Apache OpenEJB 3.1.2 2009-10-10 New Features: * [OPENEJB-1076] Allow datasource passwords to be ciphered * [OPENEJB-1045] Injection support for JSF 2.0 ManagedBeans Improvements: * [OPENEJB-1084] Discovered @LocalClient classes logged on INFO * [OPENEJB-1083] Scanning for ClientModules less aggressive for embedded mode * [OPENEJB-1056] All JNDI Name Format variables support .lc, .uc, and .cc extensions to dictate case * [OPENEJB-1080] javaee-api-libs.zip as alternative to javaee-api.jar Bugs: * [OPENEJB-1062] StickyConnectionStrategy incorrectly caches connections * [OPENEJB-1049] Stateful session cache management issue * [OPENEJB-965] http://www.nabble.com/exceptions-handling-with-Webservices-td19668275.html * [OPENEJB-1077] LocalInitialContext.logout() should call SecurityService.logout() * [OPENEJB-1066] EJB 2.0 deprecated message-selector tag not supported * [OPENEJB-1065] EJB 2.0 deprecated acknowledge-mode tag not supported * [OPENEJB-1044] Webapp @Resource UserTransaction injection results in NullPointerException * [OPENEJB-1048] Missing MESSAGE enum in openejb.xsd * [OPENEJB-1059] Altdd support broken for persistence.xml files with no ejb-jar.xml * [OPENEJB-1047] Configuring the deployment-Id at server or application level does not work, instead a misleading result is produced * [OPENEJB-1082] @WebService and @WebServiceProvider classes not discovered unless annotated as EJBs * [OPENEJB-1085] @LocalClient discovery improved -- openejb.tempclassloader.skip=annotations flag no longer needed * [OPENEJB-1061] WS Security tests fail because of WSS4J trying to load default sun cacerts * [OPENEJB-1063] Main-Class containing "/" instead of "." fails java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: IllegalName: * [OPENEJB-1075] Workaround for Sun JDK RemoteException initCause bug * [OPENEJB-1064] @LocalClient discovery via Include/Exclude settings * [OPENEJB-1070] LocalInitialContextFactory can't be extended * [OPENEJB-1069] Duplicate logging of "AltDD" processing