Apache OpenEJB 3.1.1 2009-05-28 New Features: * [OPENEJB-1024] TestCase Dependency Injection via @LocalClient * [OPENEJB-1018] Support for exposing a single interface as @WebService, @Remote, and @Local * [OPENEJB-1009] Global "openejb:" jndi namespace * [OPENEJB-987] Support for alternate deployment descriptors for testing and other environments Improvements: * [OPENEJB-973] OpenJPA 1.2.0 upgrade * [OPENEJB-1036] Example: EJB in Webapp with Applet Client * [OPENEJB-1034] Example: JSF Managed Bean with Dependency Injection * [OPENEJB-1037] Example: JUnit TestCase using Dependency Injection * [OPENEJB-1035] Example: Struts webapp with JPA and EJB * [OPENEJB-1032] Example: WebService with Attachments * [OPENEJB-1031] Example: WebService with Security * [OPENEJB-1033] Example: WebService with WS Security * [OPENEJB-1030] Example: Webapp EJB WebService and Perl SOAP::Lite client * [OPENEJB-872] Example: WebService with MTOM * [OPENEJB-992] Validation: @EJB mistakenly applied to a javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject interface * [OPENEJB-991] Validation: @EJB mistakenly applied to a javax.ejb.EJBObject interface * [OPENEJB-993] Validation: @EJB mistakenly applied to a non-interface * [OPENEJB-847] Validation: @Resource UserTransaction injection mistakenly used on bean with Container-Managed Transactions * [OPENEJB-906] Validation: Referring to a bean via its bean class (pre 3.1) * [OPENEJB-1004] Web Service Endpoints Securable * [OPENEJB-858] Ability to use mappedName as a JNDI Name format * [OPENEJB-963] Enhance the javaee-api with OSGi Bundle Information * [OPENEJB-1029] @EjbDeployment annotation as alternative to in openejb-jar.xml * [OPENEJB-1006] Added 'openejb.vendor.config' property settable to any of: geronimo, glassfish, jboss, weblogic * [OPENEJB-990] Trim whitespace from openejb.xml property values * [OPENEJB-1007] Automatically declare interceptors used in xml bindings * [OPENEJB-1038] All openejb.* options and values logged on debug Bugs: * [OPENEJB-1015] javax.ejb.EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal() not predictable * [OPENEJB-982] SessionSynchronization regression * [OPENEJB-994] Multiple JavaMail sessions ignored * [OPENEJB-1012] Multi-threaded Singleton Lazy Instantiation Issue * [OPENEJB-995] Whitespace in openejb.xml property values can cause issues * [OPENEJB-950] Turning on debug transaction logging results in the IllegalArgumentException: can't parse argument number * [OPENEJB-976] Semaphore in StatelessInstanceManager not released if EjbTransactionUtil.afterInvoke throws RuntimeException * [OPENEJB-975] ROOT application not well deployed in Tomcat * [OPENEJB-972] MTOM not working * [OPENEJB-1005] org.apache.openejb.config.WebModule constructor throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on windows * [OPENEJB-953] OpenEJB embedded does not release stateless EJB instances in case of RuntimeException on tx commit * [OPENEJB-951] There are problems to deploy ejb with custom annotation where values are enums * [OPENEJB-1003] SecurityService does not call JAAS logout * [OPENEJB-989] Don't log "Property not supported" warning for javax.mail.Session objects * [OPENEJB-1002] Bad usage of apache commons cli * [OPENEJB-1001] Can not use SOAP headers * [OPENEJB-986] Stateful Remove exception handling regression * [OPENEJB-956] Installation of Java Agent fails when used with Tomcat and CATALINA_HOME != CATALINA_BASE