Apache UIMA Ruta™ v2.6.0 Release Notes


1. What is UIMA Ruta
2. Major Changes in this Release
3. How to Get Involved
4. How to Report Issues
5. List of JIRA Issues Fixed in this Release

1. What is UIMA Ruta?

Apache UIMA Ruta™ is a rule-based script language supported by Eclipse-based tooling. The language is designed to enable rapid development of text processing applications within Apache UIMA™. A special focus lies on the intuitive and flexible domain specific language for defining patterns of annotations. The Eclipse-based tooling for Ruta, called the Ruta Workbench, was created to support the user and to facilitate every step when writing Ruta rules. Both the Ruta rule language and the Ruta Workbench integrate smoothly with Apache UIMA.

2. Major Changes in this Release

UIMA Ruta Language and Analysis Engine:

UIMA Ruta Workbench:

This release requires an update of script projects and its descriptors in the UIMA Ruta Workbench. There are several ways to achieve this. The recommended way is to right-click on the UIMA Ruta project and select "UIMA Ruta -> Convert to UIMA Ruta project", which will update all provided descriptors. Then, select the project and press "Project -> Clean..." in the menu, which will regenerate all descriptors of your scripts based on the new templates.

3. How to Get Involved

The Apache UIMA Ruta project really needs and appreciates any contributions, including documentation help, source code and feedback. If you are interested in contributing, please visit http://uima.apache.org/get-involved.html.

4. How to Report Issues

The Apache UIMA project uses JIRA for issue tracking. Please report any issues you find at http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/uima

5. List of JIRA Issues Fixed in this Release

Click issuesFixed/jira-report.html for the list of issues fixed in this release.