototype, RpcCallback<Message> callback )  :  void
CoprocessorRpcChannel.CoprocessorRpcChannel ( )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, CorruptedSnapshotException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
CorruptedSnapshotException.CorruptedSnapshotException ( String message, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription snapshot )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Delete.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Delete.deleteColumn ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.deleteColumn ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, long timestamp )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.deleteColumns ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.deleteColumns ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, long timestamp )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.deleteFamily ( byte[ ] family )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.deleteFamily ( byte[ ] family, long timestamp )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.deleteFamilyVersion ( byte[ ] family, long timestamp )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap p1 )  :  Mutation
Delete.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap<byte[ ],List<KeyValue>> map )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.setWriteToWAL ( boolean p1 )  :  Mutation
Delete.setWriteToWAL ( boolean write )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Filter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
Filter.getNextKeyHint ( KeyValue p1 ) [abstract]  :  KeyValue *DEPRECATED*
Filter.transform ( KeyValue p1 ) [abstract]  :  KeyValue *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, FilterList.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
FilterList.getNextKeyHint ( KeyValue currentKV )  :  KeyValue *DEPRECATED*
FilterList.toString ( int maxFilters )  :  String
FilterList.transform ( KeyValue v )  :  KeyValue *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HBaseSnapshotException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
HBaseSnapshotException.getSnapshotDescription ( )  :  HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription
HBaseSnapshotException.HBaseSnapshotException ( String msg, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )
HBaseSnapshotException.HBaseSnapshotException ( String msg, Throwable cause, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HColumnDescriptor.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HColumnDescriptor.convert ( )  :  HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilySchema
HColumnDescriptor.convert ( HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilySchema cfs ) [static]  :  HColumnDescriptor
HColumnDescriptor.getDataBlockEncodingOnDisk ( )  :  DataBlockEncoding *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.HColumnDescriptor ( ) *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.HColumnDescriptor ( byte[ ] familyName, int maxVersions, String compression, boolean inMemory, boolean blockCacheEnabled, int blocksize, int timeToLive, String bloomFilter, int scope ) *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.HColumnDescriptor ( byte[ ] familyName, int maxVersions, String compression, boolean inMemory, boolean blockCacheEnabled, int timeToLive, String bloomFilter ) *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.HColumnDescriptor ( byte[ ] familyName, int minVersions, int maxVersions, KeepDeletedCells keepDeletedCells, String compression, boolean encodeOnDisk, String dataBlockEncoding, boolean inMemory, boolean blockCacheEnabled, int blocksize, int timeToLive, String bloomFilter, int scope ) *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.isCacheDataInL1 ( )  :  boolean
HColumnDescriptor.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.setEncodeOnDisk ( boolean encodeOnDisk )  :  HColumnDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.setKeepDeletedCells ( boolean keepDeletedCells )  :  HColumnDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.shouldCacheBloomsOnWrite ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.shouldCacheDataInL1 ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.shouldCacheDataOnWrite ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.shouldCacheIndexesOnWrite ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.shouldCompressTags ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.shouldEvictBlocksOnClose ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.shouldPrefetchBlocksOnOpen ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HConnection.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
HConnection.clearCaches ( ServerName p1 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.clearRegionCache ( ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.clearRegionCache ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.clearRegionCache ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.deleteCachedRegionLocation ( HRegionLocation p1 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getAdmin ( ) [abstract]  :  Admin
HConnection.getAdmin ( ServerName p1 ) [abstract]  :  AdminProtos.AdminService.BlockingInterface *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getAdmin ( ServerName p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  AdminProtos.AdminService.BlockingInterface *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getClient ( ServerName p1 ) [abstract]  :  ClientProtos.ClientService.BlockingInterface *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getConfiguration ( ) [abstract]  :  Configuration
HConnection.getCurrentNrHRS ( ) [abstract]  :  int *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getHTableDescriptor ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getHTableDescriptor ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getHTableDescriptors ( List<String> p1 ) [abstract]  :  HTableDescriptor[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getHTableDescriptorsByTableName ( List<TableName> p1 ) [abstract]  :  HTableDescriptor[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getKeepAliveMasterService ( ) [abstract]  :  MasterKeepAliveConnection *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getMaster ( ) [abstract]  :  MasterProtos.MasterService.BlockingInterface *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getNonceGenerator ( ) [abstract]  :  NonceGenerator *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getRegionCachePrefetch ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getRegionCachePrefetch ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getRegionLocation ( byte[ ] p1, byte[ ] p2, boolean p3 ) [abstract]  :  HRegionLocation *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getRegionLocation ( TableName p1, byte[ ] p2, boolean p3 ) [abstract]  :  HRegionLocation *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getRegionLocator ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  RegionLocator
HConnection.getTable ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  HTableInterface
HConnection.getTable ( byte[ ] p1, ExecutorService p2 ) [abstract]  :  HTableInterface
HConnection.getTable ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  HTableInterface
HConnection.getTable ( String p1, ExecutorService p2 ) [abstract]  :  HTableInterface
HConnection.getTable ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  HTableInterface
HConnection.getTable ( TableName p1, ExecutorService p2 ) [abstract]  :  HTableInterface
HConnection.getTableNames ( ) [abstract]  :  String[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isClosed ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean
HConnection.isDeadServer ( ServerName p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isMasterRunning ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isTableAvailable ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isTableAvailable ( byte[ ] p1, byte[ ][ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isTableAvailable ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean
HConnection.isTableAvailable ( TableName p1, byte[ ][ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isTableDisabled ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isTableDisabled ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean
HConnection.isTableEnabled ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isTableEnabled ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean
HConnection.listTableNames ( ) [abstract]  :  TableName[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.listTables ( ) [abstract]  :  HTableDescriptor[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.locateRegion ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  HRegionLocation *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.locateRegion ( byte[ ] p1, byte[ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  HRegionLocation *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.locateRegion ( TableName p1, byte[ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  HRegionLocation *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.locateRegions ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  List<HRegionLocation> *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.locateRegions ( byte[ ] p1, boolean p2, boolean p3 ) [abstract]  :  List<HRegionLocation> *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.locateRegions ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  List<HRegionLocation> *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.locateRegions ( TableName p1, boolean p2, boolean p3 ) [abstract]  :  List<HRegionLocation> *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.processBatch ( List<?> p1, byte[ ] p2, ExecutorService p3, Object[ ] p4 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.processBatch ( List<?> p1, TableName p2, ExecutorService p3, Object[ ] p4 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.processBatchCallback ( List<?> p1, byte[ ] p2, ExecutorService p3, Object[ ] p4, Batch.Callback<R> p5 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.processBatchCallback ( List<?> p1, TableName p2, ExecutorService p3, Object[ ] p4, Batch.Callback<R> p5 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.relocateRegion ( byte[ ] p1, byte[ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  HRegionLocation *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.relocateRegion ( TableName p1, byte[ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  HRegionLocation *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.setRegionCachePrefetch ( byte[ ] p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.setRegionCachePrefetch ( TableName p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.updateCachedLocations ( byte[ ] p1, byte[ ] p2, Object p3, HRegionLocation p4 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.updateCachedLocations ( TableName p1, byte[ ] p2, byte[ ] p3, Object p4, ServerName p5 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.updateCachedLocations ( TableName p1, byte[ ] p2, Object p3, HRegionLocation p4 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HConnectionManager.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
HConnectionManager.createConnection ( Configuration conf ) [static]  :  HConnection *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.createConnection ( Configuration conf, ExecutorService pool ) [static]  :  HConnection *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.createConnection ( Configuration conf, ExecutorService pool, User user ) [static]  :  HConnection *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.createConnection ( Configuration conf, User user ) [static]  :  HConnection *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.deleteAllConnections ( ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.deleteAllConnections ( boolean staleConnection ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.deleteConnection ( Configuration conf ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.deleteStaleConnection ( HConnection connection ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.execute ( HConnectable<T> connectable ) [static]  :  T *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.getConnection ( Configuration conf ) [static]  :  HConnection *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.setServerSideHConnectionRetries ( Configuration c, String sn, Log log ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HRegionInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HRegionInfo.convert ( HBaseProtos.RegionInfo proto ) [static]  :  HRegionInfo
HRegionInfo.convert ( HRegionInfo info ) [static]  :  HBaseProtos.RegionInfo
HRegionInfo.getDaughterRegions ( Result data ) [static]  :  PairOfSameType<HRegionInfo> *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getHRegionInfo ( Result data ) [static]  :  HRegionInfo *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getHRegionInfo ( Result r, byte[ ] qualifier ) [static]  :  HRegionInfo *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getHRegionInfoAndServerName ( Result r ) [static]  :  Pair<HRegionInfo,ServerName> *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getMergeRegions ( Result data ) [static]  :  PairOfSameType<HRegionInfo> *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getSeqNumDuringOpen ( Result r ) [static]  :  long *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getServerName ( Result r ) [static]  :  ServerName *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getTableName ( )  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getTableName ( byte[ ] regionName ) [static]  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getVersion ( )  :  byte *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.HRegionInfo ( ) *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.HRegionInfo ( HRegionInfo other )
HRegionInfo.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HRegionLocation.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HRegionLocation.HRegionLocation ( HRegionInfo regionInfo, ServerName serverName )
HRegionLocation.HRegionLocation ( HRegionInfo regionInfo, ServerName serverName, long seqNum )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HTableDescriptor.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HTableDescriptor.convert ( )  :  HBaseProtos.TableSchema
HTableDescriptor.convert ( HBaseProtos.TableSchema ts ) [static]  :  HTableDescriptor
HTableDescriptor.getCoprocessors ( )  :  List<String>
HTableDescriptor.getName ( )  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.getTableDir ( Path rootdir, byte[ ] tableName ) [static]  :  Path *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.HTableDescriptor ( ) *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.HTableDescriptor ( byte[ ] name ) *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.HTableDescriptor ( String name ) *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.HTableDescriptor ( TableName name, HColumnDescriptor[ ] families )
HTableDescriptor.HTableDescriptor ( TableName name, HColumnDescriptor[ ] families, Map<ImmutableBytesWritable,ImmutableBytesWritable> values )
HTableDescriptor.metaTableDescriptor ( Configuration conf ) [static]  :  HTableDescriptor
HTableDescriptor.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.remove ( ImmutableBytesWritable key )  :  void
HTableDescriptor.setMetaRegion ( boolean isMeta )  :  void
HTableDescriptor.setName ( byte[ ] name )  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.setName ( TableName name )  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.setRootRegion ( boolean isRoot )  :  void
HTableDescriptor.setValue ( ImmutableBytesWritable key, ImmutableBytesWritable value )  :  HTableDescriptor
HTableDescriptor.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HTableFactory.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
HTableFactory.createHTableInterface ( Configuration config, byte[ ] tableName )  :  HTableInterface
HTableFactory.HTableFactory ( )
HTableFactory.releaseHTableInterface ( HTableInterface table )  :  void

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HTableInterfaceFactory.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
HTableInterfaceFactory.createHTableInterface ( Configuration p1, byte[ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  HTableInterface
HTableInterfaceFactory.releaseHTableInterface ( HTableInterface p1 ) [abstract]  :  void

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Increment.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Increment.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap p1 )  :  Mutation
Increment.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap<byte[ ],List<KeyValue>> map )  :  Increment *DEPRECATED*
Increment.setWriteToWAL ( boolean p1 )  :  Mutation
Increment.setWriteToWAL ( boolean write )  :  Increment *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, LockTimeoutException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions
LockTimeoutException.LockTimeoutException ( )
LockTimeoutException.LockTimeoutException ( String s )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, MultipleColumnPrefixFilter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
MultipleColumnPrefixFilter.filterColumn ( byte[ ] buffer, int qualifierOffset, int qualifierLength )  :  Filter.ReturnCode

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Mutation.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Mutation.getFamilyMap ( )  :  NavigableMap<byte[ ],List<KeyValue>> *DEPRECATED*
Mutation.getWriteToWAL ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
Mutation.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap<byte[ ],List<KeyValue>> map )  :  Mutation *DEPRECATED*
Mutation.setWriteToWAL ( boolean write )  :  Mutation *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, OperationConflictException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions
OperationConflictException.OperationConflictException ( )
OperationConflictException.OperationConflictException ( String message )
OperationConflictException.OperationConflictException ( String message, Throwable cause )
OperationConflictException.OperationConflictException ( Throwable cause )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Put.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Put.add ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, byte[ ] value )  :  Put *DEPRECATED*
Put.add ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, long ts, byte[ ] value )  :  Put *DEPRECATED*
Put.add ( byte[ ] family, ByteBuffer qualifier, long ts, ByteBuffer value )  :  Put *DEPRECATED*
Put.addImmutable ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, byte[ ] value, Tag[ ] tag )  :  Put
Put.addImmutable ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, long ts, byte[ ] value, Tag[ ] tag )  :  Put
Put.addImmutable ( byte[ ] family, ByteBuffer qualifier, long ts, ByteBuffer value, Tag[ ] tag )  :  Put
Put.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap p1 )  :  Mutation
Put.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap<byte[ ],List<KeyValue>> map )  :  Put *DEPRECATED*
Put.setWriteToWAL ( boolean p1 )  :  Mutation
Put.setWriteToWAL ( boolean write )  :  Put *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, QuotaSettings.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas
QuotaSettings.buildSetQuotaRequestProto ( QuotaSettings settings ) [static]  :  MasterProtos.SetQuotaRequest
QuotaSettings.setupSetQuotaRequest ( MasterProtos.SetQuotaRequest.Builder p1 ) [abstract]  :  void

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, RegionAlreadyInTransitionException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver
RegionAlreadyInTransitionException.RegionAlreadyInTransitionException ( String s )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, RegionInRecoveryException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions
RegionInRecoveryException.RegionInRecoveryException ( )
RegionInRecoveryException.RegionInRecoveryException ( String s )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, RegionLoad.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
RegionLoad.getNameAsString ( )  :  String
RegionLoad.RegionLoad ( ClusterStatusProtos.RegionLoad regionLoadPB )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, RegionTooBusyException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
RegionTooBusyException.RegionTooBusyException ( )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, ReplicationAdmin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.replication
ReplicationAdmin.addPeer ( String id, String clusterKey )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
ReplicationAdmin.addPeer ( String id, String clusterKey, String tableCFs )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
ReplicationAdmin.listPeers ( )  :  Map<String,String> *DEPRECATED*
ReplicationAdmin.setPeerTableCFs ( String id, String tableCFs )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, RestoreSnapshotException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
RestoreSnapshotException.RestoreSnapshotException ( String msg, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )
RestoreSnapshotException.RestoreSnapshotException ( String msg, Throwable cause, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Result.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Result.addResults ( ClientProtos.RegionLoadStats loadStats )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
Result.createCompleteResult ( List<Result> partialResults ) [static]  :  Result
Result.getColumn ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier )  :  List<KeyValue> *DEPRECATED*
Result.getColumnLatest ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier )  :  KeyValue *DEPRECATED*
Result.getColumnLatest ( byte[ ] family, int foffset, int flength, byte[ ] qualifier, int qoffset, int qlength )  :  KeyValue *DEPRECATED*
Result.getStats ( )  :  ClientProtos.RegionLoadStats
Result.list ( )  :  List<KeyValue> *DEPRECATED*
Result.raw ( )  :  KeyValue[ ] *DEPRECATED*
Result.Result ( KeyValue[ ] cells ) *DEPRECATED*
Result.Result ( List<KeyValue> kvs ) *DEPRECATED*
Result.setStatistics ( ClientProtos.RegionLoadStats loadStats )  :  void

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, RowMutations.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
RowMutations.RowMutations ( )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, ServerLoad.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ServerLoad.obtainServerLoadPB ( )  :  ClusterStatusProtos.ServerLoad
ServerLoad.ServerLoad ( ClusterStatusProtos.ServerLoad serverLoad )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, ServerName.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ServerName.isSameHostnameAndPort ( ServerName left, ServerName right ) [static]  :  boolean
ServerName.parseFrom ( byte[ ] data ) [static]  :  ServerName

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, SnapshotCreationException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
SnapshotCreationException.SnapshotCreationException ( String msg, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )
SnapshotCreationException.SnapshotCreationException ( String msg, Throwable cause, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, SnapshotDoesNotExistException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
SnapshotDoesNotExistException.SnapshotDoesNotExistException ( HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, SnapshotExistsException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
SnapshotExistsException.SnapshotExistsException ( String msg, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Table.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Table.batch ( List<?> p1 ) [abstract]  :  Object[ ] *DEPRECATED*
Table.batchCallback ( List<?> p1, Batch.Callback<R> p2 ) [abstract]  :  Object[ ] *DEPRECATED*
Table.getWriteBufferSize ( ) [abstract]  :  long *DEPRECATED*
Table.setWriteBufferSize ( long p1 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, TokenUtil.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.token
TokenUtil.obtainAndCacheToken ( Configuration conf, UserGroupInformation user ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
TokenUtil.obtainToken ( Configuration conf ) [static]  :  Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> *DEPRECATED*
TokenUtil.obtainTokenForJob ( Configuration conf, UserGroupInformation user, Job job ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
TokenUtil.obtainTokenForJob ( JobConf job, UserGroupInformation user ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.addFamily ( HColumnDescriptor family )  :  HTableDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.modifyFamily ( HColumnDescriptor family )  :  HTableDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.removeFamily ( byte[ ] column )  :  HColumnDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.setMaxFileSize ( long maxFileSize )  :  HTableDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.setMemStoreFlushSize ( long memstoreFlushSize )  :  HTableDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.setReadOnly ( boolean readOnly )  :  HTableDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.setValue ( byte[ ] key, byte[ ] value )  :  HTableDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.setValue ( String key, String value )  :  HTableDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor ( )

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, Cell.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
Cell.getFamily ( ) [abstract]  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
Cell.getMvccVersion ( ) [abstract]  :  long *DEPRECATED*
Cell.getQualifier ( ) [abstract]  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
Cell.getRow ( ) [abstract]  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
Cell.getValue ( ) [abstract]  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, CellUtil.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
CellUtil.estimatedHeapSizeOfWithoutTags ( Cell cell ) [static]  :  long *DEPRECATED*
CellUtil.estimatedSizeOf ( Cell cell ) [static]  :  int *DEPRECATED*

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, ProcedureInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ProcedureInfo.convert ( ProcedureProtos.Procedure procProto ) [static]  :  ProcedureInfo
ProcedureInfo.convertToProcedureProto ( ProcedureInfo procInfo ) [static]  :  ProcedureProtos.Procedure
ProcedureInfo.executionTime ( )  :  long
ProcedureInfo.getClientAckTime ( )  :  long
ProcedureInfo.getException ( )  :  IOException
ProcedureInfo.getExceptionCause ( )  :  String
ProcedureInfo.getExceptionFullMessage ( )  :  String
ProcedureInfo.getExceptionMessage ( )  :  String
ProcedureInfo.getForeignExceptionMessage ( )  :  ErrorHandlingProtos.ForeignExceptionMessage
ProcedureInfo.getLastUpdate ( )  :  long
ProcedureInfo.getNonceKey ( )  :  NonceKey
ProcedureInfo.getParentId ( )  :  long
ProcedureInfo.getProcId ( )  :  long
ProcedureInfo.getProcName ( )  :  String
ProcedureInfo.getProcOwner ( )  :  String
ProcedureInfo.getProcState ( )  :  ProcedureProtos.ProcedureState
ProcedureInfo.getResult ( )  :  byte[ ]
ProcedureInfo.getStartTime ( )  :  long
ProcedureInfo.hasClientAckTime ( )  :  boolean
ProcedureInfo.hasParentId ( )  :  boolean
ProcedureInfo.hasResultData ( )  :  boolean
ProcedureInfo.isFailed ( )  :  boolean
ProcedureInfo.isProcedureOwner ( ProcedureInfo procInfo, User user ) [static]  :  boolean
ProcedureInfo.ProcedureInfo ( long procId, String procName, String procOwner, ProcedureProtos.ProcedureState procState, long parentId, NonceKey nonceKey, ErrorHandlingProtos.ForeignExceptionMessage exception, long lastUpdate, long startTime, byte[ ] result )
ProcedureInfo.setClientAckTime ( long timestamp )  :  void

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, TableName.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
TableName.getRowComparator ( )  :  KeyValue.KVComparator *DEPRECATED*

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, User.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security
User.obtainAuthTokenForJob ( Configuration p1, Job p2 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
User.obtainAuthTokenForJob ( JobConf p1 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-rest-1.2.6.jar, Client.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client
Client.execute ( Cluster cluster, HttpMethod method, Header[ ] headers, String path )  :  int
Client.executePathOnly ( Cluster cluster, HttpMethod method, Header[ ] headers, String path )  :  int
Client.executeURI ( HttpMethod method, Header[ ] headers, String uri )  :  int
Client.get ( Cluster c, String path, Header[ ] headers )  :  Response
Client.get ( String path, Header[ ] headers )  :  Response
Client.getHttpClient ( )  :  HttpClient
Client.head ( Cluster cluster, String path, Header[ ] headers )  :  Response
Client.post ( Cluster cluster, String path, Header[ ] headers, byte[ ] content )  :  Response
Client.post ( String path, Header[ ] headers, byte[ ] content )  :  Response
Client.put ( Cluster cluster, String path, Header[ ] headers, byte[ ] content )  :  Response
Client.put ( String path, Header[ ] headers, byte[ ] content )  :  Response

hbase-rest-1.2.6.jar, RemoteHTable.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client
RemoteHTable.batch ( List<?> actions )  :  Object[ ]
RemoteHTable.batchCallback ( List<?> actions, Batch.Callback<R> callback )  :  Object[ ]
RemoteHTable.exists ( List<Get> gets )  :  Boolean[ ] *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.existsAll ( List<Get> gets )  :  boolean[ ]
RemoteHTable.getRowOrBefore ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family )  :  Result
RemoteHTable.getWriteBufferSize ( )  :  long
RemoteHTable.setWriteBufferSize ( long writeBufferSize )  :  void

hbase-rest-1.2.6.jar, Response.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client
Response.getHeaders ( )  :  Header[ ]
Response.Response ( int code, Header[ ] headers )
Response.Response ( int code, Header[ ] headers, byte[ ] body )
Response.Response ( int code, Header[ ] headers, byte[ ] body, InputStream in )
Response.setHeaders ( Header[ ] headers )  :  void

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, CopyTable.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
CopyTable.CopyTable ( Configuration conf )

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, HFileOutputFormat.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
HFileOutputFormat.configureIncrementalLoad ( Job job, HTable table ) [static]  :  void
HFileOutputFormat.getRecordWriter ( TaskAttemptContext context )  :  RecordWriter<ImmutableBytesWritable,KeyValue>
HFileOutputFormat.HFileOutputFormat ( )

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, HFileOutputFormat2.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
HFileOutputFormat2.configureIncrementalLoad ( Job job, HTable table ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HFileOutputFormat2.configureIncrementalLoad ( Job job, HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor, RegionLocator regionLocator ) [static]  :  void
HFileOutputFormat2.configureIncrementalLoadMap ( Job job, Table table ) [static]  :  void

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, HLogInputFormat.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
HLogInputFormat.createRecordReader ( InputSplit split, TaskAttemptContext context )  :  RecordReader<HLogKey,WALEdit>
HLogInputFormat.getSplits ( JobContext context )  :  List<InputSplit>
HLogInputFormat.HLogInputFormat ( )

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, LoadIncrementalHFiles.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
LoadIncrementalHFiles.bulkLoadPhase ( Table table, Connection conn, ExecutorService pool, Deque<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> queue, Multimap<ByteBuffer,LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> regionGroups )  :  void
LoadIncrementalHFiles.doBulkLoad ( Path hfofDir, HTable table )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
LoadIncrementalHFiles.groupOrSplit ( Multimap<ByteBuffer,LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> regionGroups, LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem item, Table table, Pair<byte[ ][ ],byte[ ][ ]> startEndKeys )  :  List<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem>
LoadIncrementalHFiles.inferBoundaries ( TreeMap<byte[ ],Integer> bdryMap ) [static]  :  byte[ ][ ]
LoadIncrementalHFiles.splitStoreFile ( LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem item, Table table, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] splitKey )  :  List<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem>
LoadIncrementalHFiles.tryAtomicRegionLoad ( Connection conn, TableName tableName, byte[ ] first, Collection<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> lqis )  :  List<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem>
LoadIncrementalHFiles.tryAtomicRegionLoad ( HConnection conn, byte[ ] tableName, byte[ ] first, Collection<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> lqis )  :  List<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> *DEPRECATED*

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, SnapshotInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
SnapshotInfo.getSnapshotStats ( Configuration conf, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription snapshot ) [static]  :  SnapshotInfo.SnapshotStats

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, TableInputFormatBase.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapred
TableInputFormatBase.getHTable ( )  :  HTable *DEPRECATED*
TableInputFormatBase.setHTable ( HTable table )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, TableInputFormatBase.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
TableInputFormatBase.calculateRebalancedSplits ( List<InputSplit> list, JobContext context, long average )  :  List<InputSplit>
TableInputFormatBase.getHTable ( )  :  HTable *DEPRECATED*
TableInputFormatBase.getSplitKey ( byte[ ] start, byte[ ] end, boolean isText ) [static]  :  byte[ ]
TableInputFormatBase.setHTable ( HTable table )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, TableRecordReader.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
TableRecordReader.setHTable ( Table htable )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, TableSplit.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
TableSplit.TableSplit ( byte[ ] tableName, byte[ ] startRow, byte[ ] endRow, String location ) *DEPRECATED*
TableSplit.TableSplit ( byte[ ] tableName, Scan scan, byte[ ] startRow, byte[ ] endRow, String location ) *DEPRECATED*

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, TextSortReducer.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
TextSortReducer.doSetup ( Reducer<ImmutableBytesWritable,Text,ImmutableBytesWritable,KeyValue>.Context context )  :  void

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, VisibilityLabelService.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.visibility
VisibilityLabelService.getAuths ( byte[ ] p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  List<String> *DEPRECATED*
VisibilityLabelService.havingSystemAuth ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity  100 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification
[+] class InterfaceStability  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class HColumnDescriptor  1 
[+] class HRegionInfo  1 
[+] class HTableDescriptor  3 
[+] class RegionLoad  1 
[+] class ServerLoad  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] class Delete  1 
[+] class Get  1 
[+] class HConnectionManager  1 
[+] class HTableFactory  1 
[+] class Increment  1 
[+] class Mutation  1 
[+] class Put  1 
[+] class UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor  1 
[+] interface Admin  16 
[+] interface ClusterConnection  1 
[+] interface HConnection  1 
[+] interface HTableInterfaceFactory  1 
[+] interface Table  4 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions
[+] class LockTimeoutException  1 
[+] class OperationConflictException  1 
[+] class RegionInRecoveryException  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
[+] class CompareFilter  1 
[+] class Filter  2 
[+] class SingleColumnValueFilter  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc
[+] class CoprocessorRpcChannel  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas
[+] class QuotaSettings  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver
[+] class RegionAlreadyInTransitionException  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access
[+] interface AccessControlConstants  3 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class HBaseInterfaceAudience  1 
[+] class HConstants  12 
[+] class ProcedureInfo  1 
[+] interface Cell  5 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io
[+] class ByteBufferOutputStream  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.encoding
[+] class DataBlockEncoding  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security
[+] class User  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client
[+] class Client  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor
[+] interface RegionCoprocessorEnvironment  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.fs
[+] class HFileSystem  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] class HFileOutputFormat  1 
[+] class HLogInputFormat  1 
[+] class ImportTsv  1 
[+] class LoadIncrementalHFiles  1 
[+] class TableSplit  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master
[+] class HMaster  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver
[+] class HRegionServer  7 
[+] class MemStoreFlusher  3 
[+] class RSRpcServices  3 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.visibility
[+] interface VisibilityLabelService  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
[+] class SnapshotInfo  1 

to the top

Problems with Methods, High Severity  7 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Mutation.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] Mutation.Mutation ( )  1 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, OperationWithAttributes.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] OperationWithAttributes.OperationWithAttributes ( )  1 

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, CellUtil.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] CellUtil.CellUtil ( )  1 

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, HBaseInterfaceAudience.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] HBaseInterfaceAudience.HBaseInterfaceAudience ( )  1 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, ImportTsv.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] ImportTsv.createSubmittableJob ( Configuration conf, String[ ] args ) [static]  :  Job  1 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, TableInputFormatBase.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] TableInputFormatBase.reverseDNS ( InetAddress ipAddress )  :  String *DEPRECATED*  1 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, WALPlayer.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] WALPlayer.WALPlayer ( Configuration conf )  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity  17 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class ClusterStatus  1 
[+] class MasterNotRunningException  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.replication
[+] class ReplicationAdmin  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
[+] class FilterList  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc
[+] class CallTimeoutException  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class TableName  3 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] class LoadIncrementalHFiles  1 
[+] class TableInputFormatBase  1 
[+] class WALInputFormat  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver
[+] class HRegionServer  2 
[+] class RowTooBigException  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
[+] class ExportSnapshot  1 
[+] class SnapshotInfo  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper
[+] class ClusterStatusTracker  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity  54 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class HRegionInfo  5 
[+] class HTableDescriptor  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] class Delete  1 
[+] class Increment  2 
[+] class Put  5 
[+] class Scan  3 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
[+] class ColumnCountGetFilter  1 
[+] class ColumnPaginationFilter  1 
[+] class ColumnPrefixFilter  1 
[+] class ColumnRangeFilter  1 
[+] class CompareFilter  1 
[+] class Filter  1 
[+] class FirstKeyOnlyFilter  1 
[+] class InclusiveStopFilter  2 
[+] class MultipleColumnPrefixFilter  1 
[+] class MultiRowRangeFilter  1 
[+] class PageFilter  1 
[+] class PrefixFilter  2 
[+] class RandomRowFilter  2 
[+] class RowFilter  1 
[+] class SingleColumnValueFilter  1 
[+] class TimestampsFilter  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile
[+] class CacheConfig  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] class CellCounter  1 
[+] class Export  1 
[+] class Import  1 
[+] class LoadIncrementalHFiles  6 
[+] class RowCounter  1 
[+] class TableInputFormatBase  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver
[+] class HRegionServer  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
[+] class ExportSnapshot  1 
[+] class SnapshotInfo  1 

to the top

Problems with Methods, Low Severity  32 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Filter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
[+] Filter.filterKeyValue ( Cell p1 ) [abstract]  :  Filter.ReturnCode  1 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HColumnDescriptor.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] HColumnDescriptor.getBlocksize ( )  :  int  1 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, MultiRowRangeFilter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
[+] MultiRowRangeFilter.MultiRowRangeFilter ( List<MultiRowRangeFilter.RowRange> list )  1 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, ReplicationAdmin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.replication
[+] ReplicationAdmin.addPeer ( String id, ReplicationPeerConfig peerConfig, Map<TableName,? extends java.util.Collection<String>> tableCfs )  :  void  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.appendPeerTableCFs ( String id, Map<TableName,? extends java.util.Collection<String>> tableCfs )  :  void  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.appendPeerTableCFs ( String id, String tableCfs )  :  void  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.disablePeer ( String id )  :  void  2 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.enablePeer ( String id )  :  void  2 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.getPeerConfig ( String id )  :  ReplicationPeerConfig  2 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.getPeersCount ( )  :  int  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.getPeerState ( String id )  :  boolean  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.getPeerTableCFs ( String id )  :  String  2 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.listPeerConfigs ( )  :  Map<String,ReplicationPeerConfig>  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.removePeer ( String id )  :  void  2 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.removePeerTableCFs ( String id, Map<TableName,? extends java.util.Collection<String>> tableCfs )  :  void  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.removePeerTableCFs ( String id, String tableCf )  :  void  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.setPeerTableCFs ( String id, Map<TableName,? extends java.util.Collection<String>> tableCfs )  :  void  2 

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, ByteBufferOutputStream.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io
[+] ByteBufferOutputStream.writeTo ( OutputStream out )  :  void  1 

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, TimeRange.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io
[+] TimeRange.TimeRange ( byte[ ] minStamp, byte[ ] maxStamp ) *DEPRECATED*  1 
[+] TimeRange.TimeRange ( long minStamp, long maxStamp ) *DEPRECATED*  1 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, ExportSnapshot.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
[+] ExportSnapshot.main ( String[ ] args ) [static]  :  void  1 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, ForeignException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.errorhandling
[+] ForeignException.deserialize ( byte[ ] bytes ) [static]  :  ForeignException  2 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, LoadIncrementalHFiles.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadIncrementalHFiles ( Configuration conf )  1 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, SnapshotInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
[+] SnapshotInfo.main ( String[ ] args ) [static]  :  void  1 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, TableInputFormatBase.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] TableInputFormatBase.reverseDNS ( InetAddress ipAddress )  :  String *DEPRECATED*  1 

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types  84 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class HColumnDescriptor  13 
[+] class HRegionInfo  2 
[+] class HTableDescriptor  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] class ConnectionFactory  1 
[+] class Query  1 
[+] class Scan  2 
[+] interface Admin  10 
[+] interface BufferedMutator  2 
[+] interface ClusterConnection  2 
[+] interface Connection  2 
[+] interface ResultScanner  1 
[+] interface Row  1 
[+] interface Table  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
[+] class CompareFilter  1 
[+] class Filter.ReturnCode  1 
[+] class SingleColumnValueFilter  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas
[+] class QuotaType  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class HBaseInterfaceAudience  2 
[+] class TableName  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io
[+] class TimeRange  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.compress
[+] class Compression.Algorithm  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.crypto
[+] class Cipher  6 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util
[+] class PrettyPrinter.Unit  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class LocalHBaseCluster  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile
[+] class CacheConfig  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] class HFileOutputFormat2  4 
[+] class Import  1 
[+] class ImportTsv  3 
[+] class TableInputFormatBase  2 
[+] class WALPlayer  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master
[+] class HMaster  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver
[+] class HRegionServer  5 
[+] class RSRpcServices  4 

to the top

Other Changes in Methods  14 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Admin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] Admin.balancer ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean  1 
[+] Admin.compactRegionServer ( ServerName p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.enableCatalogJanitor ( boolean p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean  1 
[+] Admin.execProcedureWithRet ( String p1, String p2, Map<String,String> p3 ) [abstract]  :  byte[ ]  1 
[+] Admin.getClusterStatus ( ) [abstract]  :  ClusterStatus  1 
[+] Admin.getMasterCoprocessors ( ) [abstract]  :  String[ ]  1 
[+] Admin.getMasterInfoPort ( ) [abstract]  :  int  1 
[+] Admin.runCatalogScan ( ) [abstract]  :  int  1 
[+] Admin.setBalancerRunning ( boolean p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  boolean  1 
[+] Admin.setNormalizerRunning ( boolean p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean  1 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Connection.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] Connection.getTable ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  Table  1 
[+] Connection.getTable ( TableName p1, ExecutorService p2 ) [abstract]  :  Table  1 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, ResultScanner.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] ResultScanner.next ( int p1 ) [abstract]  :  Result[ ]  1 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Table.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] Table.existsAll ( List<Get> p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean[ ]  1 

to the top

Java Archives  13 


to the top

Test Info

Library Namehbase
Version #1rel/1.2.6
Version #22.0.0
SubjectSource Compatibility

Test Results

Total JARs13
Total Methods / Classes3673 / 391
Compatibility 59.8%

Problem Summary

Added Methods-0
Removed MethodsHigh361
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types
Other Changes
in Methods

Removed Methods  361 

hbase-annotations-1.2.6.jar, InterfaceStability.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification
InterfaceStability.InterfaceStability ( )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, AccessControlClient.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access
AccessControlClient.getUserPermissions ( Configuration conf, String tableRegex ) [static]  :  List<UserPermission> *DEPRECATED*
AccessControlClient.grant ( Configuration conf, String namespace, String userName, Permission.Action... actions ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
AccessControlClient.grant ( Configuration conf, String userName, Permission.Action... actions ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
AccessControlClient.grant ( Configuration conf, TableName tableName, String userName, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qual, Permission.Action... actions ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
AccessControlClient.isAccessControllerRunning ( Configuration conf ) [static]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
AccessControlClient.revoke ( Configuration conf, String namespace, String userName, Permission.Action... actions ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
AccessControlClient.revoke ( Configuration conf, String userName, Permission.Action... actions ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
AccessControlClient.revoke ( Configuration conf, TableName tableName, String username, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, Permission.Action... actions ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Admin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Admin.addColumn ( TableName p1, HColumnDescriptor p2 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.createTable ( HTableDescriptor p1 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.createTable ( HTableDescriptor p1, byte[ ] p2, byte[ ] p3, int p4 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.createTable ( HTableDescriptor p1, byte[ ][ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.createTableAsync ( HTableDescriptor p1, byte[ ][ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.disableTableAsync ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.enableTableAsync ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.getCompactionState ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  AdminProtos.GetRegionInfoResponse.CompactionState
Admin.getCompactionStateForRegion ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  AdminProtos.GetRegionInfoResponse.CompactionState
Admin.isSnapshotFinished ( HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean
Admin.listProcedures ( ) [abstract]  :  ProcedureInfo[ ]
Admin.modifyColumn ( TableName p1, HColumnDescriptor p2 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.modifyTable ( TableName p1, HTableDescriptor p2 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.snapshot ( HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription p1 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.snapshot ( String p1, TableName p2, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription.Type p3 ) [abstract]  :  void
Admin.takeSnapshotAsync ( HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription p1 ) [abstract]  :  MasterProtos.SnapshotResponse

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Append.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Append.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap p1 )  :  Mutation
Append.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap<byte[ ],List<KeyValue>> map )  :  Append *DEPRECATED*
Append.setWriteToWAL ( boolean p1 )  :  Mutation
Append.setWriteToWAL ( boolean write )  :  Append *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, ClusterStatus.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ClusterStatus.ClusterStatus ( ) *DEPRECATED*
ClusterStatus.ClusterStatus ( String hbaseVersion, String clusterid, Map<ServerName,ServerLoad> servers, Collection<ServerName> deadServers, ServerName master, Collection<ServerName> backupMasters, Map<String,RegionState> rit, String[ ] masterCoprocessors, Boolean balancerOn )
ClusterStatus.convert ( )  :  ClusterStatusProtos.ClusterStatus
ClusterStatus.convert ( ClusterStatusProtos.ClusterStatus proto ) [static]  :  ClusterStatus
ClusterStatus.getAverageLoad ( )  :  double
ClusterStatus.getBackupMasters ( )  :  Collection<ServerName>
ClusterStatus.getDeadServerNames ( )  :  Collection<ServerName>
ClusterStatus.getRegionsInTransition ( )  :  Map<String,RegionState>
ClusterStatus.getServerInfo ( )  :  Collection<ServerName> *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, ColumnPrefixFilter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
ColumnPrefixFilter.filterColumn ( byte[ ] buffer, int qualifierOffset, int qualifierLength )  :  Filter.ReturnCode

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, CompareFilter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
CompareFilter.doCompare ( CompareFilter.CompareOp compareOp, ByteArrayComparable comparator, byte[ ] data, int offset, int length )  :  boolean

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, CoprocessorRpcChannel.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc
CoprocessorRpcChannel.callBlockingMethod ( Descriptors.MethodDescriptor method, RpcController controller, Message request, Message responsePrototype )  :  Message
CoprocessorRpcChannel.callExecService ( RpcController p1, Descriptors.MethodDescriptor p2, Message p3, Message p4 ) [abstract]  :  Message
CoprocessorRpcChannel.callMethod ( Descriptors.MethodDescriptor method, RpcController controller, Message request, Message responsePrototype, RpcCallback<Message> callback )  :  void
CoprocessorRpcChannel.CoprocessorRpcChannel ( )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, CorruptedSnapshotException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
CorruptedSnapshotException.CorruptedSnapshotException ( String message, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription snapshot )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Delete.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Delete.deleteColumn ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.deleteColumn ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, long timestamp )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.deleteColumns ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.deleteColumns ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, long timestamp )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.deleteFamily ( byte[ ] family )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.deleteFamily ( byte[ ] family, long timestamp )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.deleteFamilyVersion ( byte[ ] family, long timestamp )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap p1 )  :  Mutation
Delete.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap<byte[ ],List<KeyValue>> map )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*
Delete.setWriteToWAL ( boolean p1 )  :  Mutation
Delete.setWriteToWAL ( boolean write )  :  Delete *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Filter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
Filter.getNextKeyHint ( KeyValue p1 ) [abstract]  :  KeyValue *DEPRECATED*
Filter.transform ( KeyValue p1 ) [abstract]  :  KeyValue *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, FilterList.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
FilterList.getNextKeyHint ( KeyValue currentKV )  :  KeyValue *DEPRECATED*
FilterList.toString ( int maxFilters )  :  String
FilterList.transform ( KeyValue v )  :  KeyValue *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HBaseSnapshotException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
HBaseSnapshotException.getSnapshotDescription ( )  :  HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription
HBaseSnapshotException.HBaseSnapshotException ( String msg, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )
HBaseSnapshotException.HBaseSnapshotException ( String msg, Throwable cause, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HColumnDescriptor.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HColumnDescriptor.convert ( )  :  HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilySchema
HColumnDescriptor.convert ( HBaseProtos.ColumnFamilySchema cfs ) [static]  :  HColumnDescriptor
HColumnDescriptor.getDataBlockEncodingOnDisk ( )  :  DataBlockEncoding *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.HColumnDescriptor ( ) *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.HColumnDescriptor ( byte[ ] familyName, int maxVersions, String compression, boolean inMemory, boolean blockCacheEnabled, int blocksize, int timeToLive, String bloomFilter, int scope ) *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.HColumnDescriptor ( byte[ ] familyName, int maxVersions, String compression, boolean inMemory, boolean blockCacheEnabled, int timeToLive, String bloomFilter ) *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.HColumnDescriptor ( byte[ ] familyName, int minVersions, int maxVersions, KeepDeletedCells keepDeletedCells, String compression, boolean encodeOnDisk, String dataBlockEncoding, boolean inMemory, boolean blockCacheEnabled, int blocksize, int timeToLive, String bloomFilter, int scope ) *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.isCacheDataInL1 ( )  :  boolean
HColumnDescriptor.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.setEncodeOnDisk ( boolean encodeOnDisk )  :  HColumnDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.setKeepDeletedCells ( boolean keepDeletedCells )  :  HColumnDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.shouldCacheBloomsOnWrite ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.shouldCacheDataInL1 ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.shouldCacheDataOnWrite ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.shouldCacheIndexesOnWrite ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.shouldCompressTags ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.shouldEvictBlocksOnClose ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.shouldPrefetchBlocksOnOpen ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HColumnDescriptor.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HConnection.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
HConnection.clearCaches ( ServerName p1 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.clearRegionCache ( ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.clearRegionCache ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.clearRegionCache ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.deleteCachedRegionLocation ( HRegionLocation p1 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getAdmin ( ) [abstract]  :  Admin
HConnection.getAdmin ( ServerName p1 ) [abstract]  :  AdminProtos.AdminService.BlockingInterface *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getAdmin ( ServerName p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  AdminProtos.AdminService.BlockingInterface *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getClient ( ServerName p1 ) [abstract]  :  ClientProtos.ClientService.BlockingInterface *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getConfiguration ( ) [abstract]  :  Configuration
HConnection.getCurrentNrHRS ( ) [abstract]  :  int *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getHTableDescriptor ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getHTableDescriptor ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getHTableDescriptors ( List<String> p1 ) [abstract]  :  HTableDescriptor[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getHTableDescriptorsByTableName ( List<TableName> p1 ) [abstract]  :  HTableDescriptor[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getKeepAliveMasterService ( ) [abstract]  :  MasterKeepAliveConnection *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getMaster ( ) [abstract]  :  MasterProtos.MasterService.BlockingInterface *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getNonceGenerator ( ) [abstract]  :  NonceGenerator *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getRegionCachePrefetch ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getRegionCachePrefetch ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getRegionLocation ( byte[ ] p1, byte[ ] p2, boolean p3 ) [abstract]  :  HRegionLocation *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getRegionLocation ( TableName p1, byte[ ] p2, boolean p3 ) [abstract]  :  HRegionLocation *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.getRegionLocator ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  RegionLocator
HConnection.getTable ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  HTableInterface
HConnection.getTable ( byte[ ] p1, ExecutorService p2 ) [abstract]  :  HTableInterface
HConnection.getTable ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  HTableInterface
HConnection.getTable ( String p1, ExecutorService p2 ) [abstract]  :  HTableInterface
HConnection.getTable ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  HTableInterface
HConnection.getTable ( TableName p1, ExecutorService p2 ) [abstract]  :  HTableInterface
HConnection.getTableNames ( ) [abstract]  :  String[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isClosed ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean
HConnection.isDeadServer ( ServerName p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isMasterRunning ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isTableAvailable ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isTableAvailable ( byte[ ] p1, byte[ ][ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isTableAvailable ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean
HConnection.isTableAvailable ( TableName p1, byte[ ][ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isTableDisabled ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isTableDisabled ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean
HConnection.isTableEnabled ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.isTableEnabled ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean
HConnection.listTableNames ( ) [abstract]  :  TableName[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.listTables ( ) [abstract]  :  HTableDescriptor[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.locateRegion ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  HRegionLocation *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.locateRegion ( byte[ ] p1, byte[ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  HRegionLocation *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.locateRegion ( TableName p1, byte[ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  HRegionLocation *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.locateRegions ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  List<HRegionLocation> *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.locateRegions ( byte[ ] p1, boolean p2, boolean p3 ) [abstract]  :  List<HRegionLocation> *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.locateRegions ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  List<HRegionLocation> *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.locateRegions ( TableName p1, boolean p2, boolean p3 ) [abstract]  :  List<HRegionLocation> *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.processBatch ( List<?> p1, byte[ ] p2, ExecutorService p3, Object[ ] p4 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.processBatch ( List<?> p1, TableName p2, ExecutorService p3, Object[ ] p4 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.processBatchCallback ( List<?> p1, byte[ ] p2, ExecutorService p3, Object[ ] p4, Batch.Callback<R> p5 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.processBatchCallback ( List<?> p1, TableName p2, ExecutorService p3, Object[ ] p4, Batch.Callback<R> p5 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.relocateRegion ( byte[ ] p1, byte[ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  HRegionLocation *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.relocateRegion ( TableName p1, byte[ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  HRegionLocation *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.setRegionCachePrefetch ( byte[ ] p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.setRegionCachePrefetch ( TableName p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.updateCachedLocations ( byte[ ] p1, byte[ ] p2, Object p3, HRegionLocation p4 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.updateCachedLocations ( TableName p1, byte[ ] p2, byte[ ] p3, Object p4, ServerName p5 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnection.updateCachedLocations ( TableName p1, byte[ ] p2, Object p3, HRegionLocation p4 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HConnectionManager.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
HConnectionManager.createConnection ( Configuration conf ) [static]  :  HConnection *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.createConnection ( Configuration conf, ExecutorService pool ) [static]  :  HConnection *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.createConnection ( Configuration conf, ExecutorService pool, User user ) [static]  :  HConnection *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.createConnection ( Configuration conf, User user ) [static]  :  HConnection *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.deleteAllConnections ( ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.deleteAllConnections ( boolean staleConnection ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.deleteConnection ( Configuration conf ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.deleteStaleConnection ( HConnection connection ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.execute ( HConnectable<T> connectable ) [static]  :  T *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.getConnection ( Configuration conf ) [static]  :  HConnection *DEPRECATED*
HConnectionManager.setServerSideHConnectionRetries ( Configuration c, String sn, Log log ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HRegionInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HRegionInfo.convert ( HBaseProtos.RegionInfo proto ) [static]  :  HRegionInfo
HRegionInfo.convert ( HRegionInfo info ) [static]  :  HBaseProtos.RegionInfo
HRegionInfo.getDaughterRegions ( Result data ) [static]  :  PairOfSameType<HRegionInfo> *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getHRegionInfo ( Result data ) [static]  :  HRegionInfo *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getHRegionInfo ( Result r, byte[ ] qualifier ) [static]  :  HRegionInfo *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getHRegionInfoAndServerName ( Result r ) [static]  :  Pair<HRegionInfo,ServerName> *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getMergeRegions ( Result data ) [static]  :  PairOfSameType<HRegionInfo> *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getSeqNumDuringOpen ( Result r ) [static]  :  long *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getServerName ( Result r ) [static]  :  ServerName *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getTableName ( )  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getTableName ( byte[ ] regionName ) [static]  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.getVersion ( )  :  byte *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.HRegionInfo ( ) *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.HRegionInfo ( HRegionInfo other )
HRegionInfo.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HRegionInfo.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HRegionLocation.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HRegionLocation.HRegionLocation ( HRegionInfo regionInfo, ServerName serverName )
HRegionLocation.HRegionLocation ( HRegionInfo regionInfo, ServerName serverName, long seqNum )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HTableDescriptor.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HTableDescriptor.convert ( )  :  HBaseProtos.TableSchema
HTableDescriptor.convert ( HBaseProtos.TableSchema ts ) [static]  :  HTableDescriptor
HTableDescriptor.getCoprocessors ( )  :  List<String>
HTableDescriptor.getName ( )  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.getTableDir ( Path rootdir, byte[ ] tableName ) [static]  :  Path *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.HTableDescriptor ( ) *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.HTableDescriptor ( byte[ ] name ) *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.HTableDescriptor ( String name ) *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.HTableDescriptor ( TableName name, HColumnDescriptor[ ] families )
HTableDescriptor.HTableDescriptor ( TableName name, HColumnDescriptor[ ] families, Map<ImmutableBytesWritable,ImmutableBytesWritable> values )
HTableDescriptor.metaTableDescriptor ( Configuration conf ) [static]  :  HTableDescriptor
HTableDescriptor.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.remove ( ImmutableBytesWritable key )  :  void
HTableDescriptor.setMetaRegion ( boolean isMeta )  :  void
HTableDescriptor.setName ( byte[ ] name )  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.setName ( TableName name )  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HTableDescriptor.setRootRegion ( boolean isRoot )  :  void
HTableDescriptor.setValue ( ImmutableBytesWritable key, ImmutableBytesWritable value )  :  HTableDescriptor
HTableDescriptor.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HTableFactory.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
HTableFactory.createHTableInterface ( Configuration config, byte[ ] tableName )  :  HTableInterface
HTableFactory.HTableFactory ( )
HTableFactory.releaseHTableInterface ( HTableInterface table )  :  void

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, HTableInterfaceFactory.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
HTableInterfaceFactory.createHTableInterface ( Configuration p1, byte[ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  HTableInterface
HTableInterfaceFactory.releaseHTableInterface ( HTableInterface p1 ) [abstract]  :  void

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Increment.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Increment.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap p1 )  :  Mutation
Increment.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap<byte[ ],List<KeyValue>> map )  :  Increment *DEPRECATED*
Increment.setWriteToWAL ( boolean p1 )  :  Mutation
Increment.setWriteToWAL ( boolean write )  :  Increment *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, LockTimeoutException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions
LockTimeoutException.LockTimeoutException ( )
LockTimeoutException.LockTimeoutException ( String s )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, MultipleColumnPrefixFilter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
MultipleColumnPrefixFilter.filterColumn ( byte[ ] buffer, int qualifierOffset, int qualifierLength )  :  Filter.ReturnCode

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Mutation.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Mutation.getFamilyMap ( )  :  NavigableMap<byte[ ],List<KeyValue>> *DEPRECATED*
Mutation.getWriteToWAL ( )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
Mutation.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap<byte[ ],List<KeyValue>> map )  :  Mutation *DEPRECATED*
Mutation.setWriteToWAL ( boolean write )  :  Mutation *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, OperationConflictException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions
OperationConflictException.OperationConflictException ( )
OperationConflictException.OperationConflictException ( String message )
OperationConflictException.OperationConflictException ( String message, Throwable cause )
OperationConflictException.OperationConflictException ( Throwable cause )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Put.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Put.add ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, byte[ ] value )  :  Put *DEPRECATED*
Put.add ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, long ts, byte[ ] value )  :  Put *DEPRECATED*
Put.add ( byte[ ] family, ByteBuffer qualifier, long ts, ByteBuffer value )  :  Put *DEPRECATED*
Put.addImmutable ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, byte[ ] value, Tag[ ] tag )  :  Put
Put.addImmutable ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, long ts, byte[ ] value, Tag[ ] tag )  :  Put
Put.addImmutable ( byte[ ] family, ByteBuffer qualifier, long ts, ByteBuffer value, Tag[ ] tag )  :  Put
Put.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap p1 )  :  Mutation
Put.setFamilyMap ( NavigableMap<byte[ ],List<KeyValue>> map )  :  Put *DEPRECATED*
Put.setWriteToWAL ( boolean p1 )  :  Mutation
Put.setWriteToWAL ( boolean write )  :  Put *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, QuotaSettings.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas
QuotaSettings.buildSetQuotaRequestProto ( QuotaSettings settings ) [static]  :  MasterProtos.SetQuotaRequest
QuotaSettings.setupSetQuotaRequest ( MasterProtos.SetQuotaRequest.Builder p1 ) [abstract]  :  void

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, RegionAlreadyInTransitionException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver
RegionAlreadyInTransitionException.RegionAlreadyInTransitionException ( String s )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, RegionInRecoveryException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions
RegionInRecoveryException.RegionInRecoveryException ( )
RegionInRecoveryException.RegionInRecoveryException ( String s )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, RegionLoad.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
RegionLoad.getNameAsString ( )  :  String
RegionLoad.RegionLoad ( ClusterStatusProtos.RegionLoad regionLoadPB )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, RegionTooBusyException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
RegionTooBusyException.RegionTooBusyException ( )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, ReplicationAdmin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.replication
ReplicationAdmin.addPeer ( String id, String clusterKey )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
ReplicationAdmin.addPeer ( String id, String clusterKey, String tableCFs )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
ReplicationAdmin.listPeers ( )  :  Map<String,String> *DEPRECATED*
ReplicationAdmin.setPeerTableCFs ( String id, String tableCFs )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, RestoreSnapshotException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
RestoreSnapshotException.RestoreSnapshotException ( String msg, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )
RestoreSnapshotException.RestoreSnapshotException ( String msg, Throwable cause, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Result.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Result.addResults ( ClientProtos.RegionLoadStats loadStats )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
Result.createCompleteResult ( List<Result> partialResults ) [static]  :  Result
Result.getColumn ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier )  :  List<KeyValue> *DEPRECATED*
Result.getColumnLatest ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier )  :  KeyValue *DEPRECATED*
Result.getColumnLatest ( byte[ ] family, int foffset, int flength, byte[ ] qualifier, int qoffset, int qlength )  :  KeyValue *DEPRECATED*
Result.getStats ( )  :  ClientProtos.RegionLoadStats
Result.list ( )  :  List<KeyValue> *DEPRECATED*
Result.raw ( )  :  KeyValue[ ] *DEPRECATED*
Result.Result ( KeyValue[ ] cells ) *DEPRECATED*
Result.Result ( List<KeyValue> kvs ) *DEPRECATED*
Result.setStatistics ( ClientProtos.RegionLoadStats loadStats )  :  void

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, RowMutations.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
RowMutations.RowMutations ( )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, ServerLoad.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ServerLoad.obtainServerLoadPB ( )  :  ClusterStatusProtos.ServerLoad
ServerLoad.ServerLoad ( ClusterStatusProtos.ServerLoad serverLoad )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, ServerName.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ServerName.isSameHostnameAndPort ( ServerName left, ServerName right ) [static]  :  boolean
ServerName.parseFrom ( byte[ ] data ) [static]  :  ServerName

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, SnapshotCreationException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
SnapshotCreationException.SnapshotCreationException ( String msg, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )
SnapshotCreationException.SnapshotCreationException ( String msg, Throwable cause, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, SnapshotDoesNotExistException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
SnapshotDoesNotExistException.SnapshotDoesNotExistException ( HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, SnapshotExistsException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
SnapshotExistsException.SnapshotExistsException ( String msg, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription desc )

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Table.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Table.batch ( List<?> p1 ) [abstract]  :  Object[ ] *DEPRECATED*
Table.batchCallback ( List<?> p1, Batch.Callback<R> p2 ) [abstract]  :  Object[ ] *DEPRECATED*
Table.getWriteBufferSize ( ) [abstract]  :  long *DEPRECATED*
Table.setWriteBufferSize ( long p1 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, TokenUtil.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.token
TokenUtil.obtainAndCacheToken ( Configuration conf, UserGroupInformation user ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
TokenUtil.obtainToken ( Configuration conf ) [static]  :  Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> *DEPRECATED*
TokenUtil.obtainTokenForJob ( Configuration conf, UserGroupInformation user, Job job ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
TokenUtil.obtainTokenForJob ( JobConf job, UserGroupInformation user ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.addFamily ( HColumnDescriptor family )  :  HTableDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.modifyFamily ( HColumnDescriptor family )  :  HTableDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.removeFamily ( byte[ ] column )  :  HColumnDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.setMaxFileSize ( long maxFileSize )  :  HTableDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.setMemStoreFlushSize ( long memstoreFlushSize )  :  HTableDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.setReadOnly ( boolean readOnly )  :  HTableDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.setValue ( byte[ ] key, byte[ ] value )  :  HTableDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.setValue ( String key, String value )  :  HTableDescriptor
UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor.UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor ( )

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, Cell.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
Cell.getFamily ( ) [abstract]  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
Cell.getMvccVersion ( ) [abstract]  :  long *DEPRECATED*
Cell.getQualifier ( ) [abstract]  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
Cell.getRow ( ) [abstract]  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
Cell.getValue ( ) [abstract]  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, CellUtil.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
CellUtil.estimatedHeapSizeOfWithoutTags ( Cell cell ) [static]  :  long *DEPRECATED*
CellUtil.estimatedSizeOf ( Cell cell ) [static]  :  int *DEPRECATED*

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, ProcedureInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ProcedureInfo.convert ( ProcedureProtos.Procedure procProto ) [static]  :  ProcedureInfo
ProcedureInfo.convertToProcedureProto ( ProcedureInfo procInfo ) [static]  :  ProcedureProtos.Procedure
ProcedureInfo.executionTime ( )  :  long
ProcedureInfo.getClientAckTime ( )  :  long
ProcedureInfo.getException ( )  :  IOException
ProcedureInfo.getExceptionCause ( )  :  String
ProcedureInfo.getExceptionFullMessage ( )  :  String
ProcedureInfo.getExceptionMessage ( )  :  String
ProcedureInfo.getForeignExceptionMessage ( )  :  ErrorHandlingProtos.ForeignExceptionMessage
ProcedureInfo.getLastUpdate ( )  :  long
ProcedureInfo.getNonceKey ( )  :  NonceKey
ProcedureInfo.getParentId ( )  :  long
ProcedureInfo.getProcId ( )  :  long
ProcedureInfo.getProcName ( )  :  String
ProcedureInfo.getProcOwner ( )  :  String
ProcedureInfo.getProcState ( )  :  ProcedureProtos.ProcedureState
ProcedureInfo.getResult ( )  :  byte[ ]
ProcedureInfo.getStartTime ( )  :  long
ProcedureInfo.hasClientAckTime ( )  :  boolean
ProcedureInfo.hasParentId ( )  :  boolean
ProcedureInfo.hasResultData ( )  :  boolean
ProcedureInfo.isFailed ( )  :  boolean
ProcedureInfo.isProcedureOwner ( ProcedureInfo procInfo, User user ) [static]  :  boolean
ProcedureInfo.ProcedureInfo ( long procId, String procName, String procOwner, ProcedureProtos.ProcedureState procState, long parentId, NonceKey nonceKey, ErrorHandlingProtos.ForeignExceptionMessage exception, long lastUpdate, long startTime, byte[ ] result )
ProcedureInfo.setClientAckTime ( long timestamp )  :  void

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, TableName.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
TableName.getRowComparator ( )  :  KeyValue.KVComparator *DEPRECATED*

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, User.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security
User.obtainAuthTokenForJob ( Configuration p1, Job p2 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
User.obtainAuthTokenForJob ( JobConf p1 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-rest-1.2.6.jar, Client.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client
Client.execute ( Cluster cluster, HttpMethod method, Header[ ] headers, String path )  :  int
Client.executePathOnly ( Cluster cluster, HttpMethod method, Header[ ] headers, String path )  :  int
Client.executeURI ( HttpMethod method, Header[ ] headers, String uri )  :  int
Client.get ( Cluster c, String path, Header[ ] headers )  :  Response
Client.get ( String path, Header[ ] headers )  :  Response
Client.getHttpClient ( )  :  HttpClient
Client.head ( Cluster cluster, String path, Header[ ] headers )  :  Response
Client.post ( Cluster cluster, String path, Header[ ] headers, byte[ ] content )  :  Response
Client.post ( String path, Header[ ] headers, byte[ ] content )  :  Response
Client.put ( Cluster cluster, String path, Header[ ] headers, byte[ ] content )  :  Response
Client.put ( String path, Header[ ] headers, byte[ ] content )  :  Response

hbase-rest-1.2.6.jar, RemoteHTable.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client
RemoteHTable.batch ( List<?> actions )  :  Object[ ]
RemoteHTable.batchCallback ( List<?> actions, Batch.Callback<R> callback )  :  Object[ ]
RemoteHTable.exists ( List<Get> gets )  :  Boolean[ ] *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.existsAll ( List<Get> gets )  :  boolean[ ]
RemoteHTable.getRowOrBefore ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family )  :  Result
RemoteHTable.getWriteBufferSize ( )  :  long
RemoteHTable.setWriteBufferSize ( long writeBufferSize )  :  void

hbase-rest-1.2.6.jar, Response.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client
Response.getHeaders ( )  :  Header[ ]
Response.Response ( int code, Header[ ] headers )
Response.Response ( int code, Header[ ] headers, byte[ ] body )
Response.Response ( int code, Header[ ] headers, byte[ ] body, InputStream in )
Response.setHeaders ( Header[ ] headers )  :  void

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, CopyTable.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
CopyTable.CopyTable ( Configuration conf )

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, HFileOutputFormat.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
HFileOutputFormat.configureIncrementalLoad ( Job job, HTable table ) [static]  :  void
HFileOutputFormat.getRecordWriter ( TaskAttemptContext context )  :  RecordWriter<ImmutableBytesWritable,KeyValue>
HFileOutputFormat.HFileOutputFormat ( )

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, HFileOutputFormat2.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
HFileOutputFormat2.configureIncrementalLoad ( Job job, HTable table ) [static]  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HFileOutputFormat2.configureIncrementalLoad ( Job job, HTableDescriptor tableDescriptor, RegionLocator regionLocator ) [static]  :  void
HFileOutputFormat2.configureIncrementalLoadMap ( Job job, Table table ) [static]  :  void

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, HLogInputFormat.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
HLogInputFormat.createRecordReader ( InputSplit split, TaskAttemptContext context )  :  RecordReader<HLogKey,WALEdit>
HLogInputFormat.getSplits ( JobContext context )  :  List<InputSplit>
HLogInputFormat.HLogInputFormat ( )

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, LoadIncrementalHFiles.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
LoadIncrementalHFiles.bulkLoadPhase ( Table table, Connection conn, ExecutorService pool, Deque<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> queue, Multimap<ByteBuffer,LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> regionGroups )  :  void
LoadIncrementalHFiles.doBulkLoad ( Path hfofDir, HTable table )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
LoadIncrementalHFiles.groupOrSplit ( Multimap<ByteBuffer,LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> regionGroups, LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem item, Table table, Pair<byte[ ][ ],byte[ ][ ]> startEndKeys )  :  List<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem>
LoadIncrementalHFiles.inferBoundaries ( TreeMap<byte[ ],Integer> bdryMap ) [static]  :  byte[ ][ ]
LoadIncrementalHFiles.splitStoreFile ( LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem item, Table table, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] splitKey )  :  List<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem>
LoadIncrementalHFiles.tryAtomicRegionLoad ( Connection conn, TableName tableName, byte[ ] first, Collection<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> lqis )  :  List<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem>
LoadIncrementalHFiles.tryAtomicRegionLoad ( HConnection conn, byte[ ] tableName, byte[ ] first, Collection<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> lqis )  :  List<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> *DEPRECATED*

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, SnapshotInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
SnapshotInfo.getSnapshotStats ( Configuration conf, HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription snapshot ) [static]  :  SnapshotInfo.SnapshotStats

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, TableInputFormatBase.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapred
TableInputFormatBase.getHTable ( )  :  HTable *DEPRECATED*
TableInputFormatBase.setHTable ( HTable table )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, TableInputFormatBase.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
TableInputFormatBase.calculateRebalancedSplits ( List<InputSplit> list, JobContext context, long average )  :  List<InputSplit>
TableInputFormatBase.getHTable ( )  :  HTable *DEPRECATED*
TableInputFormatBase.getSplitKey ( byte[ ] start, byte[ ] end, boolean isText ) [static]  :  byte[ ]
TableInputFormatBase.setHTable ( HTable table )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, TableRecordReader.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
TableRecordReader.setHTable ( Table htable )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, TableSplit.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
TableSplit.TableSplit ( byte[ ] tableName, byte[ ] startRow, byte[ ] endRow, String location ) *DEPRECATED*
TableSplit.TableSplit ( byte[ ] tableName, Scan scan, byte[ ] startRow, byte[ ] endRow, String location ) *DEPRECATED*

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, TextSortReducer.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
TextSortReducer.doSetup ( Reducer<ImmutableBytesWritable,Text,ImmutableBytesWritable,KeyValue>.Context context )  :  void

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, VisibilityLabelService.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.visibility
VisibilityLabelService.getAuths ( byte[ ] p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  List<String> *DEPRECATED*
VisibilityLabelService.havingSystemAuth ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity  117 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification
[+] class InterfaceStability  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class HColumnDescriptor  1 
[+] class HRegionInfo  6 
[+] class HTableDescriptor  4 
[+] class RegionLoad  1 
[+] class ServerLoad  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] class Delete  1 
[+] class Get  1 
[+] class HConnectionManager  1 
[+] class HTableFactory  1 
[+] class Increment  1 
[+] class Mutation  1 
[+] class Put  1 
[+] class Scan  1 
[+] class UnmodifyableHTableDescriptor  1 
[+] interface Admin  16 
[+] interface ClusterConnection  2 
[+] interface HConnection  1 
[+] interface HTableInterfaceFactory  1 
[+] interface Table  4 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions
[+] class LockTimeoutException  1 
[+] class OperationConflictException  1 
[+] class RegionInRecoveryException  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
[+] class CompareFilter  1 
[+] class Filter  2 
[+] class SingleColumnValueFilter  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc
[+] class CoprocessorRpcChannel  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas
[+] class QuotaSettings  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver
[+] class RegionAlreadyInTransitionException  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access
[+] interface AccessControlConstants  3 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class HBaseInterfaceAudience  1 
[+] class HConstants  12 
[+] class ProcedureInfo  1 
[+] interface Cell  5 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io
[+] class ByteBufferOutputStream  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.encoding
[+] class DataBlockEncoding  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security
[+] class User  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client
[+] class Client  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor
[+] interface RegionCoprocessorEnvironment  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.fs
[+] class HFileSystem  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile
[+] class CacheConfig  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] class HFileOutputFormat  1 
[+] class HLogInputFormat  1 
[+] class ImportTsv  1 
[+] class LoadIncrementalHFiles  4 
[+] class TableInputFormatBase  2 
[+] class TableSplit  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master
[+] class HMaster  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver
[+] class HRegionServer  9 
[+] class MemStoreFlusher  3 
[+] class RSRpcServices  3 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.visibility
[+] interface VisibilityLabelService  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
[+] class SnapshotInfo  1 

to the top

Problems with Methods, High Severity  7 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Mutation.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] Mutation.Mutation ( )  1 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, OperationWithAttributes.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] OperationWithAttributes.OperationWithAttributes ( )  1 

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, CellUtil.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] CellUtil.CellUtil ( )  1 

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, HBaseInterfaceAudience.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] HBaseInterfaceAudience.HBaseInterfaceAudience ( )  1 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, ImportTsv.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] ImportTsv.createSubmittableJob ( Configuration conf, String[ ] args ) [static]  :  Job  1 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, TableInputFormatBase.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] TableInputFormatBase.reverseDNS ( InetAddress ipAddress )  :  String *DEPRECATED*  1 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, WALPlayer.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] WALPlayer.WALPlayer ( Configuration conf )  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity  12 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class ClusterStatus  1 
[+] class MasterNotRunningException  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
[+] class FilterList  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc
[+] class CallTimeoutException  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] class LoadIncrementalHFiles  1 
[+] class WALInputFormat  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver
[+] class HRegionServer  2 
[+] class RowTooBigException  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
[+] class ExportSnapshot  1 
[+] class SnapshotInfo  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper
[+] class ClusterStatusTracker  1 

to the top

Problems with Methods, Medium Severity  30 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Admin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] Admin.getNamespaceDescriptor ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  NamespaceDescriptor  1 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, MultiRowRangeFilter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
[+] MultiRowRangeFilter.MultiRowRangeFilter ( List<MultiRowRangeFilter.RowRange> list )  1 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, ReplicationAdmin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.replication
[+] ReplicationAdmin.addPeer ( String id, ReplicationPeerConfig peerConfig, Map<TableName,? extends java.util.Collection<String>> tableCfs )  :  void  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.appendPeerTableCFs ( String id, Map<TableName,? extends java.util.Collection<String>> tableCfs )  :  void  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.appendPeerTableCFs ( String id, String tableCfs )  :  void  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.disablePeer ( String id )  :  void  2 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.enablePeer ( String id )  :  void  2 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.getPeerConfig ( String id )  :  ReplicationPeerConfig  2 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.getPeersCount ( )  :  int  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.getPeerState ( String id )  :  boolean  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.getPeerTableCFs ( String id )  :  String  2 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.listPeerConfigs ( )  :  Map<String,ReplicationPeerConfig>  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.removePeer ( String id )  :  void  2 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.removePeerTableCFs ( String id, Map<TableName,? extends java.util.Collection<String>> tableCfs )  :  void  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.removePeerTableCFs ( String id, String tableCf )  :  void  1 
[+] ReplicationAdmin.setPeerTableCFs ( String id, Map<TableName,? extends java.util.Collection<String>> tableCfs )  :  void  2 

hbase-common-1.2.6.jar, TimeRange.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io
[+] TimeRange.TimeRange ( byte[ ] minStamp, byte[ ] maxStamp ) *DEPRECATED*  1 
[+] TimeRange.TimeRange ( long minStamp, long maxStamp ) *DEPRECATED*  1 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, ExportSnapshot.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
[+] ExportSnapshot.main ( String[ ] args ) [static]  :  void  1 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, ForeignException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.errorhandling
[+] ForeignException.deserialize ( byte[ ] bytes ) [static]  :  ForeignException  2 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, LoadIncrementalHFiles.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadIncrementalHFiles ( Configuration conf )  1 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, SnapshotInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot
[+] SnapshotInfo.main ( String[ ] args ) [static]  :  void  1 

hbase-server-1.2.6.jar, TableInputFormatBase.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] TableInputFormatBase.reverseDNS ( InetAddress ipAddress )  :  String *DEPRECATED*  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity  4 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] class CellCounter  1 
[+] class Export  1 
[+] class Import  1 
[+] class RowCounter  1 

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types  84 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class HColumnDescriptor  13 
[+] class HRegionInfo  2 
[+] class HTableDescriptor  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] class ConnectionFactory  1 
[+] class Query  1 
[+] class Scan  2 
[+] interface Admin  10 
[+] interface BufferedMutator  2 
[+] interface ClusterConnection  1 
[+] interface Connection  2 
[+] interface ResultScanner  1 
[+] interface Row  1 
[+] interface Table  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
[+] class CompareFilter  1 
[+] class Filter  1 
[+] class Filter.ReturnCode  1 
[+] class SingleColumnValueFilter  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas
[+] class QuotaType  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class HBaseInterfaceAudience  2 
[+] class TableName  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io
[+] class TimeRange  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.compress
[+] class Compression.Algorithm  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.crypto
[+] class Cipher  6 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util
[+] class PrettyPrinter.Unit  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class LocalHBaseCluster  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile
[+] class CacheConfig  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] class HFileOutputFormat2  4 
[+] class Import  1 
[+] class ImportTsv  3 
[+] class TableInputFormatBase  2 
[+] class WALPlayer  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master
[+] class HMaster  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver
[+] class HRegionServer  5 
[+] class RSRpcServices  4 

to the top

Other Changes in Methods  15 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Admin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] Admin.balancer ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean  1 
[+] Admin.compactRegionServer ( ServerName p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.enableCatalogJanitor ( boolean p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean  1 
[+] Admin.execProcedureWithRet ( String p1, String p2, Map<String,String> p3 ) [abstract]  :  byte[ ]  1 
[+] Admin.getClusterStatus ( ) [abstract]  :  ClusterStatus  1 
[+] Admin.getMasterCoprocessors ( ) [abstract]  :  String[ ]  1 
[+] Admin.getMasterInfoPort ( ) [abstract]  :  int  1 
[+] Admin.runCatalogScan ( ) [abstract]  :  int  1 
[+] Admin.setBalancerRunning ( boolean p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  boolean  1 
[+] Admin.setNormalizerRunning ( boolean p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean  1 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Connection.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] Connection.getTable ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  Table  1 
[+] Connection.getTable ( TableName p1, ExecutorService p2 ) [abstract]  :  Table  1 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Filter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
[+] Filter.filterKeyValue ( Cell p1 ) [abstract]  :  Filter.ReturnCode  1 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, ResultScanner.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] ResultScanner.next ( int p1 ) [abstract]  :  Result[ ]  1 

hbase-client-1.2.6.jar, Table.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] Table.existsAll ( List<Get> p1 ) [abstract]  :  boolean[ ]  1 

to the top

Java Archives  13 


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