Release Notes -- Apache Geronimo -- Version 2.0 Geronimo URLs ------------- Home Page: Downloads: Documentation: Mailing Lists: Source Code: Bug Tracking: Wiki: Updated Information ------------------- Please see for the latest information on this release. System Requirements ------------------- You need a platform that supports the Sun JDK 5.0+ (J2SE 1.5.0+). Other Java VMs should work as well. Most testing has been done on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. Significant Changes in the 2.0 Release -------------------------------------- o Implements the Java Enterprise Edition 5.0 (Java EE 5) specification o JAX-WS Web Services - Two JAX-WS engines integrated: Apache Axis2 and Apache CXF - Users can configure which JAX-WS engine to use. Certification Status -------------------- Apache Geronimo v2.0 have passed 100% SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 5.0 Certification Test Suite. See "Distributions" for further details. Distributions ------------- Apache Geronimo v2.0 is available in five distributions so you can pick the one that better fits your environment. The available distributions are as follows: Certified distributions: - Apache Geronimo with Tomcat web container, AXIS2 for Web Services and OpenJPA for persistence. - Apache Geronimo with Jetty web container, CXF for Web Services and OpenJPA for persistence. Non-Certified distributions: - Little-G with Tomcat web container, minimal configuration. - Little-G with Jetty web container, minimal configuration. - Micro-G, stripped down Geronimo pluggable framework. Note: Non-Certified distributions do not contain a complete JavaEE5 stack and so cannot be certified. Certified distributions can be reconfigured by the user (such as Tomcat web container with CXF for Web Services). Supported features ------------------ All programming model elements of the Java EE 5.0 Specification are available. Some of the non-specification related elements such as clustering are still being worked on. Installing & Starting Geronimo ------------------------------ To install, simply unpack the .zip (Windows) or tar.gz (Unix) file containing Geronimo. If you wish to modify the default ports that Geronimo will use, edit the file /var/config/ Geronimo comes with batch and script files to control server start and stop functions. To see usage examples simply type geronimo.bat or command as appropriate for your platform. It is necessary to set JAVA_HOME to the copy of your Sun 5 JDK/JRE prior to executing the command. Here is an example to set JAVA_HOME: export JAVA_HOME= To see the available command options type: /bin/ or \bin\geronimo.bat The command will display help text instructing you as to how to start and stop the Geronimo server. If you prefer to start the server without a script file you can simply type the following command from directory: java -Djava.endorsed.dirs=lib/endorsed -javaagent:bin/jpa.jar -jar bin/server.jar Once the server has started, you can access the Geronimo Administration Console at http://localhost:8080/console/ . The default user name is "system" and the default password is "manager". Administration Console Security Configuration --------------------------------------------- The default administration user/password for the Geronimo Administration Console and command line deployment tool is system/manager. You can change these defaults directly from the Geronimo Administration Console by accessing Security -> Console Realm and change the user name and password from the Console Realm Users portlet. As an alternative, you can make the same changes by editing the /var/security/ and /var/security/ files. Deploying Applications ---------------------- Geronimo comes with deploy scripts and batch files to deploy J2EE modules or applications. You can use the scripts or simply invoke the executable jar by running the following command (note that you need to start Geronimo first): /bin/java -jar deployer.jar deploy my-web-app.war [deploy plan] You will need to use the username "system" and password "manager" unless you customized those as described above. The deployment plan argument is optional -- you can pack a deployment plan into the application module, provide it on the command line, or in some cases omit it entirely. You can also use the "Login" command to avoid entering a user name and password every time you use the deploy tool For more information on the commands and options supported by the deploy tool, run from within the Geronimo directory /bin: java -jar deployer.jar help [command] You can also graphically deploy applications and resources via the Geronimo Administration Console available at http://localhost:8080/console/ Other Deployment Options ------------------------ As an alternative to the command-line deployer, you can copy application modules into the /deploy/ directory and the hot deployer service will deploy them automatically. The command-line deployer has some advantages, as it will output any deployment errors to its own console rather than just the server log. Additionally, Geronimo provides a Maven plugin that can deploy applications to Geronimo as part of a Maven build. Configuration ------------- Most configuration attributes can be updated in the /var/config/config.xml file. The attributes most likely to be changed are already included in the supplied config.xml file, while others may need to be added manually. Known Issues and Limitations ---------------------------- o If Geronimo is configured with CXF as its JAX-WS engine, some Web Services might not work correctly on non-Sun JDKs. That is because CXF uses Glassfish SAAJ implementation which has dependencies on Sun proprietary classes available only on Sun JDKs. To workaround this issue and if Sun JDK is not available on your platform configure Geronimo to use Axis2 as its JAX-WS engine. Release Notes - Geronimo - Version 2.0 ** Sub-task * [GERONIMO-3040] - Implement process to ensure all annotations are discovered and processed ** Bug * [GERONIMO-807] - Better handling for system log viewer portlet render requests * [GERONIMO-1786] - JMS Listeners for protocols activeio, peer and openwire fail to start * [GERONIMO-2286] - app client plan still uses Strings for dependency Module IDs * [GERONIMO-2534] - Security realms portlet should validate the realm-name for duplicate name * [GERONIMO-2699] - Module was not a war * [GERONIMO-2771] - GlassFish specs are being included in 2.0-M2 builds * [GERONIMO-2878] - JVM stats exposed through JMX are incorrect and missing init/max heap size * [GERONIMO-2885] - JSF is leaking application ClassLoaders * [GERONIMO-2950] - Build test failure in geronimo-naming * [GERONIMO-3196] - ConcurrentModificationException in ?wsdl processing * [GERONIMO-3270] - Avoid CMP foreign key violations * [GERONIMO-3305] - Out Of Memory Error when Running DayTrader in WebServices Mode * [GERONIMO-3322] - web apps with login config still object to server-side attribute. * [GERONIMO-3332] - POJO Web-services under Geronimo fail with arrays as method call arguments * [GERONIMO-3337] - Deploy of fails due to existing config.ser * [GERONIMO-3341] - Slim down geronimo by removing unneeded jars from apps and repository * [GERONIMO-3343] - Out Of Memory Error when deploying and undeploying applications * [GERONIMO-3346] - Unable to render Plugins portlet in Jetty * [GERONIMO-3349] - broken link in console when on the Apache HTTP page * [GERONIMO-3350] - Console needs to administer all the web connectors. Needs WebManager change. * [GERONIMO-3355] - unnecessary warning message when trying to create a new group in console realms * [GERONIMO-3357] - role is ignored in web.xml * [GERONIMO-3358] - LocalAttributeManager needs write permissions even if readOnly is true * [GERONIMO-3361] - Tomcat is using the wrong classloader to create LoginContext/LoginModules * [GERONIMO-3362] - Enable Tomcat context level cluster * [GERONIMO-3365] - config.xml condition vs. load attribute issues * [GERONIMO-3366] - Dependency needed in openejb config to start OpenEjbSystem before the EntityManagerRegistry * [GERONIMO-3368] - Axis2ClientConfigurationFactory not always being used in certain platforms * [GERONIMO-3369] - MultiParentClassLoader does not check for hidden resources in recursiveFind() * [GERONIMO-3370] - Create local build of OpenJPA in our local repo * [GERONIMO-3375] - Upgrade to released xmlbeans-maven-plugin ** Improvement * [GERONIMO-1874] - synthetic ears should allow use of modules outside the g repository * [GERONIMO-2438] - adding CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication to POP3 * [GERONIMO-2498] - Geronimo should use the full javamail uber jar instead of just the spec jar + provider jar. * [GERONIMO-2607] - GoperationInfo should include the return type for the operation * [GERONIMO-2944] - Replace ancient ActiveIO usage in geronimo-security module * [GERONIMO-3059] - CLIs refactoring - options and arguments parsing should be done prior the boot of a Kernel to provide a quicker feedback to users if they are invalid * [GERONIMO-3194] - Upgrading documentation for deployment plan-geronimo-application.xml * [GERONIMO-3344] - Split out non-kernel-dependent transaction and connector classes for use by openejb, jencks, etc etc. * [GERONIMO-3352] - Upgrade to Jetty 6.1.5 (just released) for Geronimo 2.0 ** New Feature * [GERONIMO-1638] - Multiple servers sharing the same repo and config store ** Task * [GERONIMO-2581] - Update Version Numbers of Dependent Projects for Geronimo Version 2.0 * [GERONIMO-2700] - JSR-88 1.2 Tasklist (JEE5 Deployment) * [GERONIMO-3353] - Adjust server log4j files to use a default logging level of error instead of info before releasing. * [GERONIMO-3364] - Finalize License/Notice files for 2.0 release * [GERONIMO-3371] - Create local build of Axis2 in our local repo