Release Notes - Apache Tephra - 0.13.0-incubating New Features: [TEPHRA-250] Create a way to trigger transaction pruning [TEPHRA-241] Introduce a way to limit the size of a transaction [TEPHRA-238] Support HBase 1.3.x Improvements: [TEPHRA-261] Make TransactionSystemTest.getCommonConfiguration() protected [TEPHRA-258] Improve log message for Thrift client connection [TEPHRA-244] Invalid tx pruning does not handle deletion of tables well [TEPHRA-243] Fix concurrency issues in Transaction log writer; also improve the logging [TEPHRA-240] TransactionConflictException should contain the conflicting key and client id [TEPHRA-231] Fix the License and the Notice Files for the binary distribution Bug fixes: [TEPHRA-260] Javadoc errors when publishing artifacts [TEPHRA-253] TransactionProcessorTest is sometimes flaky [TEPHRA-242] Transaction Service sometimes does not shutdown [TEPHRA-239] Null pointer exception in TransactionStateCache [TEPHRA-235] Flushes and compactions can remove committed data