Apache OpenEJB 3.0 Release Notes April 4th, 2008 New Features: * [OPENEJB-769] Dependency Injection of Enums * [OPENEJB-768] Dependency Injection of Collections and Maps using Java Generics * [OPENEJB-758] @EJB references to local interfaces in other ears * [OPENEJB-777] Transaction Logging * [OPENEJB-788] Host based authorization on remote client requests Improvements: * [OPENEJB-784] Improved support for annotation inheritance * [OPENEJB-787] Improved client request thread pooling and backlog control * [OPENEJB-760] Improved Circular and Lazy EJB reference resolution between ears * [OPENEJB-764] New openejb.validation.output.level property settable to TERSE, MEDIUM, or VERBOSE * [OPENEJB-763] Auto create non-jta-data-source as a clone of jta-data-source and vice versa * [OPENEJB-756] Allow CMP2 ejbSelect returning void for UPDATE and DELETE queries * [OPENEJB-759] Improved and expanded EJB reference resolution * [OPENEJB-215] Passivation/Activation of non-Serializable Stateful SessionBeans * [OPENEJB-770] Validation: Bean class with no Interfaces * [OPENEJB-775] Validation: Bean-class-only annotations not used on interfaces * [OPENEJB-773] Validation: Combined use of @Stateless @Stateful and @MessageDriven on same class * [OPENEJB-774] Validation: Component and Business Interfaces are interface types * [OPENEJB-771] Validation: Use of @Stateless, @Stateful or @MessageDriven on an interface or abstract class * [OPENEJB-779] Validation: Conflicting use of @RolesAllowed, @PermitAll on a class * [OPENEJB-780] Validation: Conflicting use of @RolesAllowed, @PermitAll, @DenyAll on a method * [OPENEJB-781] Validation: Timeout method syntax * [OPENEJB-770] Validation: Bean class with no Interfaces * [OPENEJB-771] Validation: Use of @Stateless, @Stateful or @MessageDriven on an interface or abstract class * [OPENEJB-773] Validation: Combined use of @Stateless @Stateful and @MessageDriven on same class * [OPENEJB-774] Validation: Component and Business Interfaces are interface types * [OPENEJB-775] Validation: Bean-class-only annotations not used on interfaces Bugs: * [OPENEJB-767] Paths with spaces may result in "Unable to scrape for @Stateful, @Stateless or @MessageDriven annotations" * [OPENEJB-778] Application in apps dir are sometimes not loaded at startup * [OPENEJB-607] Cannot access server(s): null:-1 when InitialContext.PROVIDER_URL is hostname not IP address * [OPENEJB-766] EJBs and persistence units in a web application nested in an ear are not detected * [OPENEJB-765] POJO webservices broken in Tomcat initialized with OpenEJBListener * [OPENEJB-782] RollbackException swallowed in TransactionPolicy * [OPENEJB-700] Must have java.sun.com access when online to deploy: Cannot unmarshall the ejb-jar.xml file * [OPENEJB-761] Tomcat EAR double deployment * [OPENEJB-750] EJB 2 Entity bean with CMP field mapped to CMR field causes ClassFormatError * [OPENEJB-717] ServiceRef converts JAX-RPC handlers into JAX-WS handlers * [OPENEJB-762] CMP finder with no results: NullPointerException in TransactionPolicy.logSystemException() * [OPENEJB-754] Print out the provider in Configuring PersistenceUnit(name=testFacadePu, provider=null) log message * [OPENEJB-757] JavaAgent upgrade/uninstall with Tomcat - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.0-beta-2 Notes (trimmed): New Features: * [OPENEJB-688] JAX-WS Web Services Support * [OPENEJB-741] Support for Tomcat 5.5 * [OPENEJB-752] Release OpenEJB as OSGi bundles * [OPENEJB-435] Support for JDK 1.6 / JRE 6.0 Improvements: * [OPENEJB-253] Per EJB or EJB Interface JNDI Name declaration * [OPENEJB-743] Improved configuration error detection and help * [OPENEJB-571] Validation: @PersistenceContext name is specified * [OPENEJB-572] Validation: @PersistenceUnit name is specified * [OPENEJB-730] Validation: Attempted use of PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED by non-Stateful bean * [OPENEJB-682] Validation: Incorrect usage of @PersistenceContext on EntityManagerFactory * [OPENEJB-681] Validation: Incorrect usage of @PersistenceUnit on EntityManager * [OPENEJB-680] Validation: Incorrect usage of @Resouce on EntityManager or EntityManagerFactory - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.0-beta-1 Notes (trimmed): New Features: * [OPENEJB-689] Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 support * [OPENEJB-690] Hot deploy and undeploy via command line tool * [OPENEJB-606] Commons DBCP Managed Data Sources * [OPENEJB-260] Automatic Configuration for Simple Apps * [OPENEJB-128] EJBd over HTTP -- ejb invocations over http protocol * [OPENEJB-123] CMP 2.x support via JPA * [OPENEJB-98] Dependency Injection * [OPENEJB-90] Business Interface support * [OPENEJB-89] EJB 2.1 <-> 3.0 compatibility * [OPENEJB-79] Interceptors Improvements: * [OPENEJB-425] Support for JPA runtime class enhancement * [OPENEJB-692] JAAS and JACC Security * [OPENEJB-573] Support for JSR-77 j2ee management MEJB * [OPENEJB-691] Adaptive logging for embedded and standalone modes * [OPENEJB-536] Validation: AroundInvoke signature * [OPENEJB-526] Validation: Check for incorrect use of injection-target-name * [OPENEJB-455] Validation: Check that @Local hasn't been used to point to an EJBLocalHome or EJBLocalObject interface * [OPENEJB-454] Validation: Check that @Remote hasn't been used to point to an EJBHome or EJBObject interface * [OPENEJB-552] Validation: EjbName used in InterceptorBinding is correct * [OPENEJB-612] Validation: EjbName used in method-based InterceptorBinding * [OPENEJB-616] Validation: PostActivate callback signature is correct * [OPENEJB-614] Validation: PostConstruct callback signature is correct * [OPENEJB-613] Validation: PreDestroy callback signature is correct * [OPENEJB-615] Validation: PrePassivate callback signature is correct * [OPENEJB-617] Validation: Warn on unsupported service-refs * [OPENEJB-575] Validation: XML method permissions to beans that do not exist * [OPENEJB-574] Validation: XML transaction attributes to beans that do not exist