Apache SIS Change Log ====================== Release 0.1-incubating - 11/09/2010 * SIS-24 Refactor sis.version into build process flowdown through Maven and rename to 0.1-incubating (mattmann) * SIS-23 Brand demo.jsp with ApacheSIS TM logo (mattmann) * SIS-22 Error obtaining geodata RSS causes Qtree index to not be written * SIS-21 Path to location service shouldn't include prefix slash (mattmann) * SIS-20 Make the qTreeIdxPath and geodata paths configurable properties (mattmann) * SIS-19 QTreeWriter and GeoRSSData.save don't check to make sure the directory exists before creating data there (mattmann) * SIS-18 demo JSP has incorrect form get action set (mattmann) * SIS-17 Context params need override set to false (mattmann) * SIS-16 SIS location service is configured incorrectly (mattmann) * SIS-12 Write basic SIS documentation for CLI and for WS layer (mattmann) * SIS-14 Use LatLon class instead of plain double points in QuadTreeData interface (greddin, mattmann) * SIS-15 Bake in Demo JSP page for initial release (mattmann, nchung) * SIS-3 Refactor SIS (Nga Chung, mattmann) * SIS-7 Top level pom for SIS (mattmann) * SIS-5 Website logo (mattmann) * SIS-2 Stand up SIS website (mattmann) * SIS-6 Create DOAP file for projects.a.o (mattmann) * SIS-4 Add test data (pjaol) * SIS-1 Import LocalLucene (mattmann)