API compatibility report for the hbase library between rel/2.2.0 and 2.3.0RC3 versions


Test Info

Library Namehbase
Version #1rel/2.2.0
Version #22.3.0RC3
SubjectBinary Compatibility

Test Results

Total Java Modules13
Total Methods / Classes5654 / 475
Compatibility 91.3%

Problem Summary

Added Methods-678
Removed MethodsHigh75
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types
Other Changes
in Methods

Added Methods  678 

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, Admin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Admin.clearSlowLogResponses ( Set<ServerName> p1 ) [abstract]  :  List<Boolean>
Admin.cloneSnapshotAsync ( String p1, TableName p2, boolean p3 ) [abstract]  :  Future<Void>
Admin.getRegionServers ( boolean excludeDecommissionedRS )  :  Collection<ServerName>
Admin.getSlowLogResponses ( Set<ServerName> p1, LogQueryFilter p2 ) [abstract]  :  List<OnlineLogRecord>
Admin.getSyncWaitTimeout ( ) [abstract]  :  int
Admin.isSnapshotCleanupEnabled ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean
Admin.listNamespaces ( ) [abstract]  :  String[ ]
Admin.snapshot ( String snapshotName, TableName tableName, Map<String,Object> snapshotProps )  :  void
Admin.snapshot ( String snapshotName, TableName tableName, SnapshotType type, Map<String,Object> snapshotProps )  :  void
Admin.snapshotAsync ( SnapshotDescription p1 ) [abstract]  :  Future<Void>
Admin.snapshotCleanupSwitch ( boolean p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  boolean

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, AdminServer.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server.admin
AdminServer.setZooKeeperServer ( ZooKeeperServer p1 ) [abstract]  :  void
AdminServer.shutdown ( ) [abstract]  :  void
AdminServer.start ( ) [abstract]  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, AdminServerException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server.admin
AdminServer.AdminServerException.AdminServer.AdminServerException ( String message, Throwable cause )
AdminServer.AdminServerException.AdminServer.AdminServerException ( Throwable cause )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, AsyncAdmin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
AsyncAdmin.clearSlowLogResponses ( Set<ServerName> p1 ) [abstract]  :  CompletableFuture<List<Boolean>>
AsyncAdmin.getSlowLogResponses ( Set<ServerName> p1, LogQueryFilter p2 ) [abstract]  :  CompletableFuture<List<OnlineLogRecord>>
AsyncAdmin.isSnapshotCleanupEnabled ( ) [abstract]  :  CompletableFuture<Boolean>
AsyncAdmin.listNamespaces ( ) [abstract]  :  CompletableFuture<List<String>>
AsyncAdmin.snapshotCleanupSwitch ( boolean p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  CompletableFuture<Boolean>

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, AsyncTable.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
AsyncTable<C>.checkAndMutate ( byte[ ] p1, Filter p2 ) [abstract]  :  AsyncTable.CheckAndMutateWithFilterBuilder
AsyncTable<C>.getDescriptor ( ) [abstract]  :  CompletableFuture<TableDescriptor>
AsyncTable<C>.getRegionLocator ( ) [abstract]  :  AsyncTableRegionLocator

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, BinaryComponentComparator.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
BinaryComponentComparator.BinaryComponentComparator ( byte[ ] value, int offset )
BinaryComponentComparator.compareTo ( byte[ ] value )  :  int
BinaryComponentComparator.compareTo ( byte[ ] value, int offset, int length )  :  int
BinaryComponentComparator.compareTo ( Object p1 )  :  int
BinaryComponentComparator.equals ( Object other )  :  boolean
BinaryComponentComparator.hashCode ( )  :  int
BinaryComponentComparator.parseFrom ( byte[ ] pbBytes ) [static]  :  BinaryComponentComparator
BinaryComponentComparator.toByteArray ( )  :  byte[ ]

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, BufferedMutatorParams.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
BufferedMutatorParams.operationTimeout ( int operationTimeout )  :  BufferedMutatorParams

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ByteBufferUtils.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util
ByteBufferUtils.readVLong ( ByteBuff in ) [static]  :  long

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CallTimeoutException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc
CallTimeoutException.CallTimeoutException ( String message, Throwable cause )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CellComparator.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
CellComparator.compareRows ( ByteBuffer row, Cell cell )  :  int

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CellUtil.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
CellUtil.getCellKeyAsString ( Cell cell, Function<Cell,String> rowConverter ) [static]  :  String
CellUtil.matchingColumnFamilyAndQualifierPrefix ( Cell left, byte[ ] fam, byte[ ] qual ) [static]  :  boolean

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CheckWatchesRequest.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.proto
CheckWatchesRequest.CheckWatchesRequest ( )
CheckWatchesRequest.CheckWatchesRequest ( String path, int type )
CheckWatchesRequest.compareTo ( Object peer_ )  :  int
CheckWatchesRequest.deserialize ( InputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CheckWatchesRequest.equals ( Object peer_ )  :  boolean
CheckWatchesRequest.getPath ( )  :  String
CheckWatchesRequest.getType ( )  :  int
CheckWatchesRequest.hashCode ( )  :  int
CheckWatchesRequest.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void
CheckWatchesRequest.serialize ( OutputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CheckWatchesRequest.setPath ( String m_ )  :  void
CheckWatchesRequest.setType ( int m_ )  :  void
CheckWatchesRequest.signature ( ) [static]  :  String
CheckWatchesRequest.toString ( )  :  String
CheckWatchesRequest.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ClientTokenUtil.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.token
ClientTokenUtil.obtainAndCacheToken ( Connection conn, User user ) [static]  :  void
ClientTokenUtil.obtainToken ( Connection conn ) [static]  :  Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier>

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ClusterMetrics.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ClusterMetrics.getTableRegionStatesCount ( ) [abstract]  :  Map<TableName,RegionStatesCount>

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ClusterStatus.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ClusterStatus.getTableRegionStatesCount ( )  :  Map<TableName,RegionStatesCount>

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder.setVersionsWithTimeToLive ( int retentionInterval, int versionAfterInterval )  :  ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ConnectionClosedException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions
ConnectionClosedException.ConnectionClosedException ( String message, Throwable cause )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ConnectionClosingException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions
ConnectionClosingException.ConnectionClosingException ( String message, Throwable cause )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, Create2Callback.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
AsyncCallback.Create2Callback.processResult ( int p1, String p2, Object p3, String p4, Stat p5 ) [abstract]  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, Create2Response.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.proto
Create2Response.compareTo ( Object peer_ )  :  int
Create2Response.Create2Response ( )
Create2Response.Create2Response ( String path, Stat stat )
Create2Response.deserialize ( InputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
Create2Response.equals ( Object peer_ )  :  boolean
Create2Response.getPath ( )  :  String
Create2Response.getStat ( )  :  Stat
Create2Response.hashCode ( )  :  int
Create2Response.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void
Create2Response.serialize ( OutputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
Create2Response.setPath ( String m_ )  :  void
Create2Response.setStat ( Stat m_ )  :  void
Create2Response.signature ( ) [static]  :  String
Create2Response.toString ( )  :  String
Create2Response.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CreateContainerTxn.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.txn
CreateContainerTxn.compareTo ( Object peer_ )  :  int
CreateContainerTxn.CreateContainerTxn ( )
CreateContainerTxn.CreateContainerTxn ( String path, byte[ ] data, List<ACL> acl, int parentCVersion )
CreateContainerTxn.deserialize ( InputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CreateContainerTxn.equals ( Object peer_ )  :  boolean
CreateContainerTxn.getAcl ( )  :  List<ACL>
CreateContainerTxn.getData ( )  :  byte[ ]
CreateContainerTxn.getParentCVersion ( )  :  int
CreateContainerTxn.getPath ( )  :  String
CreateContainerTxn.hashCode ( )  :  int
CreateContainerTxn.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void
CreateContainerTxn.serialize ( OutputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CreateContainerTxn.setAcl ( List<ACL> m_ )  :  void
CreateContainerTxn.setData ( byte[ ] m_ )  :  void
CreateContainerTxn.setParentCVersion ( int m_ )  :  void
CreateContainerTxn.setPath ( String m_ )  :  void
CreateContainerTxn.signature ( ) [static]  :  String
CreateContainerTxn.toString ( )  :  String
CreateContainerTxn.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CreateMode.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
CreateMode.fromFlag ( int flag, CreateMode defaultMode ) [static]  :  CreateMode
CreateMode.isContainer ( )  :  boolean
CreateMode.isTTL ( )  :  boolean

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CreateTTLRequest.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.proto
CreateTTLRequest.compareTo ( Object peer_ )  :  int
CreateTTLRequest.CreateTTLRequest ( )
CreateTTLRequest.CreateTTLRequest ( String path, byte[ ] data, List<ACL> acl, int flags, long ttl )
CreateTTLRequest.deserialize ( InputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.equals ( Object peer_ )  :  boolean
CreateTTLRequest.getAcl ( )  :  List<ACL>
CreateTTLRequest.getData ( )  :  byte[ ]
CreateTTLRequest.getFlags ( )  :  int
CreateTTLRequest.getPath ( )  :  String
CreateTTLRequest.getTtl ( )  :  long
CreateTTLRequest.hashCode ( )  :  int
CreateTTLRequest.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.serialize ( OutputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.setAcl ( List<ACL> m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.setData ( byte[ ] m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.setFlags ( int m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.setPath ( String m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.setTtl ( long m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.signature ( ) [static]  :  String
CreateTTLRequest.toString ( )  :  String
CreateTTLRequest.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CreateTTLTxn.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.txn
CreateTTLTxn.compareTo ( Object peer_ )  :  int
CreateTTLTxn.CreateTTLTxn ( )
CreateTTLTxn.CreateTTLTxn ( String path, byte[ ] data, List<ACL> acl, int parentCVersion, long ttl )
CreateTTLTxn.deserialize ( InputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.equals ( Object peer_ )  :  boolean
CreateTTLTxn.getAcl ( )  :  List<ACL>
CreateTTLTxn.getData ( )  :  byte[ ]
CreateTTLTxn.getParentCVersion ( )  :  int
CreateTTLTxn.getPath ( )  :  String
CreateTTLTxn.getTtl ( )  :  long
CreateTTLTxn.hashCode ( )  :  int
CreateTTLTxn.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.serialize ( OutputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.setAcl ( List<ACL> m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.setData ( byte[ ] m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.setParentCVersion ( int m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.setPath ( String m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.setTtl ( long m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.signature ( ) [static]  :  String
CreateTTLTxn.toString ( )  :  String
CreateTTLTxn.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, DroppedSnapshotException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
DroppedSnapshotException.DroppedSnapshotException ( String message, Throwable cause )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, EphemeralOnLocalSessionException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
KeeperException.EphemeralOnLocalSessionException.KeeperException.EphemeralOnLocalSessionException ( )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, FailedCloseWALAfterInitializedErrorException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
FailedCloseWALAfterInitializedErrorException.FailedCloseWALAfterInitializedErrorException ( )
FailedCloseWALAfterInitializedErrorException.FailedCloseWALAfterInitializedErrorException ( String msg )
FailedCloseWALAfterInitializedErrorException.FailedCloseWALAfterInitializedErrorException ( String msg, Throwable t )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, FourLetterWordMain.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.client
FourLetterWordMain.send4LetterWord ( String host, int port, String cmd, boolean secure ) [static]  :  String
FourLetterWordMain.send4LetterWord ( String host, int port, String cmd, boolean secure, int timeout ) [static]  :  String

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, HostProvider.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.client
HostProvider.updateServerList ( Collection<InetSocketAddress> p1, InetSocketAddress p2 ) [abstract]  :  boolean

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, LearnerInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum
LearnerInfo.getConfigVersion ( )  :  long
LearnerInfo.LearnerInfo ( long serverid, int protocolVersion, long configVersion )
LearnerInfo.setConfigVersion ( long m_ )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, MultiRowRangeFilter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
MultiRowRangeFilter.MultiRowRangeFilter ( byte[ ][ ] rowKeyPrefixes )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, NewConfigNoQuorum.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
KeeperException.NewConfigNoQuorum.KeeperException.NewConfigNoQuorum ( )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, NoWatcherException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
KeeperException.NoWatcherException.KeeperException.NoWatcherException ( )
KeeperException.NoWatcherException.KeeperException.NoWatcherException ( String path )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, QuorumPeerConfig.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum
QuorumPeerConfig.areLocalSessionsEnabled ( )  :  boolean
QuorumPeerConfig.checkValidity ( )  :  void
QuorumPeerConfig.configureSSLAuth ( ) [static]  :  void
QuorumPeerConfig.deleteFile ( String filename ) [static]  :  void
QuorumPeerConfig.editStaticConfig ( String configFileStr, String dynamicFileStr, boolean eraseClientPortAddress ) [static]  :  void
QuorumPeerConfig.getConfigFilename ( )  :  String
QuorumPeerConfig.getDataDir ( )  :  File
QuorumPeerConfig.getDataLogDir ( )  :  File
QuorumPeerConfig.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier ( )  :  QuorumVerifier
QuorumPeerConfig.getSecureClientPortAddress ( )  :  InetSocketAddress
QuorumPeerConfig.getVersionFromFilename ( String filename ) [static]  :  String
QuorumPeerConfig.isLocalSessionsUpgradingEnabled ( )  :  boolean
QuorumPeerConfig.isReconfigEnabled ( ) [static]  :  boolean
QuorumPeerConfig.isSslQuorum ( )  :  boolean
QuorumPeerConfig.isStandaloneEnabled ( ) [static]  :  boolean
QuorumPeerConfig.parseDynamicConfig ( Properties dynamicConfigProp, int eAlg, boolean warnings, boolean configBackwardCompatibilityMode ) [static]  :  QuorumVerifier
QuorumPeerConfig.setReconfigEnabled ( boolean enabled ) [static]  :  void
QuorumPeerConfig.setStandaloneEnabled ( boolean enabled ) [static]  :  void
QuorumPeerConfig.shouldUsePortUnification ( )  :  boolean
QuorumPeerConfig.writeDynamicConfig ( String dynamicConfigFilename, QuorumVerifier qv, boolean needKeepVersion ) [static]  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, QuorumPeerMain.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum
QuorumPeerMain.getQuorumPeer ( )  :  QuorumPeer

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, QuotaSettingsFactory.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas
QuotaSettingsFactory.fromTableThrottles ( TableName tableName, QuotaProtos.Throttle throttle ) [static]  :  List<ThrottleSettings>

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ReconfigDisabledException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
KeeperException.ReconfigDisabledException.KeeperException.ReconfigDisabledException ( )
KeeperException.ReconfigDisabledException.KeeperException.ReconfigDisabledException ( String path )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ReconfigInProgress.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
KeeperException.ReconfigInProgress.KeeperException.ReconfigInProgress ( )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ReconfigRequest.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.proto
ReconfigRequest.compareTo ( Object peer_ )  :  int
ReconfigRequest.deserialize ( InputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
ReconfigRequest.equals ( Object peer_ )  :  boolean
ReconfigRequest.getCurConfigId ( )  :  long
ReconfigRequest.getJoiningServers ( )  :  String
ReconfigRequest.getLeavingServers ( )  :  String
ReconfigRequest.getNewMembers ( )  :  String
ReconfigRequest.hashCode ( )  :  int
ReconfigRequest.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void
ReconfigRequest.ReconfigRequest ( )
ReconfigRequest.ReconfigRequest ( String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long curConfigId )
ReconfigRequest.serialize ( OutputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
ReconfigRequest.setCurConfigId ( long m_ )  :  void
ReconfigRequest.setJoiningServers ( String m_ )  :  void
ReconfigRequest.setLeavingServers ( String m_ )  :  void
ReconfigRequest.setNewMembers ( String m_ )  :  void
ReconfigRequest.signature ( ) [static]  :  String
ReconfigRequest.toString ( )  :  String
ReconfigRequest.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, RegionInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
RegionInfo.compareTo ( Object p1 )  :  int
RegionInfo.compareTo ( RegionInfo other )  :  int
RegionInfo.isAdjacent ( RegionInfo other )  :  boolean
RegionInfo.isDegenerate ( )  :  boolean
RegionInfo.isFirst ( )  :  boolean
RegionInfo.isLast ( )  :  boolean
RegionInfo.isNext ( RegionInfo after )  :  boolean
RegionInfo.isOverlap ( RegionInfo other )  :  boolean
RegionInfo.parseRegionNameOrReturnNull ( byte[ ] regionName ) [static]  :  byte[ ][ ]

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, RegionLoad.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
RegionLoad.getMaxCompactedStoreFileRefCount ( )  :  int
RegionLoad.getStoreRefCount ( )  :  int

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, RegionMetrics.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
RegionMetrics.getMaxCompactedStoreFileRefCount ( ) [abstract]  :  int
RegionMetrics.getStoreRefCount ( ) [abstract]  :  int

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, RemoveWatchesRequest.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.proto
RemoveWatchesRequest.compareTo ( Object peer_ )  :  int
RemoveWatchesRequest.deserialize ( InputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
RemoveWatchesRequest.equals ( Object peer_ )  :  boolean
RemoveWatchesRequest.getPath ( )  :  String
RemoveWatchesRequest.getType ( )  :  int
RemoveWatchesRequest.hashCode ( )  :  int
RemoveWatchesRequest.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void
RemoveWatchesRequest.RemoveWatchesRequest ( )
RemoveWatchesRequest.RemoveWatchesRequest ( String path, int type )
RemoveWatchesRequest.serialize ( OutputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
RemoveWatchesRequest.setPath ( String m_ )  :  void
RemoveWatchesRequest.setType ( int m_ )  :  void
RemoveWatchesRequest.signature ( ) [static]  :  String
RemoveWatchesRequest.toString ( )  :  String
RemoveWatchesRequest.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ReplicationLoadSink.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication
ReplicationLoadSink.getTimestampStarted ( )  :  long
ReplicationLoadSink.getTotalOpsProcessed ( )  :  long
ReplicationLoadSink.ReplicationLoadSink ( long age, long timestamp, long timestampStarted, long totalOpsProcessed )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ReplicationLoadSource.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication
ReplicationLoadSource.getEditsRead ( )  :  long
ReplicationLoadSource.getOPsShipped ( )  :  long
ReplicationLoadSource.getQueueId ( )  :  String
ReplicationLoadSource.getTimeStampOfNextToReplicate ( )  :  long
ReplicationLoadSource.hasEditsSinceRestart ( )  :  boolean
ReplicationLoadSource.isRecovered ( )  :  boolean
ReplicationLoadSource.isRunning ( )  :  boolean
ReplicationLoadSource.newBuilder ( ) [static]  :  ReplicationLoadSource.ReplicationLoadSourceBuilder

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ServerConfig.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server
ServerConfig.getDataDir ( )  :  File
ServerConfig.getDataLogDir ( )  :  File
ServerConfig.getSecureClientPortAddress ( )  :  InetSocketAddress

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ServerLoad.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ServerLoad.getReplicationLoadSourceMap ( )  :  Map<String,List<ReplicationLoadSource>>
ServerLoad.getUserMetrics ( )  :  Map<byte[ ],UserMetrics>

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ServerMetrics.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ServerMetrics.getReplicationLoadSourceMap ( ) [abstract]  :  Map<String,List<ReplicationLoadSource>>
ServerMetrics.getUserMetrics ( ) [abstract]  :  Map<byte[ ],UserMetrics>

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, SnapshotDescription.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
SnapshotDescription.getTtl ( )  :  long
SnapshotDescription.SnapshotDescription ( String name, TableName table, SnapshotType type, String owner, long creationTime, int version, Map<String,Object> snapshotProps )
SnapshotDescription.SnapshotDescription ( String snapshotName, TableName tableName, SnapshotType type, Map<String,Object> snapshotProps )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, StaticHostProvider.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.client
StaticHostProvider.getServerAtCurrentIndex ( )  :  InetSocketAddress
StaticHostProvider.getServerAtIndex ( int i )  :  InetSocketAddress
StaticHostProvider.StaticHostProvider ( Collection<InetSocketAddress> serverAddresses, long randomnessSeed )
StaticHostProvider.StaticHostProvider ( Collection<InetSocketAddress> serverAddresses, StaticHostProvider.Resolver resolver )
StaticHostProvider.updateServerList ( Collection<InetSocketAddress> serverAddresses, InetSocketAddress currentHost )  :  boolean

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, Table.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Table.checkAndMutate ( byte[ ] row, Filter filter )  :  Table.CheckAndMutateWithFilterBuilder
Table.getRegionLocator ( ) [abstract]  :  RegionLocator

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, TimeRange.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io
TimeRange.between ( long minStamp, long maxStamp ) [static]  :  TimeRange
TimeRange.from ( long minStamp ) [static]  :  TimeRange
TimeRange.until ( long maxStamp ) [static]  :  TimeRange

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, UnknownSessionException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
KeeperException.UnknownSessionException.KeeperException.UnknownSessionException ( )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, UserMetrics.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
UserMetrics.getClientMetrics ( ) [abstract]  :  Map<String,UserMetrics.ClientMetrics>
UserMetrics.getFilteredReadRequests ( ) [abstract]  :  long
UserMetrics.getNameAsString ( )  :  String
UserMetrics.getReadRequestCount ( ) [abstract]  :  long
UserMetrics.getRequestCount ( )  :  long
UserMetrics.getUserName ( ) [abstract]  :  byte[ ]
UserMetrics.getWriteRequestCount ( ) [abstract]  :  long

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, VersionInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util
VersionInfo.getMajorVersion ( String version ) [static]  :  int

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, WatcherType.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
Watcher.WatcherType.fromInt ( int intValue ) [static]  :  Watcher.WatcherType
Watcher.WatcherType.getIntValue ( )  :  int
Watcher.WatcherType.valueOf ( String name ) [static]  :  Watcher.WatcherType
Watcher.WatcherType.values ( ) [static]  :  Watcher.WatcherType[ ]

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ZKClientConfig.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.client
ZKClientConfig.getLong ( String key, long defaultValue )  :  long
ZKClientConfig.handleBackwardCompatibility ( )  :  void
ZKClientConfig.isSaslClientEnabled ( )  :  boolean
ZKClientConfig.ZKClientConfig ( )
ZKClientConfig.ZKClientConfig ( File configFile )
ZKClientConfig.ZKClientConfig ( String configPath )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ZooKeeper.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
ZooKeeper.close ( int waitForShutdownTimeoutMs )  :  boolean
ZooKeeper.create ( String path, byte[ ] data, List<ACL> acl, CreateMode createMode, AsyncCallback.Create2Callback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeper.create ( String path, byte[ ] data, List<ACL> acl, CreateMode createMode, AsyncCallback.Create2Callback cb, Object ctx, long ttl )  :  void
ZooKeeper.create ( String path, byte[ ] data, List<ACL> acl, CreateMode createMode, Stat stat )  :  String
ZooKeeper.create ( String path, byte[ ] data, List<ACL> acl, CreateMode createMode, Stat stat, long ttl )  :  String
ZooKeeper.createConnection ( String chrootPath, HostProvider hostProvider, int sessionTimeout, ZooKeeper zooKeeper, ClientWatchManager watcher, ClientCnxnSocket clientCnxnSocket, boolean canBeReadOnly )  :  ClientCnxn
ZooKeeper.defaultWatchManager ( )  :  ZooKeeper.ZKWatchManager
ZooKeeper.getClientConfig ( )  :  ZKClientConfig
ZooKeeper.getConfig ( boolean watch, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeper.getConfig ( boolean watch, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ]
ZooKeeper.getConfig ( Watcher watcher, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeper.getConfig ( Watcher watcher, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ]
ZooKeeper.getTestable ( )  :  Testable
ZooKeeper.internalReconfig ( List<String> joiningServers, List<String> leavingServers, List<String> newMembers, long fromConfig, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeper.internalReconfig ( List<String> joiningServers, List<String> leavingServers, List<String> newMembers, long fromConfig, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ]
ZooKeeper.internalReconfig ( String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long fromConfig, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeper.internalReconfig ( String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long fromConfig, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ]
ZooKeeper.reconfig ( List<String> joiningServers, List<String> leavingServers, List<String> newMembers, long fromConfig, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
ZooKeeper.reconfig ( List<String> joiningServers, List<String> leavingServers, List<String> newMembers, long fromConfig, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
ZooKeeper.reconfig ( String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long fromConfig, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
ZooKeeper.reconfig ( String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long fromConfig, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
ZooKeeper.removeAllWatches ( String path, Watcher.WatcherType watcherType, boolean local )  :  void
ZooKeeper.removeAllWatches ( String path, Watcher.WatcherType watcherType, boolean local, AsyncCallback.VoidCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeper.removeWatches ( String path, Watcher watcher, Watcher.WatcherType watcherType, boolean local )  :  void
ZooKeeper.removeWatches ( String path, Watcher watcher, Watcher.WatcherType watcherType, boolean local, AsyncCallback.VoidCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeper.updateServerList ( String connectString )  :  void
ZooKeeper.ZooKeeper ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly, HostProvider aHostProvider )
ZooKeeper.ZooKeeper ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly, HostProvider aHostProvider, ZKClientConfig clientConfig )
ZooKeeper.ZooKeeper ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly, ZKClientConfig conf )
ZooKeeper.ZooKeeper ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, long sessionId, byte[ ] sessionPasswd, boolean canBeReadOnly, HostProvider aHostProvider )
ZooKeeper.ZooKeeper ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, long sessionId, byte[ ] sessionPasswd, boolean canBeReadOnly, HostProvider aHostProvider, ZKClientConfig clientConfig )
ZooKeeper.ZooKeeper ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, ZKClientConfig conf )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ZooKeeperAdmin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.admin
ZooKeeperAdmin.reconfigure ( List<String> joiningServers, List<String> leavingServers, List<String> newMembers, long fromConfig, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeperAdmin.reconfigure ( List<String> joiningServers, List<String> leavingServers, List<String> newMembers, long fromConfig, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ]
ZooKeeperAdmin.reconfigure ( String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long fromConfig, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeperAdmin.reconfigure ( String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long fromConfig, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ]
ZooKeeperAdmin.toString ( )  :  String
ZooKeeperAdmin.ZooKeeperAdmin ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher )
ZooKeeperAdmin.ZooKeeperAdmin ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly )
ZooKeeperAdmin.ZooKeeperAdmin ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, ZKClientConfig conf )

hbase-shaded-mapreduce-2.3.0.jar, RowCounter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
RowCounter.addOptions ( )  :  void
RowCounter.createSubmittableJob ( Configuration conf )  :  Job
RowCounter.doWork ( )  :  int
RowCounter.newParser ( )  :  CommandLineParser
RowCounter.printUsage ( String usageStr, String usageHeader, String usageFooter )  :  void
RowCounter.processOldArgs ( List<String> args )  :  void
RowCounter.processOptions ( CommandLine cmd )  :  void

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, Canary.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.tool
Canary.checkRegions ( String[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  int
Canary.checkRegionServers ( String[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  int
Canary.checkZooKeeper ( ) [abstract]  :  int
Canary.create ( Configuration conf, ExecutorService executor ) [static]  :  Canary
Canary.create ( Configuration conf, ExecutorService executor, CanaryTool.Sink sink ) [static]  :  Canary

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, CodecPerformance.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.codec
CodecPerformance.CodecPerformance ( )
CodecPerformance.main ( String[ ] args ) [static]  :  void

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, HBaseCommonTestingUtility.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.cleanupTestDir ( )  :  boolean
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.createSubDir ( String propertyName, Path parent, String subDirName )  :  void
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.getConfiguration ( )  :  Configuration
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.getDataTestDir ( )  :  Path
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.getDataTestDir ( String name )  :  Path
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.getRandomDir ( )  :  Path
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.getRandomUUID ( ) [static]  :  UUID
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.HBaseCommonTestingUtility ( )
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.HBaseCommonTestingUtility ( Configuration conf )
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.randomFreePort ( ) [static]  :  int
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.setupDataTestDir ( )  :  Path
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.waitFor ( long timeout, long interval, boolean failIfTimeout, Waiter.Predicate<E> predicate )  :  long
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.waitFor ( long timeout, long interval, Waiter.Predicate<E> predicate )  :  long
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.waitFor ( long timeout, Waiter.Predicate<E> predicate )  :  long

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, HBaseTestingUtility.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HBaseTestingUtility.assertKVListsEqual ( String additionalMsg, List<?> expected, List<?> actual ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.assertRegionOnlyOnServer ( RegionInfo hri, ServerName server, long timeout )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.assertRegionOnServer ( RegionInfo hri, ServerName server, long timeout )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.assignRegion ( RegionInfo regionInfo )  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.available ( int port ) [static]  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.await ( long sleepMillis, BooleanSupplier condition ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.checksumRows ( Table table )  :  String
HBaseTestingUtility.cleanupDataTestDirOnTestFS ( )  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.cleanupDataTestDirOnTestFS ( String subdirName )  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.closeConnection ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL ( HRegion r ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL ( Region r ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.compact ( boolean major )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.compact ( TableName tableName, boolean major )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.countRows ( InternalScanner scanner )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.countRows ( Region region )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.countRows ( Region region, Scan scan )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.countRows ( Table table )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.countRows ( Table table, byte[ ]... families )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.countRows ( Table table, Scan scan )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.countRows ( TableName tableName )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHRegion ( byte[ ] tableName, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] stopKey, String callingMethod, Configuration conf, boolean isReadOnly, Durability durability, WAL wal, byte[ ]... families )  :  HRegion *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHRegion ( RegionInfo info, TableDescriptor desc )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHRegion ( RegionInfo info, TableDescriptor desc, WAL wal )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHRegion ( TableDescriptor desc, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] endKey )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHRegion ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] stopKey, boolean isReadOnly, Durability durability, WAL wal, byte[ ]... families )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHRegionWithInMemoryFlags ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] stopKey, boolean isReadOnly, Durability durability, WAL wal, boolean[ ] compactedMemStore, byte[ ]... families )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHTU ( ) [static]  :  HBaseTestingUtility *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHTU ( Configuration c ) [static]  :  HBaseTestingUtility *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.createMockRegionServerService ( )  :  RegionServerServices
HBaseTestingUtility.createMockRegionServerService ( RpcServerInterface rpc )  :  RegionServerServices
HBaseTestingUtility.createMockRegionServerService ( ServerName name )  :  RegionServerServices
HBaseTestingUtility.createMultiRegionsInMeta ( Configuration conf, HTableDescriptor htd, byte[ ][ ] startKeys )  :  List<HRegionInfo> *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.createMultiRegionsInMeta ( Configuration conf, TableDescriptor htd, byte[ ][ ] startKeys )  :  List<RegionInfo>
HBaseTestingUtility.createMultiRegionTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] family )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createMultiRegionTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] family, int numRegions )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createMultiRegionTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createMultiRegionTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int numVersions )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable ( Configuration conf, TableDescriptor desc, ColumnFamilyDescriptor hcd ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable ( Configuration conf, TableDescriptor desc, ColumnFamilyDescriptor hcd, int numRegionsPerServer ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable ( Configuration conf, TableDescriptor desc, ColumnFamilyDescriptor[ ] hcds, int numRegionsPerServer ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable ( Configuration conf, TableDescriptor td, ColumnFamilyDescriptor[ ] cds, RegionSplitter.SplitAlgorithm splitter, int numRegionsPerServer ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable ( Configuration conf, TableName tableName, byte[ ] columnFamily, Compression.Algorithm compression, DataBlockEncoding dataBlockEncoding ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable ( Configuration conf, TableName tableName, byte[ ] columnFamily, Compression.Algorithm compression, DataBlockEncoding dataBlockEncoding, int numRegionsPerServer, int regionReplication, Durability durability ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable ( Configuration conf, TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] columnFamilies, Compression.Algorithm compression, DataBlockEncoding dataBlockEncoding, int numRegionsPerServer, int regionReplication, Durability durability ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createRandomTable ( TableName tableName, Collection<String> families, int maxVersions, int numColsPerRow, int numFlushes, int numRegions, int numRowsPerFlush )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL ( RegionInfo info, Path rootDir, Configuration conf, TableDescriptor htd ) [static]  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL ( RegionInfo info, Path rootDir, Configuration conf, TableDescriptor htd, BlockCache blockCache ) [static]  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL ( RegionInfo info, Path rootDir, Configuration conf, TableDescriptor htd, boolean initialize ) [static]  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL ( RegionInfo info, Path rootDir, Configuration conf, TableDescriptor htd, MobFileCache mobFileCache ) [static]  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createRootDir ( )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.createRootDir ( boolean create )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableDescriptor htd, byte[ ][ ] families, byte[ ][ ] splitKeys, BloomType type, int blockSize, Configuration c )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableDescriptor htd, byte[ ][ ] families, byte[ ][ ] splitKeys, Configuration c )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableDescriptor htd, byte[ ][ ] families, Configuration c )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableDescriptor htd, byte[ ][ ] splitRows )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] family )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] family, byte[ ][ ] splitRows )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] family, int numVersions )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, byte[ ][ ] splitKeys )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, byte[ ][ ] splitKeys, int replicaCount )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, byte[ ][ ] splitKeys, int replicaCount, Configuration c )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int numVersions )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int numVersions, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] endKey, int numRegions )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int numVersions, byte[ ][ ] splitKeys )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int numVersions, int blockSize )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int numVersions, int blockSize, String cpName )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int[ ] numVersions )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, String family )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, String[ ] families )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTableDescriptor ( String name )  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.createTableDescriptor ( String name, int minVersions, int versions, int ttl, KeepDeletedCells keepDeleted )  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.createTableDescriptor ( TableName name )  :  HTableDescriptor
HBaseTestingUtility.createTableDescriptor ( TableName name, int minVersions, int versions, int ttl, KeepDeletedCells keepDeleted )  :  HTableDescriptor
HBaseTestingUtility.createTableDescriptor ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] family )  :  HTableDescriptor
HBaseTestingUtility.createTableDescriptor ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int maxVersions )  :  HTableDescriptor
HBaseTestingUtility.createTestRegion ( String tableName, ColumnFamilyDescriptor cd )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createTestRegion ( String tableName, ColumnFamilyDescriptor cd, BlockCache blockCache )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createWal ( Configuration conf, Path rootDir, RegionInfo hri ) [static]  :  WAL
HBaseTestingUtility.createWALRootDir ( )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.deleteNumericRows ( Table t, byte[ ] f, int startRow, int endRow )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.deleteTable ( TableName tableName )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.deleteTableData ( TableName tableName )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.deleteTableIfAny ( TableName tableName )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.enableDebug ( Class<?> clazz )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.ensureSomeNonStoppedRegionServersAvailable ( int num )  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.ensureSomeRegionServersAvailable ( int num )  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.expireMasterSession ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.expireRegionServerSession ( int index )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.expireSession ( ZKWatcher nodeZK )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.expireSession ( ZKWatcher nodeZK, boolean checkStatus )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.explainTableAvailability ( TableName tableName )  :  String
HBaseTestingUtility.explainTableState ( TableName table, TableState.State state )  :  String
HBaseTestingUtility.findLastTableState ( TableName table )  :  TableState
HBaseTestingUtility.flush ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.flush ( TableName tableName )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.generateColumnDescriptors ( ) [static]  :  List<HColumnDescriptor>
HBaseTestingUtility.generateColumnDescriptors ( String prefix ) [static]  :  List<HColumnDescriptor>
HBaseTestingUtility.getAdmin ( )  :  Admin
HBaseTestingUtility.getAllOnlineRegions ( MiniHBaseCluster cluster ) [static]  :  NavigableSet<String>
HBaseTestingUtility.getClosestRowBefore ( Region r, byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family )  :  Result
HBaseTestingUtility.getClusterKey ( )  :  String
HBaseTestingUtility.getConfiguration ( )  :  Configuration
HBaseTestingUtility.getConnection ( )  :  Connection
HBaseTestingUtility.getDataTestDirOnTestFS ( )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.getDataTestDirOnTestFS ( String subdirName )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.getDefaultRootDirPath ( )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.getDefaultRootDirPath ( boolean create )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.getDFSCluster ( )  :  MiniDFSCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.getDifferentUser ( Configuration c, String differentiatingSuffix ) [static]  :  User
HBaseTestingUtility.getFromStoreFile ( HStore store, byte[ ] row, NavigableSet<byte[ ]> columns ) [static]  :  List<Cell>
HBaseTestingUtility.getFromStoreFile ( HStore store, Get get ) [static]  :  List<Cell>
HBaseTestingUtility.getHBaseAdmin ( )  :  HBaseAdmin *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.getHBaseCluster ( )  :  MiniHBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.getHBaseClusterInterface ( )  :  HBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.getHbck ( )  :  Hbck
HBaseTestingUtility.getMetaRSPort ( Connection connection ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.getMetaTableDescriptor ( )  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.getMetaTableDescriptorBuilder ( )  :  TableDescriptorBuilder *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.getMetaTableRows ( )  :  List<byte[ ]>
HBaseTestingUtility.getMetaTableRows ( TableName tableName )  :  List<byte[ ]>
HBaseTestingUtility.getMiniHBaseCluster ( )  :  MiniHBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.getNumHFiles ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] family )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.getNumHFilesForRS ( HRegionServer rs, TableName tableName, byte[ ] family )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.getOtherRegionServer ( HRegionServer rs )  :  HRegionServer
HBaseTestingUtility.getRegionSplitStartKeys ( byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] endKey, int numRegions )  :  byte[ ][ ]
HBaseTestingUtility.getRSForFirstRegionInTable ( TableName tableName )  :  HRegionServer
HBaseTestingUtility.getSplittableRegion ( TableName tableName, int maxAttempts )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.getSupportedCompressionAlgorithms ( ) [static]  :  Compression.Algorithm[ ]
HBaseTestingUtility.getTestFileSystem ( )  :  FileSystem
HBaseTestingUtility.HBaseTestingUtility ( )
HBaseTestingUtility.HBaseTestingUtility ( Configuration conf )
HBaseTestingUtility.invalidateConnection ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.isNewVersionBehaviorEnabled ( )  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.isReadShortCircuitOn ( )  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.killMiniHBaseCluster ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.loadNumericRows ( Table t, byte[ ] f, int startRow, int endRow )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.loadRandomRows ( Table t, byte[ ] f, int rowSize, int totalRows )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.loadRegion ( HRegion r, byte[ ] f )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.loadRegion ( HRegion r, byte[ ] f, boolean flush )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.loadRegion ( Region r, byte[ ] f )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.loadTable ( Table t, byte[ ] f )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.loadTable ( Table t, byte[ ] f, boolean writeToWAL )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.loadTable ( Table t, byte[ ][ ] f )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.loadTable ( Table t, byte[ ][ ] f, byte[ ] value )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.loadTable ( Table t, byte[ ][ ] f, byte[ ] value, boolean writeToWAL )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.memStoreTSTagsAndOffheapCombination ( ) [static]  :  List<Object[ ]>
HBaseTestingUtility.modifyTableSync ( Admin admin, TableDescriptor desc ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.moveRegionAndWait ( RegionInfo destRegion, ServerName destServer )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.predicateNoRegionsInTransition ( )  :  Waiter.ExplainingPredicate<IOException>
HBaseTestingUtility.predicateTableAvailable ( TableName tableName )  :  Waiter.Predicate<IOException>
HBaseTestingUtility.predicateTableDisabled ( TableName tableName )  :  Waiter.Predicate<IOException>
HBaseTestingUtility.predicateTableEnabled ( TableName tableName )  :  Waiter.Predicate<IOException>
HBaseTestingUtility.randomFreePort ( ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.randomMultiCastAddress ( ) [static]  :  String
HBaseTestingUtility.restartHBaseCluster ( int servers )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.restartHBaseCluster ( int servers, List<Integer> ports )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.restartHBaseCluster ( StartMiniClusterOption option )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.safeGetAsStr ( List<T> lst, int i ) [static]  :  String
HBaseTestingUtility.setDFSCluster ( MiniDFSCluster cluster )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.setDFSCluster ( MiniDFSCluster cluster, boolean requireDown )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.setFileSystemURI ( String fsURI )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.setHBaseCluster ( HBaseCluster hbaseCluster )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.setMaxRecoveryErrorCount ( OutputStream stream, int max ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.setReplicas ( Admin admin, TableName table, int replicaCount ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.setupDataTestDir ( )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.setupMiniKdc ( File keytabFile )  :  MiniKdc
HBaseTestingUtility.shutdownMiniCluster ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.shutdownMiniDFSCluster ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.shutdownMiniHBaseCluster ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.shutdownMiniMapReduceCluster ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( )  :  MiniHBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( boolean createWALDir )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numRegionServers, int numDataNodes )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numRegionServers, int numDataNodes, String[ ] dataNodeHosts, Class<?> masterClass, Class<?> rsClass )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numRegionServers, int numDataNodes, String[ ] dataNodeHosts, Class<?> masterClass, Class<?> rsClass, boolean createRootDir, boolean createWALDir )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numSlaves )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numSlaves, boolean createRootDir )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numSlaves, String[ ] dataNodeHosts )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numSlaves, String[ ] dataNodeHosts, boolean createRootDir )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numSlaves, String[ ] dataNodeHosts, Class<?> masterClass, Class<?> rsClass )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numSlaves )  :  MiniHBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numSlaves, boolean createRootDir )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numSlaves, boolean createRootDir, boolean createWALDir )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( StartMiniClusterOption option )  :  MiniHBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniDFSCluster ( int servers )  :  MiniDFSCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniDFSCluster ( int servers, String[ ] hosts )  :  MiniDFSCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniDFSCluster ( int servers, String[ ] racks, String[ ] hosts )  :  MiniDFSCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniDFSCluster ( String[ ] hosts )  :  MiniDFSCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniDFSClusterForTestWAL ( int namenodePort )  :  MiniDFSCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniHBaseCluster ( )  :  MiniHBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniHBaseCluster ( int numMasters, int numRegionServers )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniHBaseCluster ( int numMasters, int numRegionServers, List<Integer> rsPorts )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniHBaseCluster ( int numMasters, int numRegionServers, List<Integer> rsPorts, Class<?> masterClass, Class<?> rsClass, boolean createRootDir, boolean createWALDir )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniHBaseCluster ( StartMiniClusterOption option )  :  MiniHBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniMapReduceCluster ( )  :  MiniMRCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.truncateTable ( TableName tableName )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.truncateTable ( TableName tableName, boolean preserveRegions )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.unassignRegion ( byte[ ] regionName )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.unassignRegion ( String regionName )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.unassignRegionByRow ( byte[ ] row, RegionLocator table )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.unassignRegionByRow ( String row, RegionLocator table )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.verifyNumericRows ( HRegion region, byte[ ] f, int startRow, int endRow )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.verifyNumericRows ( HRegion region, byte[ ] f, int startRow, int endRow, boolean present )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.verifyNumericRows ( Region region, byte[ ] f, int startRow, int endRow )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.verifyNumericRows ( Region region, byte[ ] f, int startRow, int endRow, boolean present )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.verifyNumericRows ( Table table, byte[ ] f, int startRow, int endRow, int replicaId )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.verifyTableDescriptorIgnoreTableName ( TableDescriptor ltd, TableDescriptor rtd )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitForHostPort ( String host, int port ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitLabelAvailable ( long timeoutMillis, String... labels )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableAvailable ( byte[ ] table, long timeoutMillis )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableAvailable ( TableName table )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableAvailable ( TableName table, long timeoutMillis )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableDisabled ( byte[ ] table )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableDisabled ( byte[ ] table, long timeoutMillis )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableDisabled ( TableName table, long millisTimeout )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableEnabled ( byte[ ] table, long timeoutMillis )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableEnabled ( TableName table )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableEnabled ( TableName table, long timeoutMillis )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitUntilAllRegionsAssigned ( TableName tableName )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitUntilAllRegionsAssigned ( TableName tableName, long timeout )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitUntilAllSystemRegionsAssigned ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitUntilNoRegionsInTransition ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitUntilNoRegionsInTransition ( long timeout )  :  void

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, HBaseZKTestingUtility.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HBaseZKTestingUtility.cleanupTestDir ( )  :  boolean
HBaseZKTestingUtility.getZkCluster ( )  :  MiniZooKeeperCluster
HBaseZKTestingUtility.getZooKeeperWatcher ( )  :  ZKWatcher
HBaseZKTestingUtility.getZooKeeperWatcher ( HBaseZKTestingUtility testUtil ) [static]  :  ZKWatcher
HBaseZKTestingUtility.HBaseZKTestingUtility ( )
HBaseZKTestingUtility.HBaseZKTestingUtility ( Configuration conf )
HBaseZKTestingUtility.setupClusterTestDir ( )  :  void
HBaseZKTestingUtility.setZkCluster ( MiniZooKeeperCluster zkCluster )  :  void
HBaseZKTestingUtility.shutdownMiniZKCluster ( )  :  void
HBaseZKTestingUtility.startMiniZKCluster ( )  :  MiniZooKeeperCluster
HBaseZKTestingUtility.startMiniZKCluster ( int zooKeeperServerNum, clientPortList )  :  MiniZooKeeperCluster

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, LoadIncrementalHFiles.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.tool
LoadIncrementalHFiles.disableReplication ( )  :  void
LoadIncrementalHFiles.setClusterIds ( List<String> clusterIds )  :  void
LoadIncrementalHFiles.tryAtomicRegionLoad ( Connection conn, TableName tableName, byte[ ] first, Collection<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> lqis, boolean copyFile )  :  List<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> *DEPRECATED*

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, LocalHBaseCluster.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
LocalHBaseCluster.LocalHBaseCluster ( Configuration conf, int noMasters, int noAlwaysStandByMasters, int noRegionServers, Class<?> masterClass, Class<?> regionServerClass )

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, MiniHBaseCluster.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
MiniHBaseCluster.abortMaster ( int serverNumber )  :  String
MiniHBaseCluster.abortRegionServer ( int serverNumber )  :  String
MiniHBaseCluster.close ( )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.compact ( boolean major )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.compact ( TableName tableName, boolean major )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.countServedRegions ( )  :  long
MiniHBaseCluster.findRegionsForTable ( TableName tableName )  :  List<HRegion>
MiniHBaseCluster.flushcache ( )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.flushcache ( TableName tableName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.getAdminProtocol ( ServerName serverName )  :  AdminProtos.AdminService.BlockingInterface
MiniHBaseCluster.getClientProtocol ( ServerName serverName )  :  ClientProtos.ClientService.BlockingInterface
MiniHBaseCluster.getClusterMetrics ( )  :  ClusterMetrics
MiniHBaseCluster.getClusterStatus ( )  :  ClusterStatus *DEPRECATED*
MiniHBaseCluster.getConfiguration ( )  :  Configuration
MiniHBaseCluster.getLiveMasterThreads ( )  :  List<JVMClusterUtil.MasterThread>
MiniHBaseCluster.getLiveRegionServerThreads ( )  :  List<JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread>
MiniHBaseCluster.getMaster ( )  :  HMaster
MiniHBaseCluster.getMaster ( int serverNumber )  :  HMaster
MiniHBaseCluster.getMasterAdminService ( )  :  MasterProtos.MasterService.BlockingInterface
MiniHBaseCluster.getMasterIndex ( ServerName serverName )  :  int
MiniHBaseCluster.getMasterThread ( )  :  JVMClusterUtil.MasterThread
MiniHBaseCluster.getMasterThreads ( )  :  List<JVMClusterUtil.MasterThread>
MiniHBaseCluster.getNumLiveRegionServers ( )  :  int
MiniHBaseCluster.getRegions ( byte[ ] tableName )  :  List<HRegion>
MiniHBaseCluster.getRegions ( TableName tableName )  :  List<HRegion>
MiniHBaseCluster.getRegionServer ( int serverNumber )  :  HRegionServer
MiniHBaseCluster.getRegionServer ( ServerName serverName )  :  HRegionServer
MiniHBaseCluster.getRegionServerIndex ( ServerName serverName )  :  int
MiniHBaseCluster.getRegionServerThreads ( )  :  List<JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread>
MiniHBaseCluster.getServerHoldingRegion ( TableName tn, byte[ ] regionName )  :  ServerName
MiniHBaseCluster.getServerWith ( byte[ ] regionName )  :  int
MiniHBaseCluster.getServerWithMeta ( )  :  int
MiniHBaseCluster.isKilledRS ( ServerName serverName )  :  boolean
MiniHBaseCluster.join ( )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.killAll ( )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.killDataNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.killMaster ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.killNameNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.killRegionServer ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.killZkNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.MiniHBaseCluster ( Configuration conf, int numMasters, int numAlwaysStandByMasters, int numRegionServers, List<Integer> rsPorts, Class<?> masterClass, Class<?> regionserverClass )
MiniHBaseCluster.MiniHBaseCluster ( Configuration conf, int numMasters, int numRegionServers )
MiniHBaseCluster.MiniHBaseCluster ( Configuration conf, int numMasters, int numRegionServers, Class<?> masterClass, Class<?> regionserverClass )
MiniHBaseCluster.MiniHBaseCluster ( Configuration conf, int numRegionServers )
MiniHBaseCluster.resumeRegionServer ( int serverNumber )  :  JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread
MiniHBaseCluster.resumeRegionServer ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.shutdown ( )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.startDataNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.startMaster ( )  :  JVMClusterUtil.MasterThread
MiniHBaseCluster.startMaster ( String hostname, int port )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.startNameNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.startRegionServer ( )  :  JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread
MiniHBaseCluster.startRegionServer ( String hostname, int port )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.startRegionServerAndWait ( long timeout )  :  JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread
MiniHBaseCluster.startZkNode ( String hostname, int port )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.stopDataNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.stopMaster ( int serverNumber )  :  JVMClusterUtil.MasterThread
MiniHBaseCluster.stopMaster ( int serverNumber, boolean shutdownFS )  :  JVMClusterUtil.MasterThread
MiniHBaseCluster.stopMaster ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.stopNameNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.stopRegionServer ( int serverNumber )  :  JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread
MiniHBaseCluster.stopRegionServer ( int serverNumber, boolean shutdownFS )  :  JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread
MiniHBaseCluster.stopRegionServer ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.stopZkNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.suspendRegionServer ( int serverNumber )  :  JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread
MiniHBaseCluster.suspendRegionServer ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForActiveAndReadyMaster ( long timeout )  :  boolean
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForDataNodeToStart ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForDataNodeToStop ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForMasterToStop ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForNameNodeToStart ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForNameNodeToStop ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForRegionServerToStop ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForZkNodeToStart ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForZkNodeToStop ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitOnMaster ( int serverNumber )  :  String
MiniHBaseCluster.waitOnRegionServer ( int serverNumber )  :  String
MiniHBaseCluster.waitUntilShutDown ( )  :  void

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, MiniZooKeeperCluster.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper
MiniZooKeeperCluster.getAddress ( )  :  Address

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, StartMiniClusterOption.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
StartMiniClusterOption.builder ( ) [static]  :  StartMiniClusterOption.Builder
StartMiniClusterOption.getDataNodeHosts ( )  :  String[ ]
StartMiniClusterOption.getMasterClass ( )  :  Class<?>
StartMiniClusterOption.getNumAlwaysStandByMasters ( )  :  int
StartMiniClusterOption.getNumDataNodes ( )  :  int
StartMiniClusterOption.getNumMasters ( )  :  int
StartMiniClusterOption.getNumRegionServers ( )  :  int
StartMiniClusterOption.getNumZkServers ( )  :  int
StartMiniClusterOption.getRsClass ( )  :  Class<?>
StartMiniClusterOption.getRsPorts ( )  :  List<Integer>
StartMiniClusterOption.isCreateRootDir ( )  :  boolean
StartMiniClusterOption.isCreateWALDir ( )  :  boolean
StartMiniClusterOption.toString ( )  :  String

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, TokenUtil.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.token
TokenUtil.obtainToken ( Configuration conf ) [static]  :  Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> *DEPRECATED*

to the top

Removed Methods  75 

hbase-rest-2.2.0.jar, RemoteAdmin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client
RemoteAdmin.createTable ( HTableDescriptor desc )  :  void
RemoteAdmin.deleteTable ( byte[ ] tableName )  :  void
RemoteAdmin.deleteTable ( String tableName )  :  void
RemoteAdmin.getClusterStatus ( )  :  StorageClusterStatusModel
RemoteAdmin.getClusterVersion ( )  :  StorageClusterVersionModel
RemoteAdmin.getRestVersion ( )  :  VersionModel
RemoteAdmin.getTableList ( )  :  TableListModel
RemoteAdmin.isTableAvailable ( byte[ ] tableName )  :  boolean
RemoteAdmin.isTableAvailable ( String tableName )  :  boolean
RemoteAdmin.RemoteAdmin ( Client client, Configuration conf )
RemoteAdmin.RemoteAdmin ( Client client, Configuration conf, String accessToken )

hbase-rest-2.2.0.jar, RemoteHTable.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client
RemoteHTable.append ( Append append )  :  Result
RemoteHTable.batch ( List<?> actions, Object[ ] results )  :  void
RemoteHTable.batchCallback ( List<?> actions, Object[ ] results, Batch.Callback<R> callback )  :  void
RemoteHTable.batchCoprocessorService ( Descriptors.MethodDescriptor method, Message request, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] endKey, R responsePrototype )  :  Map<byte[ ],R>
RemoteHTable.batchCoprocessorService ( Descriptors.MethodDescriptor method, Message request, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] endKey, R responsePrototype, Batch.Callback<R> callback )  :  void
RemoteHTable.buildModelFromPut ( Put put )  :  CellSetModel
RemoteHTable.buildMultiRowSpec ( byte[ ][ ] rows, int maxVersions )  :  String
RemoteHTable.buildResultFromModel ( CellSetModel model )  :  Result[ ]
RemoteHTable.buildRowSpec ( byte[ ] row, Map familyMap, long startTime, long endTime, int maxVersions )  :  String
RemoteHTable.checkAndDelete ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, byte[ ] value, Delete delete )  :  boolean
RemoteHTable.checkAndDelete ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, CompareFilter.CompareOp compareOp, byte[ ] value, Delete delete )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.checkAndDelete ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, CompareOperator compareOp, byte[ ] value, Delete delete )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.checkAndMutate ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family )  :  Table.CheckAndMutateBuilder
RemoteHTable.checkAndMutate ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, CompareFilter.CompareOp compareOp, byte[ ] value, RowMutations rm )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.checkAndMutate ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, CompareOperator compareOp, byte[ ] value, RowMutations rm )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.checkAndPut ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, byte[ ] value, Put put )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.checkAndPut ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, CompareFilter.CompareOp compareOp, byte[ ] value, Put put )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.checkAndPut ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, CompareOperator compareOp, byte[ ] value, Put put )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.close ( )  :  void
RemoteHTable.coprocessorService ( byte[ ] row )  :  CoprocessorRpcChannel
RemoteHTable.coprocessorService ( Class<T> service, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] endKey, Batch.Call<T,R> callable )  :  Map<byte[ ],R>
RemoteHTable.coprocessorService ( Class<T> service, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] endKey, Batch.Call<T,R> callable, Batch.Callback<R> callback )  :  void
RemoteHTable.delete ( Delete delete )  :  void
RemoteHTable.delete ( List<Delete> deletes )  :  void
RemoteHTable.exists ( Get get )  :  boolean
RemoteHTable.exists ( List<Get> gets )  :  boolean[ ]
RemoteHTable.flushCommits ( )  :  void
RemoteHTable.get ( Get get )  :  Result
RemoteHTable.get ( List<Get> gets )  :  Result[ ]
RemoteHTable.getConfiguration ( )  :  Configuration
RemoteHTable.getDescriptor ( )  :  TableDescriptor
RemoteHTable.getName ( )  :  TableName
RemoteHTable.getOperationTimeout ( )  :  int *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.getOperationTimeout ( TimeUnit unit )  :  long
RemoteHTable.getReadRpcTimeout ( )  :  int *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.getReadRpcTimeout ( TimeUnit unit )  :  long
RemoteHTable.getRpcTimeout ( )  :  int *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.getRpcTimeout ( TimeUnit unit )  :  long
RemoteHTable.getScanner ( byte[ ] family )  :  ResultScanner
RemoteHTable.getScanner ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier )  :  ResultScanner
RemoteHTable.getScanner ( Scan scan )  :  ResultScanner
RemoteHTable.getTableDescriptor ( )  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.getTableName ( )  :  byte[ ]
RemoteHTable.getWriteRpcTimeout ( )  :  int *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.getWriteRpcTimeout ( TimeUnit unit )  :  long
RemoteHTable.increment ( Increment increment )  :  Result
RemoteHTable.incrementColumnValue ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, long amount )  :  long
RemoteHTable.incrementColumnValue ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, long amount, Durability durability )  :  long
RemoteHTable.isAutoFlush ( )  :  boolean
RemoteHTable.mutateRow ( RowMutations rm )  :  void
RemoteHTable.put ( List<Put> puts )  :  void
RemoteHTable.put ( Put put )  :  void
RemoteHTable.RemoteHTable ( Client client, Configuration conf, byte[ ] name )
RemoteHTable.RemoteHTable ( Client client, Configuration conf, String name )
RemoteHTable.RemoteHTable ( Client client, String name )
RemoteHTable.setOperationTimeout ( int operationTimeout )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.setReadRpcTimeout ( int readRpcTimeout )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.setRpcTimeout ( int rpcTimeout )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.setWriteRpcTimeout ( int writeRpcTimeout )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, Admin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Admin.snapshotAsync ( SnapshotDescription p1 ) [abstract]  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, HRegionInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HRegionInfo.compareTo ( HRegionInfo o )  :  int
HRegionInfo.compareTo ( Object p1 )  :  int

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, ReplicationLoadSink.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication
ReplicationLoadSink.ReplicationLoadSink ( long age, long timestamp )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, ReplicationLoadSource.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication
ReplicationLoadSource.ReplicationLoadSource ( String id, long age, int size, long timestamp, long lag )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity  7 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client
[+] class RemoteAdmin  1 
[+] class RemoteHTable  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class HRegionInfo  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] interface Admin  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc
[+] class NettyRpcClientConfigHelper  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication
[+] class ReplicationLoadSource  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] class RowCounter  1 

to the top

Problems with Methods, High Severity  6 

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, Admin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] Admin.snapshotAsync ( SnapshotDescription p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, NettyRpcClientConfigHelper.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc
[+] NettyRpcClientConfigHelper.NettyRpcClientConfigHelper ( )  1 

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, QuorumPeerConfig.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum
[+] QuorumPeerConfig.getDataDir ( )  :  String  1 
[+] QuorumPeerConfig.getDataLogDir ( )  :  String  1 

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, ServerConfig.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server
[+] ServerConfig.getDataDir ( )  :  String  1 
[+] ServerConfig.getDataLogDir ( )  :  String  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity  4 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] interface ClusterMetrics  1 
[+] interface RegionMetrics  2 
[+] interface ServerMetrics  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity  8 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] class RowCounter  8 

to the top

Problems with Methods, Low Severity  2 

hbase-rest-2.2.0.jar, RestCsrfPreventionFilter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.filter
[+] RestCsrfPreventionFilter.init ( FilterConfig filterConfig )  :  void  1 

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, RegionInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] RegionInfo.isEncodedRegionName ( byte[ ] regionName ) [static]  :  boolean  1 

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types  59 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] interface ServerMetrics  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] interface Admin  43 
[+] interface AsyncAdmin  5 
[+] interface AsyncTable<C>  3 
[+] interface RegionInfo  2 
[+] interface Table  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc
[+] class NettyRpcClientConfigHelper  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.tool
[+] interface BulkLoadHFiles  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper
[+] class MiniZooKeeperCluster  2 

to the top

Other Changes in Methods  35 

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, Admin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] Admin.abortProcedure ( long p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*  1 
[+] Admin.addColumnFamily ( TableName p1, ColumnFamilyDescriptor p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.addReplicationPeer ( String p1, ReplicationPeerConfig p2, boolean p3 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.appendReplicationPeerTableCFs ( String p1, Map<TableName,List<String>> p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.cloneSnapshot ( byte[ ] p1, TableName p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.cloneSnapshot ( String p1, TableName p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.cloneSnapshot ( String p1, TableName p2, boolean p3 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.cloneSnapshotAsync ( String p1, TableName p2 ) [abstract]  :  Future<Void>  1 
[+] Admin.createNamespace ( NamespaceDescriptor p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.createTable ( TableDescriptor p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.createTable ( TableDescriptor p1, byte[ ][ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.deleteColumnFamily ( TableName p1, byte[ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.deleteNamespace ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.deleteTable ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.disableReplicationPeer ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.disableTable ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.enableReplicationPeer ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.enableTable ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.listTableDescriptors ( Pattern p1 ) [abstract]  :  List<TableDescriptor>  1 
[+] Admin.listTableNames ( Pattern p1 ) [abstract]  :  TableName[ ]  1 
[+] Admin.modifyColumnFamily ( TableName p1, ColumnFamilyDescriptor p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.modifyNamespace ( NamespaceDescriptor p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.modifyTable ( TableDescriptor p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.modifyTable ( TableName p1, TableDescriptor p2 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*  1 
[+] Admin.modifyTableAsync ( TableName p1, TableDescriptor p2 ) [abstract]  :  Future<Void> *DEPRECATED*  1 
[+] Admin.removeReplicationPeer ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.removeReplicationPeerTableCFs ( String p1, Map<TableName,List<String>> p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.restoreSnapshot ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.restoreSnapshot ( byte[ ] p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.restoreSnapshot ( String p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.snapshot ( byte[ ] p1, TableName p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.snapshot ( String p1, TableName p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.snapshot ( String p1, TableName p2, SnapshotType p3 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.truncateTable ( TableName p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.updateReplicationPeerConfig ( String p1, ReplicationPeerConfig p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 

to the top

Java Archives  13 


to the top

Test Info

Library Namehbase
Version #1rel/2.2.0
Version #22.3.0RC3
SubjectSource Compatibility

Test Results

Total Java Modules13
Total Methods / Classes5654 / 475
Compatibility 84.2%

Problem Summary

Added Methods-677
Removed MethodsHigh74
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types
Other Changes
in Methods

Added Methods  677 

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, Admin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Admin.clearSlowLogResponses ( Set<ServerName> p1 ) [abstract]  :  List<Boolean>
Admin.cloneSnapshotAsync ( String p1, TableName p2, boolean p3 ) [abstract]  :  Future<Void>
Admin.getRegionServers ( boolean excludeDecommissionedRS )  :  Collection<ServerName>
Admin.getSlowLogResponses ( Set<ServerName> p1, LogQueryFilter p2 ) [abstract]  :  List<OnlineLogRecord>
Admin.getSyncWaitTimeout ( ) [abstract]  :  int
Admin.isSnapshotCleanupEnabled ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean
Admin.listNamespaces ( ) [abstract]  :  String[ ]
Admin.snapshot ( String snapshotName, TableName tableName, Map<String,Object> snapshotProps )  :  void
Admin.snapshot ( String snapshotName, TableName tableName, SnapshotType type, Map<String,Object> snapshotProps )  :  void
Admin.snapshotCleanupSwitch ( boolean p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  boolean

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, AdminServer.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server.admin
AdminServer.setZooKeeperServer ( ZooKeeperServer p1 ) [abstract]  :  void
AdminServer.shutdown ( ) [abstract]  :  void
AdminServer.start ( ) [abstract]  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, AdminServerException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server.admin
AdminServer.AdminServerException.AdminServer.AdminServerException ( String message, Throwable cause )
AdminServer.AdminServerException.AdminServer.AdminServerException ( Throwable cause )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, AsyncAdmin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
AsyncAdmin.clearSlowLogResponses ( Set<ServerName> p1 ) [abstract]  :  CompletableFuture<List<Boolean>>
AsyncAdmin.getSlowLogResponses ( Set<ServerName> p1, LogQueryFilter p2 ) [abstract]  :  CompletableFuture<List<OnlineLogRecord>>
AsyncAdmin.isSnapshotCleanupEnabled ( ) [abstract]  :  CompletableFuture<Boolean>
AsyncAdmin.listNamespaces ( ) [abstract]  :  CompletableFuture<List<String>>
AsyncAdmin.snapshotCleanupSwitch ( boolean p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  CompletableFuture<Boolean>

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, AsyncTable.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
AsyncTable<C>.checkAndMutate ( byte[ ] p1, Filter p2 ) [abstract]  :  AsyncTable.CheckAndMutateWithFilterBuilder
AsyncTable<C>.getDescriptor ( ) [abstract]  :  CompletableFuture<TableDescriptor>
AsyncTable<C>.getRegionLocator ( ) [abstract]  :  AsyncTableRegionLocator

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, BinaryComponentComparator.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
BinaryComponentComparator.BinaryComponentComparator ( byte[ ] value, int offset )
BinaryComponentComparator.compareTo ( byte[ ] value )  :  int
BinaryComponentComparator.compareTo ( byte[ ] value, int offset, int length )  :  int
BinaryComponentComparator.compareTo ( Object p1 )  :  int
BinaryComponentComparator.equals ( Object other )  :  boolean
BinaryComponentComparator.hashCode ( )  :  int
BinaryComponentComparator.parseFrom ( byte[ ] pbBytes ) [static]  :  BinaryComponentComparator
BinaryComponentComparator.toByteArray ( )  :  byte[ ]

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, BufferedMutatorParams.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
BufferedMutatorParams.operationTimeout ( int operationTimeout )  :  BufferedMutatorParams

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ByteBufferUtils.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util
ByteBufferUtils.readVLong ( ByteBuff in ) [static]  :  long

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CallTimeoutException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc
CallTimeoutException.CallTimeoutException ( String message, Throwable cause )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CellComparator.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
CellComparator.compareRows ( ByteBuffer row, Cell cell )  :  int

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CellUtil.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
CellUtil.getCellKeyAsString ( Cell cell, Function<Cell,String> rowConverter ) [static]  :  String
CellUtil.matchingColumnFamilyAndQualifierPrefix ( Cell left, byte[ ] fam, byte[ ] qual ) [static]  :  boolean

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CheckWatchesRequest.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.proto
CheckWatchesRequest.CheckWatchesRequest ( )
CheckWatchesRequest.CheckWatchesRequest ( String path, int type )
CheckWatchesRequest.compareTo ( Object peer_ )  :  int
CheckWatchesRequest.deserialize ( InputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CheckWatchesRequest.equals ( Object peer_ )  :  boolean
CheckWatchesRequest.getPath ( )  :  String
CheckWatchesRequest.getType ( )  :  int
CheckWatchesRequest.hashCode ( )  :  int
CheckWatchesRequest.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void
CheckWatchesRequest.serialize ( OutputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CheckWatchesRequest.setPath ( String m_ )  :  void
CheckWatchesRequest.setType ( int m_ )  :  void
CheckWatchesRequest.signature ( ) [static]  :  String
CheckWatchesRequest.toString ( )  :  String
CheckWatchesRequest.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ClientTokenUtil.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.token
ClientTokenUtil.obtainAndCacheToken ( Connection conn, User user ) [static]  :  void
ClientTokenUtil.obtainToken ( Connection conn ) [static]  :  Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier>

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ClusterMetrics.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ClusterMetrics.getTableRegionStatesCount ( ) [abstract]  :  Map<TableName,RegionStatesCount>

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ClusterStatus.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ClusterStatus.getTableRegionStatesCount ( )  :  Map<TableName,RegionStatesCount>

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder.setVersionsWithTimeToLive ( int retentionInterval, int versionAfterInterval )  :  ColumnFamilyDescriptorBuilder

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ConnectionClosedException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions
ConnectionClosedException.ConnectionClosedException ( String message, Throwable cause )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ConnectionClosingException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions
ConnectionClosingException.ConnectionClosingException ( String message, Throwable cause )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, Create2Callback.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
AsyncCallback.Create2Callback.processResult ( int p1, String p2, Object p3, String p4, Stat p5 ) [abstract]  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, Create2Response.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.proto
Create2Response.compareTo ( Object peer_ )  :  int
Create2Response.Create2Response ( )
Create2Response.Create2Response ( String path, Stat stat )
Create2Response.deserialize ( InputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
Create2Response.equals ( Object peer_ )  :  boolean
Create2Response.getPath ( )  :  String
Create2Response.getStat ( )  :  Stat
Create2Response.hashCode ( )  :  int
Create2Response.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void
Create2Response.serialize ( OutputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
Create2Response.setPath ( String m_ )  :  void
Create2Response.setStat ( Stat m_ )  :  void
Create2Response.signature ( ) [static]  :  String
Create2Response.toString ( )  :  String
Create2Response.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CreateContainerTxn.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.txn
CreateContainerTxn.compareTo ( Object peer_ )  :  int
CreateContainerTxn.CreateContainerTxn ( )
CreateContainerTxn.CreateContainerTxn ( String path, byte[ ] data, List<ACL> acl, int parentCVersion )
CreateContainerTxn.deserialize ( InputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CreateContainerTxn.equals ( Object peer_ )  :  boolean
CreateContainerTxn.getAcl ( )  :  List<ACL>
CreateContainerTxn.getData ( )  :  byte[ ]
CreateContainerTxn.getParentCVersion ( )  :  int
CreateContainerTxn.getPath ( )  :  String
CreateContainerTxn.hashCode ( )  :  int
CreateContainerTxn.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void
CreateContainerTxn.serialize ( OutputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CreateContainerTxn.setAcl ( List<ACL> m_ )  :  void
CreateContainerTxn.setData ( byte[ ] m_ )  :  void
CreateContainerTxn.setParentCVersion ( int m_ )  :  void
CreateContainerTxn.setPath ( String m_ )  :  void
CreateContainerTxn.signature ( ) [static]  :  String
CreateContainerTxn.toString ( )  :  String
CreateContainerTxn.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CreateMode.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
CreateMode.fromFlag ( int flag, CreateMode defaultMode ) [static]  :  CreateMode
CreateMode.isContainer ( )  :  boolean
CreateMode.isTTL ( )  :  boolean

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CreateTTLRequest.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.proto
CreateTTLRequest.compareTo ( Object peer_ )  :  int
CreateTTLRequest.CreateTTLRequest ( )
CreateTTLRequest.CreateTTLRequest ( String path, byte[ ] data, List<ACL> acl, int flags, long ttl )
CreateTTLRequest.deserialize ( InputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.equals ( Object peer_ )  :  boolean
CreateTTLRequest.getAcl ( )  :  List<ACL>
CreateTTLRequest.getData ( )  :  byte[ ]
CreateTTLRequest.getFlags ( )  :  int
CreateTTLRequest.getPath ( )  :  String
CreateTTLRequest.getTtl ( )  :  long
CreateTTLRequest.hashCode ( )  :  int
CreateTTLRequest.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.serialize ( OutputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.setAcl ( List<ACL> m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.setData ( byte[ ] m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.setFlags ( int m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.setPath ( String m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.setTtl ( long m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLRequest.signature ( ) [static]  :  String
CreateTTLRequest.toString ( )  :  String
CreateTTLRequest.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, CreateTTLTxn.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.txn
CreateTTLTxn.compareTo ( Object peer_ )  :  int
CreateTTLTxn.CreateTTLTxn ( )
CreateTTLTxn.CreateTTLTxn ( String path, byte[ ] data, List<ACL> acl, int parentCVersion, long ttl )
CreateTTLTxn.deserialize ( InputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.equals ( Object peer_ )  :  boolean
CreateTTLTxn.getAcl ( )  :  List<ACL>
CreateTTLTxn.getData ( )  :  byte[ ]
CreateTTLTxn.getParentCVersion ( )  :  int
CreateTTLTxn.getPath ( )  :  String
CreateTTLTxn.getTtl ( )  :  long
CreateTTLTxn.hashCode ( )  :  int
CreateTTLTxn.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.serialize ( OutputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.setAcl ( List<ACL> m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.setData ( byte[ ] m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.setParentCVersion ( int m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.setPath ( String m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.setTtl ( long m_ )  :  void
CreateTTLTxn.signature ( ) [static]  :  String
CreateTTLTxn.toString ( )  :  String
CreateTTLTxn.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, DroppedSnapshotException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
DroppedSnapshotException.DroppedSnapshotException ( String message, Throwable cause )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, EphemeralOnLocalSessionException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
KeeperException.EphemeralOnLocalSessionException.KeeperException.EphemeralOnLocalSessionException ( )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, FailedCloseWALAfterInitializedErrorException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
FailedCloseWALAfterInitializedErrorException.FailedCloseWALAfterInitializedErrorException ( )
FailedCloseWALAfterInitializedErrorException.FailedCloseWALAfterInitializedErrorException ( String msg )
FailedCloseWALAfterInitializedErrorException.FailedCloseWALAfterInitializedErrorException ( String msg, Throwable t )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, FourLetterWordMain.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.client
FourLetterWordMain.send4LetterWord ( String host, int port, String cmd, boolean secure ) [static]  :  String
FourLetterWordMain.send4LetterWord ( String host, int port, String cmd, boolean secure, int timeout ) [static]  :  String

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, HostProvider.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.client
HostProvider.updateServerList ( Collection<InetSocketAddress> p1, InetSocketAddress p2 ) [abstract]  :  boolean

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, LearnerInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum
LearnerInfo.getConfigVersion ( )  :  long
LearnerInfo.LearnerInfo ( long serverid, int protocolVersion, long configVersion )
LearnerInfo.setConfigVersion ( long m_ )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, MultiRowRangeFilter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter
MultiRowRangeFilter.MultiRowRangeFilter ( byte[ ][ ] rowKeyPrefixes )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, NewConfigNoQuorum.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
KeeperException.NewConfigNoQuorum.KeeperException.NewConfigNoQuorum ( )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, NoWatcherException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
KeeperException.NoWatcherException.KeeperException.NoWatcherException ( )
KeeperException.NoWatcherException.KeeperException.NoWatcherException ( String path )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, QuorumPeerConfig.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum
QuorumPeerConfig.areLocalSessionsEnabled ( )  :  boolean
QuorumPeerConfig.checkValidity ( )  :  void
QuorumPeerConfig.configureSSLAuth ( ) [static]  :  void
QuorumPeerConfig.deleteFile ( String filename ) [static]  :  void
QuorumPeerConfig.editStaticConfig ( String configFileStr, String dynamicFileStr, boolean eraseClientPortAddress ) [static]  :  void
QuorumPeerConfig.getConfigFilename ( )  :  String
QuorumPeerConfig.getDataDir ( )  :  File
QuorumPeerConfig.getDataLogDir ( )  :  File
QuorumPeerConfig.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier ( )  :  QuorumVerifier
QuorumPeerConfig.getSecureClientPortAddress ( )  :  InetSocketAddress
QuorumPeerConfig.getVersionFromFilename ( String filename ) [static]  :  String
QuorumPeerConfig.isLocalSessionsUpgradingEnabled ( )  :  boolean
QuorumPeerConfig.isReconfigEnabled ( ) [static]  :  boolean
QuorumPeerConfig.isSslQuorum ( )  :  boolean
QuorumPeerConfig.isStandaloneEnabled ( ) [static]  :  boolean
QuorumPeerConfig.parseDynamicConfig ( Properties dynamicConfigProp, int eAlg, boolean warnings, boolean configBackwardCompatibilityMode ) [static]  :  QuorumVerifier
QuorumPeerConfig.setReconfigEnabled ( boolean enabled ) [static]  :  void
QuorumPeerConfig.setStandaloneEnabled ( boolean enabled ) [static]  :  void
QuorumPeerConfig.shouldUsePortUnification ( )  :  boolean
QuorumPeerConfig.writeDynamicConfig ( String dynamicConfigFilename, QuorumVerifier qv, boolean needKeepVersion ) [static]  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, QuorumPeerMain.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum
QuorumPeerMain.getQuorumPeer ( )  :  QuorumPeer

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, QuotaSettingsFactory.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas
QuotaSettingsFactory.fromTableThrottles ( TableName tableName, QuotaProtos.Throttle throttle ) [static]  :  List<ThrottleSettings>

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ReconfigDisabledException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
KeeperException.ReconfigDisabledException.KeeperException.ReconfigDisabledException ( )
KeeperException.ReconfigDisabledException.KeeperException.ReconfigDisabledException ( String path )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ReconfigInProgress.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
KeeperException.ReconfigInProgress.KeeperException.ReconfigInProgress ( )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ReconfigRequest.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.proto
ReconfigRequest.compareTo ( Object peer_ )  :  int
ReconfigRequest.deserialize ( InputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
ReconfigRequest.equals ( Object peer_ )  :  boolean
ReconfigRequest.getCurConfigId ( )  :  long
ReconfigRequest.getJoiningServers ( )  :  String
ReconfigRequest.getLeavingServers ( )  :  String
ReconfigRequest.getNewMembers ( )  :  String
ReconfigRequest.hashCode ( )  :  int
ReconfigRequest.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void
ReconfigRequest.ReconfigRequest ( )
ReconfigRequest.ReconfigRequest ( String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long curConfigId )
ReconfigRequest.serialize ( OutputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
ReconfigRequest.setCurConfigId ( long m_ )  :  void
ReconfigRequest.setJoiningServers ( String m_ )  :  void
ReconfigRequest.setLeavingServers ( String m_ )  :  void
ReconfigRequest.setNewMembers ( String m_ )  :  void
ReconfigRequest.signature ( ) [static]  :  String
ReconfigRequest.toString ( )  :  String
ReconfigRequest.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, RegionInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
RegionInfo.compareTo ( Object p1 )  :  int
RegionInfo.compareTo ( RegionInfo other )  :  int
RegionInfo.isAdjacent ( RegionInfo other )  :  boolean
RegionInfo.isDegenerate ( )  :  boolean
RegionInfo.isFirst ( )  :  boolean
RegionInfo.isLast ( )  :  boolean
RegionInfo.isNext ( RegionInfo after )  :  boolean
RegionInfo.isOverlap ( RegionInfo other )  :  boolean
RegionInfo.parseRegionNameOrReturnNull ( byte[ ] regionName ) [static]  :  byte[ ][ ]

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, RegionLoad.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
RegionLoad.getMaxCompactedStoreFileRefCount ( )  :  int
RegionLoad.getStoreRefCount ( )  :  int

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, RegionMetrics.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
RegionMetrics.getMaxCompactedStoreFileRefCount ( ) [abstract]  :  int
RegionMetrics.getStoreRefCount ( ) [abstract]  :  int

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, RemoveWatchesRequest.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.proto
RemoveWatchesRequest.compareTo ( Object peer_ )  :  int
RemoveWatchesRequest.deserialize ( InputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
RemoveWatchesRequest.equals ( Object peer_ )  :  boolean
RemoveWatchesRequest.getPath ( )  :  String
RemoveWatchesRequest.getType ( )  :  int
RemoveWatchesRequest.hashCode ( )  :  int
RemoveWatchesRequest.readFields ( DataInput in )  :  void
RemoveWatchesRequest.RemoveWatchesRequest ( )
RemoveWatchesRequest.RemoveWatchesRequest ( String path, int type )
RemoveWatchesRequest.serialize ( OutputArchive a_, String tag )  :  void
RemoveWatchesRequest.setPath ( String m_ )  :  void
RemoveWatchesRequest.setType ( int m_ )  :  void
RemoveWatchesRequest.signature ( ) [static]  :  String
RemoveWatchesRequest.toString ( )  :  String
RemoveWatchesRequest.write ( DataOutput out )  :  void

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ReplicationLoadSink.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication
ReplicationLoadSink.getTimestampStarted ( )  :  long
ReplicationLoadSink.getTotalOpsProcessed ( )  :  long
ReplicationLoadSink.ReplicationLoadSink ( long age, long timestamp, long timestampStarted, long totalOpsProcessed )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ReplicationLoadSource.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication
ReplicationLoadSource.getEditsRead ( )  :  long
ReplicationLoadSource.getOPsShipped ( )  :  long
ReplicationLoadSource.getQueueId ( )  :  String
ReplicationLoadSource.getTimeStampOfNextToReplicate ( )  :  long
ReplicationLoadSource.hasEditsSinceRestart ( )  :  boolean
ReplicationLoadSource.isRecovered ( )  :  boolean
ReplicationLoadSource.isRunning ( )  :  boolean
ReplicationLoadSource.newBuilder ( ) [static]  :  ReplicationLoadSource.ReplicationLoadSourceBuilder

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ServerConfig.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server
ServerConfig.getDataDir ( )  :  File
ServerConfig.getDataLogDir ( )  :  File
ServerConfig.getSecureClientPortAddress ( )  :  InetSocketAddress

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ServerLoad.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ServerLoad.getReplicationLoadSourceMap ( )  :  Map<String,List<ReplicationLoadSource>>
ServerLoad.getUserMetrics ( )  :  Map<byte[ ],UserMetrics>

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ServerMetrics.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
ServerMetrics.getReplicationLoadSourceMap ( ) [abstract]  :  Map<String,List<ReplicationLoadSource>>
ServerMetrics.getUserMetrics ( ) [abstract]  :  Map<byte[ ],UserMetrics>

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, SnapshotDescription.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
SnapshotDescription.getTtl ( )  :  long
SnapshotDescription.SnapshotDescription ( String name, TableName table, SnapshotType type, String owner, long creationTime, int version, Map<String,Object> snapshotProps )
SnapshotDescription.SnapshotDescription ( String snapshotName, TableName tableName, SnapshotType type, Map<String,Object> snapshotProps )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, StaticHostProvider.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.client
StaticHostProvider.getServerAtCurrentIndex ( )  :  InetSocketAddress
StaticHostProvider.getServerAtIndex ( int i )  :  InetSocketAddress
StaticHostProvider.StaticHostProvider ( Collection<InetSocketAddress> serverAddresses, long randomnessSeed )
StaticHostProvider.StaticHostProvider ( Collection<InetSocketAddress> serverAddresses, StaticHostProvider.Resolver resolver )
StaticHostProvider.updateServerList ( Collection<InetSocketAddress> serverAddresses, InetSocketAddress currentHost )  :  boolean

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, Table.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
Table.checkAndMutate ( byte[ ] row, Filter filter )  :  Table.CheckAndMutateWithFilterBuilder
Table.getRegionLocator ( ) [abstract]  :  RegionLocator

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, TimeRange.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io
TimeRange.between ( long minStamp, long maxStamp ) [static]  :  TimeRange
TimeRange.from ( long minStamp ) [static]  :  TimeRange
TimeRange.until ( long maxStamp ) [static]  :  TimeRange

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, UnknownSessionException.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
KeeperException.UnknownSessionException.KeeperException.UnknownSessionException ( )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, UserMetrics.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
UserMetrics.getClientMetrics ( ) [abstract]  :  Map<String,UserMetrics.ClientMetrics>
UserMetrics.getFilteredReadRequests ( ) [abstract]  :  long
UserMetrics.getNameAsString ( )  :  String
UserMetrics.getReadRequestCount ( ) [abstract]  :  long
UserMetrics.getRequestCount ( )  :  long
UserMetrics.getUserName ( ) [abstract]  :  byte[ ]
UserMetrics.getWriteRequestCount ( ) [abstract]  :  long

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, VersionInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util
VersionInfo.getMajorVersion ( String version ) [static]  :  int

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, WatcherType.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
Watcher.WatcherType.fromInt ( int intValue ) [static]  :  Watcher.WatcherType
Watcher.WatcherType.getIntValue ( )  :  int
Watcher.WatcherType.valueOf ( String name ) [static]  :  Watcher.WatcherType
Watcher.WatcherType.values ( ) [static]  :  Watcher.WatcherType[ ]

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ZKClientConfig.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.client
ZKClientConfig.getLong ( String key, long defaultValue )  :  long
ZKClientConfig.handleBackwardCompatibility ( )  :  void
ZKClientConfig.isSaslClientEnabled ( )  :  boolean
ZKClientConfig.ZKClientConfig ( )
ZKClientConfig.ZKClientConfig ( File configFile )
ZKClientConfig.ZKClientConfig ( String configPath )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ZooKeeper.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper
ZooKeeper.close ( int waitForShutdownTimeoutMs )  :  boolean
ZooKeeper.create ( String path, byte[ ] data, List<ACL> acl, CreateMode createMode, AsyncCallback.Create2Callback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeper.create ( String path, byte[ ] data, List<ACL> acl, CreateMode createMode, AsyncCallback.Create2Callback cb, Object ctx, long ttl )  :  void
ZooKeeper.create ( String path, byte[ ] data, List<ACL> acl, CreateMode createMode, Stat stat )  :  String
ZooKeeper.create ( String path, byte[ ] data, List<ACL> acl, CreateMode createMode, Stat stat, long ttl )  :  String
ZooKeeper.createConnection ( String chrootPath, HostProvider hostProvider, int sessionTimeout, ZooKeeper zooKeeper, ClientWatchManager watcher, ClientCnxnSocket clientCnxnSocket, boolean canBeReadOnly )  :  ClientCnxn
ZooKeeper.defaultWatchManager ( )  :  ZooKeeper.ZKWatchManager
ZooKeeper.getClientConfig ( )  :  ZKClientConfig
ZooKeeper.getConfig ( boolean watch, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeper.getConfig ( boolean watch, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ]
ZooKeeper.getConfig ( Watcher watcher, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeper.getConfig ( Watcher watcher, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ]
ZooKeeper.getTestable ( )  :  Testable
ZooKeeper.internalReconfig ( List<String> joiningServers, List<String> leavingServers, List<String> newMembers, long fromConfig, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeper.internalReconfig ( List<String> joiningServers, List<String> leavingServers, List<String> newMembers, long fromConfig, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ]
ZooKeeper.internalReconfig ( String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long fromConfig, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeper.internalReconfig ( String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long fromConfig, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ]
ZooKeeper.reconfig ( List<String> joiningServers, List<String> leavingServers, List<String> newMembers, long fromConfig, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
ZooKeeper.reconfig ( List<String> joiningServers, List<String> leavingServers, List<String> newMembers, long fromConfig, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
ZooKeeper.reconfig ( String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long fromConfig, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
ZooKeeper.reconfig ( String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long fromConfig, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ] *DEPRECATED*
ZooKeeper.removeAllWatches ( String path, Watcher.WatcherType watcherType, boolean local )  :  void
ZooKeeper.removeAllWatches ( String path, Watcher.WatcherType watcherType, boolean local, AsyncCallback.VoidCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeper.removeWatches ( String path, Watcher watcher, Watcher.WatcherType watcherType, boolean local )  :  void
ZooKeeper.removeWatches ( String path, Watcher watcher, Watcher.WatcherType watcherType, boolean local, AsyncCallback.VoidCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeper.updateServerList ( String connectString )  :  void
ZooKeeper.ZooKeeper ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly, HostProvider aHostProvider )
ZooKeeper.ZooKeeper ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly, HostProvider aHostProvider, ZKClientConfig clientConfig )
ZooKeeper.ZooKeeper ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly, ZKClientConfig conf )
ZooKeeper.ZooKeeper ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, long sessionId, byte[ ] sessionPasswd, boolean canBeReadOnly, HostProvider aHostProvider )
ZooKeeper.ZooKeeper ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, long sessionId, byte[ ] sessionPasswd, boolean canBeReadOnly, HostProvider aHostProvider, ZKClientConfig clientConfig )
ZooKeeper.ZooKeeper ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, ZKClientConfig conf )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.3.0.jar, ZooKeeperAdmin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.admin
ZooKeeperAdmin.reconfigure ( List<String> joiningServers, List<String> leavingServers, List<String> newMembers, long fromConfig, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeperAdmin.reconfigure ( List<String> joiningServers, List<String> leavingServers, List<String> newMembers, long fromConfig, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ]
ZooKeeperAdmin.reconfigure ( String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long fromConfig, AsyncCallback.DataCallback cb, Object ctx )  :  void
ZooKeeperAdmin.reconfigure ( String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long fromConfig, Stat stat )  :  byte[ ]
ZooKeeperAdmin.toString ( )  :  String
ZooKeeperAdmin.ZooKeeperAdmin ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher )
ZooKeeperAdmin.ZooKeeperAdmin ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly )
ZooKeeperAdmin.ZooKeeperAdmin ( String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, ZKClientConfig conf )

hbase-shaded-mapreduce-2.3.0.jar, RowCounter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
RowCounter.addOptions ( )  :  void
RowCounter.createSubmittableJob ( Configuration conf )  :  Job
RowCounter.doWork ( )  :  int
RowCounter.newParser ( )  :  CommandLineParser
RowCounter.printUsage ( String usageStr, String usageHeader, String usageFooter )  :  void
RowCounter.processOldArgs ( List<String> args )  :  void
RowCounter.processOptions ( CommandLine cmd )  :  void

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, Canary.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.tool
Canary.checkRegions ( String[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  int
Canary.checkRegionServers ( String[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  int
Canary.checkZooKeeper ( ) [abstract]  :  int
Canary.create ( Configuration conf, ExecutorService executor ) [static]  :  Canary
Canary.create ( Configuration conf, ExecutorService executor, CanaryTool.Sink sink ) [static]  :  Canary

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, CodecPerformance.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.codec
CodecPerformance.CodecPerformance ( )
CodecPerformance.main ( String[ ] args ) [static]  :  void

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, HBaseCommonTestingUtility.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.cleanupTestDir ( )  :  boolean
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.createSubDir ( String propertyName, Path parent, String subDirName )  :  void
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.getConfiguration ( )  :  Configuration
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.getDataTestDir ( )  :  Path
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.getDataTestDir ( String name )  :  Path
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.getRandomDir ( )  :  Path
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.getRandomUUID ( ) [static]  :  UUID
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.HBaseCommonTestingUtility ( )
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.HBaseCommonTestingUtility ( Configuration conf )
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.randomFreePort ( ) [static]  :  int
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.setupDataTestDir ( )  :  Path
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.waitFor ( long timeout, long interval, boolean failIfTimeout, Waiter.Predicate<E> predicate )  :  long
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.waitFor ( long timeout, long interval, Waiter.Predicate<E> predicate )  :  long
HBaseCommonTestingUtility.waitFor ( long timeout, Waiter.Predicate<E> predicate )  :  long

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, HBaseTestingUtility.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HBaseTestingUtility.assertKVListsEqual ( String additionalMsg, List<?> expected, List<?> actual ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.assertRegionOnlyOnServer ( RegionInfo hri, ServerName server, long timeout )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.assertRegionOnServer ( RegionInfo hri, ServerName server, long timeout )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.assignRegion ( RegionInfo regionInfo )  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.available ( int port ) [static]  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.await ( long sleepMillis, BooleanSupplier condition ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.checksumRows ( Table table )  :  String
HBaseTestingUtility.cleanupDataTestDirOnTestFS ( )  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.cleanupDataTestDirOnTestFS ( String subdirName )  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.closeConnection ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL ( HRegion r ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.closeRegionAndWAL ( Region r ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.compact ( boolean major )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.compact ( TableName tableName, boolean major )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.countRows ( InternalScanner scanner )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.countRows ( Region region )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.countRows ( Region region, Scan scan )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.countRows ( Table table )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.countRows ( Table table, byte[ ]... families )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.countRows ( Table table, Scan scan )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.countRows ( TableName tableName )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHRegion ( byte[ ] tableName, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] stopKey, String callingMethod, Configuration conf, boolean isReadOnly, Durability durability, WAL wal, byte[ ]... families )  :  HRegion *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHRegion ( RegionInfo info, TableDescriptor desc )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHRegion ( RegionInfo info, TableDescriptor desc, WAL wal )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHRegion ( TableDescriptor desc, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] endKey )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHRegion ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] stopKey, boolean isReadOnly, Durability durability, WAL wal, byte[ ]... families )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHRegionWithInMemoryFlags ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] stopKey, boolean isReadOnly, Durability durability, WAL wal, boolean[ ] compactedMemStore, byte[ ]... families )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHTU ( ) [static]  :  HBaseTestingUtility *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHTU ( Configuration c ) [static]  :  HBaseTestingUtility *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.createMockRegionServerService ( )  :  RegionServerServices
HBaseTestingUtility.createMockRegionServerService ( RpcServerInterface rpc )  :  RegionServerServices
HBaseTestingUtility.createMockRegionServerService ( ServerName name )  :  RegionServerServices
HBaseTestingUtility.createMultiRegionsInMeta ( Configuration conf, HTableDescriptor htd, byte[ ][ ] startKeys )  :  List<HRegionInfo> *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.createMultiRegionsInMeta ( Configuration conf, TableDescriptor htd, byte[ ][ ] startKeys )  :  List<RegionInfo>
HBaseTestingUtility.createMultiRegionTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] family )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createMultiRegionTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] family, int numRegions )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createMultiRegionTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createMultiRegionTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int numVersions )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable ( Configuration conf, TableDescriptor desc, ColumnFamilyDescriptor hcd ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable ( Configuration conf, TableDescriptor desc, ColumnFamilyDescriptor hcd, int numRegionsPerServer ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable ( Configuration conf, TableDescriptor desc, ColumnFamilyDescriptor[ ] hcds, int numRegionsPerServer ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable ( Configuration conf, TableDescriptor td, ColumnFamilyDescriptor[ ] cds, RegionSplitter.SplitAlgorithm splitter, int numRegionsPerServer ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable ( Configuration conf, TableName tableName, byte[ ] columnFamily, Compression.Algorithm compression, DataBlockEncoding dataBlockEncoding ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable ( Configuration conf, TableName tableName, byte[ ] columnFamily, Compression.Algorithm compression, DataBlockEncoding dataBlockEncoding, int numRegionsPerServer, int regionReplication, Durability durability ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable ( Configuration conf, TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] columnFamilies, Compression.Algorithm compression, DataBlockEncoding dataBlockEncoding, int numRegionsPerServer, int regionReplication, Durability durability ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.createRandomTable ( TableName tableName, Collection<String> families, int maxVersions, int numColsPerRow, int numFlushes, int numRegions, int numRowsPerFlush )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL ( RegionInfo info, Path rootDir, Configuration conf, TableDescriptor htd ) [static]  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL ( RegionInfo info, Path rootDir, Configuration conf, TableDescriptor htd, BlockCache blockCache ) [static]  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL ( RegionInfo info, Path rootDir, Configuration conf, TableDescriptor htd, boolean initialize ) [static]  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createRegionAndWAL ( RegionInfo info, Path rootDir, Configuration conf, TableDescriptor htd, MobFileCache mobFileCache ) [static]  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createRootDir ( )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.createRootDir ( boolean create )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableDescriptor htd, byte[ ][ ] families, byte[ ][ ] splitKeys, BloomType type, int blockSize, Configuration c )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableDescriptor htd, byte[ ][ ] families, byte[ ][ ] splitKeys, Configuration c )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableDescriptor htd, byte[ ][ ] families, Configuration c )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableDescriptor htd, byte[ ][ ] splitRows )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] family )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] family, byte[ ][ ] splitRows )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] family, int numVersions )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, byte[ ][ ] splitKeys )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, byte[ ][ ] splitKeys, int replicaCount )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, byte[ ][ ] splitKeys, int replicaCount, Configuration c )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int numVersions )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int numVersions, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] endKey, int numRegions )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int numVersions, byte[ ][ ] splitKeys )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int numVersions, int blockSize )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int numVersions, int blockSize, String cpName )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int[ ] numVersions )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, String family )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTable ( TableName tableName, String[ ] families )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.createTableDescriptor ( String name )  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.createTableDescriptor ( String name, int minVersions, int versions, int ttl, KeepDeletedCells keepDeleted )  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.createTableDescriptor ( TableName name )  :  HTableDescriptor
HBaseTestingUtility.createTableDescriptor ( TableName name, int minVersions, int versions, int ttl, KeepDeletedCells keepDeleted )  :  HTableDescriptor
HBaseTestingUtility.createTableDescriptor ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] family )  :  HTableDescriptor
HBaseTestingUtility.createTableDescriptor ( TableName tableName, byte[ ][ ] families, int maxVersions )  :  HTableDescriptor
HBaseTestingUtility.createTestRegion ( String tableName, ColumnFamilyDescriptor cd )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createTestRegion ( String tableName, ColumnFamilyDescriptor cd, BlockCache blockCache )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.createWal ( Configuration conf, Path rootDir, RegionInfo hri ) [static]  :  WAL
HBaseTestingUtility.createWALRootDir ( )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.deleteNumericRows ( Table t, byte[ ] f, int startRow, int endRow )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.deleteTable ( TableName tableName )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.deleteTableData ( TableName tableName )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.deleteTableIfAny ( TableName tableName )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.enableDebug ( Class<?> clazz )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.ensureSomeNonStoppedRegionServersAvailable ( int num )  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.ensureSomeRegionServersAvailable ( int num )  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.expireMasterSession ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.expireRegionServerSession ( int index )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.expireSession ( ZKWatcher nodeZK )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.expireSession ( ZKWatcher nodeZK, boolean checkStatus )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.explainTableAvailability ( TableName tableName )  :  String
HBaseTestingUtility.explainTableState ( TableName table, TableState.State state )  :  String
HBaseTestingUtility.findLastTableState ( TableName table )  :  TableState
HBaseTestingUtility.flush ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.flush ( TableName tableName )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.generateColumnDescriptors ( ) [static]  :  List<HColumnDescriptor>
HBaseTestingUtility.generateColumnDescriptors ( String prefix ) [static]  :  List<HColumnDescriptor>
HBaseTestingUtility.getAdmin ( )  :  Admin
HBaseTestingUtility.getAllOnlineRegions ( MiniHBaseCluster cluster ) [static]  :  NavigableSet<String>
HBaseTestingUtility.getClosestRowBefore ( Region r, byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family )  :  Result
HBaseTestingUtility.getClusterKey ( )  :  String
HBaseTestingUtility.getConfiguration ( )  :  Configuration
HBaseTestingUtility.getConnection ( )  :  Connection
HBaseTestingUtility.getDataTestDirOnTestFS ( )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.getDataTestDirOnTestFS ( String subdirName )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.getDefaultRootDirPath ( )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.getDefaultRootDirPath ( boolean create )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.getDFSCluster ( )  :  MiniDFSCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.getDifferentUser ( Configuration c, String differentiatingSuffix ) [static]  :  User
HBaseTestingUtility.getFromStoreFile ( HStore store, byte[ ] row, NavigableSet<byte[ ]> columns ) [static]  :  List<Cell>
HBaseTestingUtility.getFromStoreFile ( HStore store, Get get ) [static]  :  List<Cell>
HBaseTestingUtility.getHBaseAdmin ( )  :  HBaseAdmin *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.getHBaseCluster ( )  :  MiniHBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.getHBaseClusterInterface ( )  :  HBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.getHbck ( )  :  Hbck
HBaseTestingUtility.getMetaRSPort ( Connection connection ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.getMetaTableDescriptor ( )  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.getMetaTableDescriptorBuilder ( )  :  TableDescriptorBuilder *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.getMetaTableRows ( )  :  List<byte[ ]>
HBaseTestingUtility.getMetaTableRows ( TableName tableName )  :  List<byte[ ]>
HBaseTestingUtility.getMiniHBaseCluster ( )  :  MiniHBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.getNumHFiles ( TableName tableName, byte[ ] family )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.getNumHFilesForRS ( HRegionServer rs, TableName tableName, byte[ ] family )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.getOtherRegionServer ( HRegionServer rs )  :  HRegionServer
HBaseTestingUtility.getRegionSplitStartKeys ( byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] endKey, int numRegions )  :  byte[ ][ ]
HBaseTestingUtility.getRSForFirstRegionInTable ( TableName tableName )  :  HRegionServer
HBaseTestingUtility.getSplittableRegion ( TableName tableName, int maxAttempts )  :  HRegion
HBaseTestingUtility.getSupportedCompressionAlgorithms ( ) [static]  :  Compression.Algorithm[ ]
HBaseTestingUtility.getTestFileSystem ( )  :  FileSystem
HBaseTestingUtility.HBaseTestingUtility ( )
HBaseTestingUtility.HBaseTestingUtility ( Configuration conf )
HBaseTestingUtility.invalidateConnection ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.isNewVersionBehaviorEnabled ( )  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.isReadShortCircuitOn ( )  :  boolean
HBaseTestingUtility.killMiniHBaseCluster ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.loadNumericRows ( Table t, byte[ ] f, int startRow, int endRow )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.loadRandomRows ( Table t, byte[ ] f, int rowSize, int totalRows )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.loadRegion ( HRegion r, byte[ ] f )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.loadRegion ( HRegion r, byte[ ] f, boolean flush )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.loadRegion ( Region r, byte[ ] f )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.loadTable ( Table t, byte[ ] f )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.loadTable ( Table t, byte[ ] f, boolean writeToWAL )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.loadTable ( Table t, byte[ ][ ] f )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.loadTable ( Table t, byte[ ][ ] f, byte[ ] value )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.loadTable ( Table t, byte[ ][ ] f, byte[ ] value, boolean writeToWAL )  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.memStoreTSTagsAndOffheapCombination ( ) [static]  :  List<Object[ ]>
HBaseTestingUtility.modifyTableSync ( Admin admin, TableDescriptor desc ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.moveRegionAndWait ( RegionInfo destRegion, ServerName destServer )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.predicateNoRegionsInTransition ( )  :  Waiter.ExplainingPredicate<IOException>
HBaseTestingUtility.predicateTableAvailable ( TableName tableName )  :  Waiter.Predicate<IOException>
HBaseTestingUtility.predicateTableDisabled ( TableName tableName )  :  Waiter.Predicate<IOException>
HBaseTestingUtility.predicateTableEnabled ( TableName tableName )  :  Waiter.Predicate<IOException>
HBaseTestingUtility.randomFreePort ( ) [static]  :  int
HBaseTestingUtility.randomMultiCastAddress ( ) [static]  :  String
HBaseTestingUtility.restartHBaseCluster ( int servers )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.restartHBaseCluster ( int servers, List<Integer> ports )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.restartHBaseCluster ( StartMiniClusterOption option )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.safeGetAsStr ( List<T> lst, int i ) [static]  :  String
HBaseTestingUtility.setDFSCluster ( MiniDFSCluster cluster )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.setDFSCluster ( MiniDFSCluster cluster, boolean requireDown )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.setFileSystemURI ( String fsURI )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.setHBaseCluster ( HBaseCluster hbaseCluster )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.setMaxRecoveryErrorCount ( OutputStream stream, int max ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.setReplicas ( Admin admin, TableName table, int replicaCount ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.setupDataTestDir ( )  :  Path
HBaseTestingUtility.setupMiniKdc ( File keytabFile )  :  MiniKdc
HBaseTestingUtility.shutdownMiniCluster ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.shutdownMiniDFSCluster ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.shutdownMiniHBaseCluster ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.shutdownMiniMapReduceCluster ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( )  :  MiniHBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( boolean createWALDir )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numRegionServers, int numDataNodes )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numRegionServers, int numDataNodes, String[ ] dataNodeHosts, Class<?> masterClass, Class<?> rsClass )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numRegionServers, int numDataNodes, String[ ] dataNodeHosts, Class<?> masterClass, Class<?> rsClass, boolean createRootDir, boolean createWALDir )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numSlaves )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numSlaves, boolean createRootDir )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numSlaves, String[ ] dataNodeHosts )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numSlaves, String[ ] dataNodeHosts, boolean createRootDir )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numMasters, int numSlaves, String[ ] dataNodeHosts, Class<?> masterClass, Class<?> rsClass )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numSlaves )  :  MiniHBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numSlaves, boolean createRootDir )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( int numSlaves, boolean createRootDir, boolean createWALDir )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniCluster ( StartMiniClusterOption option )  :  MiniHBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniDFSCluster ( int servers )  :  MiniDFSCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniDFSCluster ( int servers, String[ ] hosts )  :  MiniDFSCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniDFSCluster ( int servers, String[ ] racks, String[ ] hosts )  :  MiniDFSCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniDFSCluster ( String[ ] hosts )  :  MiniDFSCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniDFSClusterForTestWAL ( int namenodePort )  :  MiniDFSCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniHBaseCluster ( )  :  MiniHBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniHBaseCluster ( int numMasters, int numRegionServers )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniHBaseCluster ( int numMasters, int numRegionServers, List<Integer> rsPorts )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniHBaseCluster ( int numMasters, int numRegionServers, List<Integer> rsPorts, Class<?> masterClass, Class<?> rsClass, boolean createRootDir, boolean createWALDir )  :  MiniHBaseCluster *DEPRECATED*
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniHBaseCluster ( StartMiniClusterOption option )  :  MiniHBaseCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.startMiniMapReduceCluster ( )  :  MiniMRCluster
HBaseTestingUtility.truncateTable ( TableName tableName )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.truncateTable ( TableName tableName, boolean preserveRegions )  :  Table
HBaseTestingUtility.unassignRegion ( byte[ ] regionName )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.unassignRegion ( String regionName )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.unassignRegionByRow ( byte[ ] row, RegionLocator table )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.unassignRegionByRow ( String row, RegionLocator table )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.verifyNumericRows ( HRegion region, byte[ ] f, int startRow, int endRow )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.verifyNumericRows ( HRegion region, byte[ ] f, int startRow, int endRow, boolean present )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.verifyNumericRows ( Region region, byte[ ] f, int startRow, int endRow )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.verifyNumericRows ( Region region, byte[ ] f, int startRow, int endRow, boolean present )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.verifyNumericRows ( Table table, byte[ ] f, int startRow, int endRow, int replicaId )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.verifyTableDescriptorIgnoreTableName ( TableDescriptor ltd, TableDescriptor rtd )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitForHostPort ( String host, int port ) [static]  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitLabelAvailable ( long timeoutMillis, String... labels )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableAvailable ( byte[ ] table, long timeoutMillis )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableAvailable ( TableName table )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableAvailable ( TableName table, long timeoutMillis )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableDisabled ( byte[ ] table )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableDisabled ( byte[ ] table, long timeoutMillis )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableDisabled ( TableName table, long millisTimeout )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableEnabled ( byte[ ] table, long timeoutMillis )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableEnabled ( TableName table )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitTableEnabled ( TableName table, long timeoutMillis )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitUntilAllRegionsAssigned ( TableName tableName )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitUntilAllRegionsAssigned ( TableName tableName, long timeout )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitUntilAllSystemRegionsAssigned ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitUntilNoRegionsInTransition ( )  :  void
HBaseTestingUtility.waitUntilNoRegionsInTransition ( long timeout )  :  void

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, HBaseZKTestingUtility.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HBaseZKTestingUtility.cleanupTestDir ( )  :  boolean
HBaseZKTestingUtility.getZkCluster ( )  :  MiniZooKeeperCluster
HBaseZKTestingUtility.getZooKeeperWatcher ( )  :  ZKWatcher
HBaseZKTestingUtility.getZooKeeperWatcher ( HBaseZKTestingUtility testUtil ) [static]  :  ZKWatcher
HBaseZKTestingUtility.HBaseZKTestingUtility ( )
HBaseZKTestingUtility.HBaseZKTestingUtility ( Configuration conf )
HBaseZKTestingUtility.setupClusterTestDir ( )  :  void
HBaseZKTestingUtility.setZkCluster ( MiniZooKeeperCluster zkCluster )  :  void
HBaseZKTestingUtility.shutdownMiniZKCluster ( )  :  void
HBaseZKTestingUtility.startMiniZKCluster ( )  :  MiniZooKeeperCluster
HBaseZKTestingUtility.startMiniZKCluster ( int zooKeeperServerNum, clientPortList )  :  MiniZooKeeperCluster

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, LoadIncrementalHFiles.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.tool
LoadIncrementalHFiles.disableReplication ( )  :  void
LoadIncrementalHFiles.setClusterIds ( List<String> clusterIds )  :  void
LoadIncrementalHFiles.tryAtomicRegionLoad ( Connection conn, TableName tableName, byte[ ] first, Collection<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> lqis, boolean copyFile )  :  List<LoadIncrementalHFiles.LoadQueueItem> *DEPRECATED*

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, LocalHBaseCluster.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
LocalHBaseCluster.LocalHBaseCluster ( Configuration conf, int noMasters, int noAlwaysStandByMasters, int noRegionServers, Class<?> masterClass, Class<?> regionServerClass )

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, MiniHBaseCluster.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
MiniHBaseCluster.abortMaster ( int serverNumber )  :  String
MiniHBaseCluster.abortRegionServer ( int serverNumber )  :  String
MiniHBaseCluster.close ( )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.compact ( boolean major )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.compact ( TableName tableName, boolean major )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.countServedRegions ( )  :  long
MiniHBaseCluster.findRegionsForTable ( TableName tableName )  :  List<HRegion>
MiniHBaseCluster.flushcache ( )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.flushcache ( TableName tableName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.getAdminProtocol ( ServerName serverName )  :  AdminProtos.AdminService.BlockingInterface
MiniHBaseCluster.getClientProtocol ( ServerName serverName )  :  ClientProtos.ClientService.BlockingInterface
MiniHBaseCluster.getClusterMetrics ( )  :  ClusterMetrics
MiniHBaseCluster.getClusterStatus ( )  :  ClusterStatus *DEPRECATED*
MiniHBaseCluster.getConfiguration ( )  :  Configuration
MiniHBaseCluster.getLiveMasterThreads ( )  :  List<JVMClusterUtil.MasterThread>
MiniHBaseCluster.getLiveRegionServerThreads ( )  :  List<JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread>
MiniHBaseCluster.getMaster ( )  :  HMaster
MiniHBaseCluster.getMaster ( int serverNumber )  :  HMaster
MiniHBaseCluster.getMasterAdminService ( )  :  MasterProtos.MasterService.BlockingInterface
MiniHBaseCluster.getMasterIndex ( ServerName serverName )  :  int
MiniHBaseCluster.getMasterThread ( )  :  JVMClusterUtil.MasterThread
MiniHBaseCluster.getMasterThreads ( )  :  List<JVMClusterUtil.MasterThread>
MiniHBaseCluster.getNumLiveRegionServers ( )  :  int
MiniHBaseCluster.getRegions ( byte[ ] tableName )  :  List<HRegion>
MiniHBaseCluster.getRegions ( TableName tableName )  :  List<HRegion>
MiniHBaseCluster.getRegionServer ( int serverNumber )  :  HRegionServer
MiniHBaseCluster.getRegionServer ( ServerName serverName )  :  HRegionServer
MiniHBaseCluster.getRegionServerIndex ( ServerName serverName )  :  int
MiniHBaseCluster.getRegionServerThreads ( )  :  List<JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread>
MiniHBaseCluster.getServerHoldingRegion ( TableName tn, byte[ ] regionName )  :  ServerName
MiniHBaseCluster.getServerWith ( byte[ ] regionName )  :  int
MiniHBaseCluster.getServerWithMeta ( )  :  int
MiniHBaseCluster.isKilledRS ( ServerName serverName )  :  boolean
MiniHBaseCluster.join ( )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.killAll ( )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.killDataNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.killMaster ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.killNameNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.killRegionServer ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.killZkNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.MiniHBaseCluster ( Configuration conf, int numMasters, int numAlwaysStandByMasters, int numRegionServers, List<Integer> rsPorts, Class<?> masterClass, Class<?> regionserverClass )
MiniHBaseCluster.MiniHBaseCluster ( Configuration conf, int numMasters, int numRegionServers )
MiniHBaseCluster.MiniHBaseCluster ( Configuration conf, int numMasters, int numRegionServers, Class<?> masterClass, Class<?> regionserverClass )
MiniHBaseCluster.MiniHBaseCluster ( Configuration conf, int numRegionServers )
MiniHBaseCluster.resumeRegionServer ( int serverNumber )  :  JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread
MiniHBaseCluster.resumeRegionServer ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.shutdown ( )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.startDataNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.startMaster ( )  :  JVMClusterUtil.MasterThread
MiniHBaseCluster.startMaster ( String hostname, int port )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.startNameNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.startRegionServer ( )  :  JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread
MiniHBaseCluster.startRegionServer ( String hostname, int port )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.startRegionServerAndWait ( long timeout )  :  JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread
MiniHBaseCluster.startZkNode ( String hostname, int port )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.stopDataNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.stopMaster ( int serverNumber )  :  JVMClusterUtil.MasterThread
MiniHBaseCluster.stopMaster ( int serverNumber, boolean shutdownFS )  :  JVMClusterUtil.MasterThread
MiniHBaseCluster.stopMaster ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.stopNameNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.stopRegionServer ( int serverNumber )  :  JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread
MiniHBaseCluster.stopRegionServer ( int serverNumber, boolean shutdownFS )  :  JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread
MiniHBaseCluster.stopRegionServer ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.stopZkNode ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.suspendRegionServer ( int serverNumber )  :  JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread
MiniHBaseCluster.suspendRegionServer ( ServerName serverName )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForActiveAndReadyMaster ( long timeout )  :  boolean
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForDataNodeToStart ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForDataNodeToStop ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForMasterToStop ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForNameNodeToStart ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForNameNodeToStop ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForRegionServerToStop ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForZkNodeToStart ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitForZkNodeToStop ( ServerName serverName, long timeout )  :  void
MiniHBaseCluster.waitOnMaster ( int serverNumber )  :  String
MiniHBaseCluster.waitOnRegionServer ( int serverNumber )  :  String
MiniHBaseCluster.waitUntilShutDown ( )  :  void

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, MiniZooKeeperCluster.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper
MiniZooKeeperCluster.getAddress ( )  :  Address

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, StartMiniClusterOption.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
StartMiniClusterOption.builder ( ) [static]  :  StartMiniClusterOption.Builder
StartMiniClusterOption.getDataNodeHosts ( )  :  String[ ]
StartMiniClusterOption.getMasterClass ( )  :  Class<?>
StartMiniClusterOption.getNumAlwaysStandByMasters ( )  :  int
StartMiniClusterOption.getNumDataNodes ( )  :  int
StartMiniClusterOption.getNumMasters ( )  :  int
StartMiniClusterOption.getNumRegionServers ( )  :  int
StartMiniClusterOption.getNumZkServers ( )  :  int
StartMiniClusterOption.getRsClass ( )  :  Class<?>
StartMiniClusterOption.getRsPorts ( )  :  List<Integer>
StartMiniClusterOption.isCreateRootDir ( )  :  boolean
StartMiniClusterOption.isCreateWALDir ( )  :  boolean
StartMiniClusterOption.toString ( )  :  String

hbase-shaded-testing-util-2.3.0.jar, TokenUtil.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.token
TokenUtil.obtainToken ( Configuration conf ) [static]  :  Token<AuthenticationTokenIdentifier> *DEPRECATED*

to the top

Removed Methods  74 

hbase-rest-2.2.0.jar, RemoteAdmin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client
RemoteAdmin.createTable ( HTableDescriptor desc )  :  void
RemoteAdmin.deleteTable ( byte[ ] tableName )  :  void
RemoteAdmin.deleteTable ( String tableName )  :  void
RemoteAdmin.getClusterStatus ( )  :  StorageClusterStatusModel
RemoteAdmin.getClusterVersion ( )  :  StorageClusterVersionModel
RemoteAdmin.getRestVersion ( )  :  VersionModel
RemoteAdmin.getTableList ( )  :  TableListModel
RemoteAdmin.isTableAvailable ( byte[ ] tableName )  :  boolean
RemoteAdmin.isTableAvailable ( String tableName )  :  boolean
RemoteAdmin.RemoteAdmin ( Client client, Configuration conf )
RemoteAdmin.RemoteAdmin ( Client client, Configuration conf, String accessToken )

hbase-rest-2.2.0.jar, RemoteHTable.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client
RemoteHTable.append ( Append append )  :  Result
RemoteHTable.batch ( List<?> actions, Object[ ] results )  :  void
RemoteHTable.batchCallback ( List<?> actions, Object[ ] results, Batch.Callback<R> callback )  :  void
RemoteHTable.batchCoprocessorService ( Descriptors.MethodDescriptor method, Message request, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] endKey, R responsePrototype )  :  Map<byte[ ],R>
RemoteHTable.batchCoprocessorService ( Descriptors.MethodDescriptor method, Message request, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] endKey, R responsePrototype, Batch.Callback<R> callback )  :  void
RemoteHTable.buildModelFromPut ( Put put )  :  CellSetModel
RemoteHTable.buildMultiRowSpec ( byte[ ][ ] rows, int maxVersions )  :  String
RemoteHTable.buildResultFromModel ( CellSetModel model )  :  Result[ ]
RemoteHTable.buildRowSpec ( byte[ ] row, Map familyMap, long startTime, long endTime, int maxVersions )  :  String
RemoteHTable.checkAndDelete ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, byte[ ] value, Delete delete )  :  boolean
RemoteHTable.checkAndDelete ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, CompareFilter.CompareOp compareOp, byte[ ] value, Delete delete )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.checkAndDelete ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, CompareOperator compareOp, byte[ ] value, Delete delete )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.checkAndMutate ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family )  :  Table.CheckAndMutateBuilder
RemoteHTable.checkAndMutate ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, CompareFilter.CompareOp compareOp, byte[ ] value, RowMutations rm )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.checkAndMutate ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, CompareOperator compareOp, byte[ ] value, RowMutations rm )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.checkAndPut ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, byte[ ] value, Put put )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.checkAndPut ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, CompareFilter.CompareOp compareOp, byte[ ] value, Put put )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.checkAndPut ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, CompareOperator compareOp, byte[ ] value, Put put )  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.close ( )  :  void
RemoteHTable.coprocessorService ( byte[ ] row )  :  CoprocessorRpcChannel
RemoteHTable.coprocessorService ( Class<T> service, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] endKey, Batch.Call<T,R> callable )  :  Map<byte[ ],R>
RemoteHTable.coprocessorService ( Class<T> service, byte[ ] startKey, byte[ ] endKey, Batch.Call<T,R> callable, Batch.Callback<R> callback )  :  void
RemoteHTable.delete ( Delete delete )  :  void
RemoteHTable.delete ( List<Delete> deletes )  :  void
RemoteHTable.exists ( Get get )  :  boolean
RemoteHTable.exists ( List<Get> gets )  :  boolean[ ]
RemoteHTable.flushCommits ( )  :  void
RemoteHTable.get ( Get get )  :  Result
RemoteHTable.get ( List<Get> gets )  :  Result[ ]
RemoteHTable.getConfiguration ( )  :  Configuration
RemoteHTable.getDescriptor ( )  :  TableDescriptor
RemoteHTable.getName ( )  :  TableName
RemoteHTable.getOperationTimeout ( )  :  int *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.getOperationTimeout ( TimeUnit unit )  :  long
RemoteHTable.getReadRpcTimeout ( )  :  int *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.getReadRpcTimeout ( TimeUnit unit )  :  long
RemoteHTable.getRpcTimeout ( )  :  int *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.getRpcTimeout ( TimeUnit unit )  :  long
RemoteHTable.getScanner ( byte[ ] family )  :  ResultScanner
RemoteHTable.getScanner ( byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier )  :  ResultScanner
RemoteHTable.getScanner ( Scan scan )  :  ResultScanner
RemoteHTable.getTableDescriptor ( )  :  HTableDescriptor *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.getTableName ( )  :  byte[ ]
RemoteHTable.getWriteRpcTimeout ( )  :  int *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.getWriteRpcTimeout ( TimeUnit unit )  :  long
RemoteHTable.increment ( Increment increment )  :  Result
RemoteHTable.incrementColumnValue ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, long amount )  :  long
RemoteHTable.incrementColumnValue ( byte[ ] row, byte[ ] family, byte[ ] qualifier, long amount, Durability durability )  :  long
RemoteHTable.isAutoFlush ( )  :  boolean
RemoteHTable.mutateRow ( RowMutations rm )  :  void
RemoteHTable.put ( List<Put> puts )  :  void
RemoteHTable.put ( Put put )  :  void
RemoteHTable.RemoteHTable ( Client client, Configuration conf, byte[ ] name )
RemoteHTable.RemoteHTable ( Client client, Configuration conf, String name )
RemoteHTable.RemoteHTable ( Client client, String name )
RemoteHTable.setOperationTimeout ( int operationTimeout )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.setReadRpcTimeout ( int readRpcTimeout )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.setRpcTimeout ( int rpcTimeout )  :  void *DEPRECATED*
RemoteHTable.setWriteRpcTimeout ( int writeRpcTimeout )  :  void *DEPRECATED*

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, HRegionInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
HRegionInfo.compareTo ( HRegionInfo o )  :  int
HRegionInfo.compareTo ( Object p1 )  :  int

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, ReplicationLoadSink.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication
ReplicationLoadSink.ReplicationLoadSink ( long age, long timestamp )

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, ReplicationLoadSource.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication
ReplicationLoadSource.ReplicationLoadSource ( String id, long age, int size, long timestamp, long lag )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity  30 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client
[+] class RemoteAdmin  1 
[+] class RemoteHTable  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase
[+] class HRegionInfo  1 
[+] interface ClusterMetrics  1 
[+] interface RegionMetrics  2 
[+] interface ServerMetrics  2 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] interface Admin  9 
[+] interface AsyncAdmin  5 
[+] interface AsyncTable<C>  3 
[+] interface RegionInfo  1 
[+] interface Table  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc
[+] class NettyRpcClientConfigHelper  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication
[+] class ReplicationLoadSource  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] class RowCounter  1 

to the top

Problems with Methods, High Severity  1 

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, NettyRpcClientConfigHelper.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc
[+] NettyRpcClientConfigHelper.NettyRpcClientConfigHelper ( )  1 

to the top

Problems with Methods, Medium Severity  6 

hbase-rest-2.2.0.jar, RestCsrfPreventionFilter.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.filter
[+] RestCsrfPreventionFilter.init ( FilterConfig filterConfig )  :  void  1 

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, QuorumPeerConfig.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum
[+] QuorumPeerConfig.getDataDir ( )  :  String  1 
[+] QuorumPeerConfig.getDataLogDir ( )  :  String  1 

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, RegionInfo.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] RegionInfo.isEncodedRegionName ( byte[ ] regionName ) [static]  :  boolean  1 

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, ServerConfig.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.org.apache.zookeeper.server
[+] ServerConfig.getDataDir ( )  :  String  1 
[+] ServerConfig.getDataLogDir ( )  :  String  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce
[+] class RowCounter  1 

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types  40 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] interface Admin  35 
[+] interface RegionInfo  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc
[+] class NettyRpcClientConfigHelper  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.tool
[+] interface BulkLoadHFiles  1 

package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper
[+] class MiniZooKeeperCluster  2 

to the top

Other Changes in Methods  35 

hbase-shaded-client-byo-hadoop-2.2.0.jar, Admin.class
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client
[+] Admin.abortProcedure ( long p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  boolean *DEPRECATED*  1 
[+] Admin.addColumnFamily ( TableName p1, ColumnFamilyDescriptor p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.addReplicationPeer ( String p1, ReplicationPeerConfig p2, boolean p3 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.appendReplicationPeerTableCFs ( String p1, Map<TableName,List<String>> p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.cloneSnapshot ( byte[ ] p1, TableName p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.cloneSnapshot ( String p1, TableName p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.cloneSnapshot ( String p1, TableName p2, boolean p3 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.cloneSnapshotAsync ( String p1, TableName p2 ) [abstract]  :  Future<Void>  1 
[+] Admin.createNamespace ( NamespaceDescriptor p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.createTable ( TableDescriptor p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.createTable ( TableDescriptor p1, byte[ ][ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.deleteColumnFamily ( TableName p1, byte[ ] p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.deleteNamespace ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.deleteTable ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.disableReplicationPeer ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.disableTable ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.enableReplicationPeer ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.enableTable ( TableName p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.listTableDescriptors ( Pattern p1 ) [abstract]  :  List<TableDescriptor>  1 
[+] Admin.listTableNames ( Pattern p1 ) [abstract]  :  TableName[ ]  1 
[+] Admin.modifyColumnFamily ( TableName p1, ColumnFamilyDescriptor p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.modifyNamespace ( NamespaceDescriptor p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.modifyTable ( TableDescriptor p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.modifyTable ( TableName p1, TableDescriptor p2 ) [abstract]  :  void *DEPRECATED*  1 
[+] Admin.modifyTableAsync ( TableName p1, TableDescriptor p2 ) [abstract]  :  Future<Void> *DEPRECATED*  1 
[+] Admin.removeReplicationPeer ( String p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.removeReplicationPeerTableCFs ( String p1, Map<TableName,List<String>> p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.restoreSnapshot ( byte[ ] p1 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.restoreSnapshot ( byte[ ] p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.restoreSnapshot ( String p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.snapshot ( byte[ ] p1, TableName p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.snapshot ( String p1, TableName p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.snapshot ( String p1, TableName p2, SnapshotType p3 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.truncateTable ( TableName p1, boolean p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 
[+] Admin.updateReplicationPeerConfig ( String p1, ReplicationPeerConfig p2 ) [abstract]  :  void  1 

to the top

Java Archives  13 


to the top