Apache OpenEJB 3.1.3 2010-10-18 New Features: * [OPENEJB-1283] Apache TomTom: Pre-packaged OpenEJB/Tomcat bundle * [OPENEJB-1272] JMX Monitoring * [OPENEJB-1139] EJB 3.1 No-interface view (@LocalBean) * [OPENEJB-1377] Multipoint service - TCP based heartbeat & node discovery * [OPENEJB-1141] EE6 @ManagedBean * [OPENEJB-1115] Quartz Resource Adapter * [OPENEJB-1235] New Stateless pool options: PoolMin, IdleTimeout, MaxAge, Flush and more Improvements: Upgrades: * [OPENEJB-1227] Support for ActiveMQ 5 * [OPENEJB-977] Upgrade to CXF 2.2.10 Client-Server & Failover: * [OPENEJB-1293] Conditional Client Failover based on container or bean thrown Exception types * [OPENEJB-1292] Client Failover on connection pool timeout * [OPENEJB-1232] Client Failover and ConnnectionStrategy configurable on a per bean basis * [OPENEJB-1100] EJB Clients using http can set connectTimeout and readTimeout * [OPENEJB-1369] Help, expanded options and cleaner output for MulticastTool * [OPENEJB-1112] ejbds service (ejbd+ssl) setup on port 4203 * [OPENEJB-1370] Broadcast InetAddress.getLocalHost() when ejbd is bound to * [OPENEJB-1281] Preconfigured failover with JNDI provider url such as "failover:ejbd://foo:4201,ejbd://bar:4201" * [OPENEJB-1289] Client connection pool timeouts events catchable as ConnectionPoolTimeoutException Testing: * [OPENEJB-1240] @WebServiceRef support for @LocalClient * [OPENEJB-1130] Stricter ClientModule classpath discovery prevents possible NameAlreadyBoundException * [OPENEJB-1372] Default openejb.descriptors.output to true when there are validation failures * [OPENEJB-1353] Be more tolerant of truly empty beans.xml and ejb-jar.xml -- zero length files * [OPENEJB-1107] Updated builtin exclude list * [OPENEJB-1122] Create a sample to illustrate the SEI inheritance * [OPENEJB-1378] Example: MDB with Quartz Resource Adapter * [OPENEJB-1381] Example: WebService SEI Inheritance * [OPENEJB-1380] Example: Common Troubleshooting Flags * [OPENEJB-1379] Example: Transaction Rollback * [OPENEJB-847] Validation: @Resource UserTransaction injection mistakenly used on bean with Container-Managed Transactions Misc: * [OPENEJB-1255] Time-based configuration options can now be additive, as in "1 hour, 27 minutes and 34 seconds" * [OPENEJB-1111] PAX friendly LogStreamFactory for use in OSGi environments * [OPENEJB-1276] Add #getTransactionIdentifier(Transaction tx) to o.a.o.hibernate.TransactionManagerLookup * [OPENEJB-1279] Stateless PreDestroy called on undeploy/shutdown * [OPENEJB-1208] Handle "destinationName" as synonym for the "destination" ActivationConfigProperty * [OPENEJB-1238] Custom JNDI name format properties at bean, app, or server level * [OPENEJB-1365] New log4j.category.OpenEJB.persistence log category * [OPENEJB-1242] suport connector 1.6 and 1.0 dds in jee jaxb tree * [OPENEJB-1027] Add the application name to the data sources matching heuristics * [OPENEJB-1301] MDB InstanceLimit settable on a per-bean basis via openejb-jar.xml * [OPENEJB-1123] Allow default security service to be overriden * [OPENEJB-1275] JMX: EJB Method invocations * [OPENEJB-1273] JMX: Stateless Pool Stats Bugs: * [OPENEJB-1282] mappedName fails to work for @Singleton * [OPENEJB-1258] Boolean conversion problem in ejb-jar.xml * [OPENEJB-1118] Split package org.apache.openejb.client * [OPENEJB-1252] URL->File decoding should avoid "+" in paths * [OPENEJB-1251] osgi annotation import needs to specify version 1.1 to avoid picking up jdk's v 1 classes * [OPENEJB-1297] HeartBeat message is not read correctly for multipoint cluster * [OPENEJB-1300] Possible Windows jvm bug results in "java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xbean.recipe.ObjectRecipe cannot be cast to ...." * [OPENEJB-1120] TomcatSecurityService should grant the guest role when no user is logged in * [OPENEJB-1020] Inheritance not supported in JAX-WS endpoint interfaces exposed via CXF * [OPENEJB-1347] ClassCastException in ClassLoaderUtil.clearSunJarFileFactoryCache * [OPENEJB-1127] Unpacked RARs ignored * [OPENEJB-1249] Undeploy apps and stop ResourceAdapters on shutdown * [OPENEJB-1109] Deploy time java.sql.SQLException: Auto-commit can not be set while enrolled in a transaction * [OPENEJB-1261] JSP Error on installer-view.jsp with Tomcat 6.0.26 * [OPENEJB-1053] web.xml: unexpected element (uri:"http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee", local:"taglib" * [OPENEJB-1116] CMP2 EntityBean conflict when a persistent property exists called "deleted" * [OPENEJB-1114] element should be optional for and declarations * [OPENEJB-1315] NPE when deploying EJB modules. * [OPENEJB-1241] Using @WebServiceRef does not allow standard JAX-WS Api usage * [OPENEJB-1309] Make the DependOn sort algorithm stable * [OPENEJB-1244] upgrade legacy activemq 4 support to 4.1.2 * [OPENEJB-1245] Possible Stateful bean passivation/activation error: ClassNotFoundException * [OPENEJB-1129] Reverse lookup for logging may cause poor client/server performance * [OPENEJB-1239] Bad client connection is never getting discarded from pool * [OPENEJB-1286] Bug in reporting invalid @PostActivate/@PrePassivate usage in Stateful and Singleton beans * [OPENEJB-1131] JDK 1.6.0 u18 has a ClassCastException in ClassLoaderUtil.clearSunJarFileFactoryCache * [OPENEJB-1247] @Singleton @PreDestroy on container system shutdown