Release Notes - Apache James Mailbox - Version 0.5 ** Sub-task * [MAILBOX-189] - Make bundles and simplify pom ** Bug * [MAILBOX-178] - Fix mailbox memory spring context * [MAILBOX-180] - spring Hbase Mailbox configuration is broken ** Improvement * [MAILBOX-170] - Store mailboxes in HDFS SequenceFile * [MAILBOX-171] - Disable hbase tests on windows platforms * [MAILBOX-174] - Upgrade to openjpa 2.2 * [MAILBOX-191] - more effective implementation of StoreMessageResultIterator ** Task * [MAILBOX-172] - Refactor HBaseClusterSingleton to remove decoupling from table names * [MAILBOX-181] - fix spring-mailbox test for hbase-mailox