Release Notes - Kafka - Version
Below is a summary of the JIRA issues addressed in the release of Kafka. For full documentation of the
release, a guide to get started, and information about the project, see the Kafka
project site.
Note about upgrades: Please carefully review the
upgrade documentation for this release thoroughly
before upgrading your cluster. The upgrade notes discuss any critical information about incompatibilities and breaking
changes, performance changes, and any other changes that might impact your production deployment of Kafka.
The documentation for the most recent release can be found at
- [KAFKA-4302] - Simplify KTableSource
- [KAFKA-4331] - Kafka Streams resetter is slow because it joins the same group for each topic
- [KAFKA-4379] - Remove caching of dirty and removed keys from StoreChangeLogger
- [KAFKA-3994] - Deadlock between consumer heartbeat expiration and offset commit.
- [KAFKA-4025] - build fails on windows due to rat target output encoding
- [KAFKA-4205] - NullPointerException in fetchOffsetsBefore
- [KAFKA-4263] - QueryableStateIntegrationTest.concurrentAccess is failing occasionally in jenkins builds
- [KAFKA-4269] - Multiple KStream instances with at least one Regex source causes NPE when using multiple consumers
- [KAFKA-4271] - The console consumer fails on Windows with new consumer is used
- [KAFKA-4275] - Check of State-Store-assignment to Processor-Nodes is not enabled
- [KAFKA-4309] - Allow "pluggable" properties in KafkaService in System Tests
- [KAFKA-4311] - Multi layer cache eviction causes forwarding to incorrect ProcessorNode
- [KAFKA-4313] - ISRs may thrash when replication quota is enabled
- [KAFKA-4355] - StreamThread intermittently dies with "Topic not found during partition assignment" when broker restarted
- [KAFKA-4361] - Streams does not respect user configs for "default" params
- [KAFKA-4362] - Consumer can fail after reassignment of the offsets topic partition
- [KAFKA-4384] - ReplicaFetcherThread stopped after ReplicaFetcherThread received a corrupted message
- [KAFKA-4395] - KafkaConfig and LogConfig should not have static initialization order dependencies
- [KAFKA-4399] - Deadlock between cleanupGroupMetadata and offset commit
- [KAFKA-4409] - ZK consumer shutdown/topic event deadlock
- [KAFKA-4431] - HeartbeatThread should be a daemon thread
- [KAFKA-4438] - BACKPORT - Add scala 2.12 support
- [KAFKA-4469] - Consumer throughput regression caused by inefficient list removal and copy
- [KAFKA-4472] - offsetRetentionMs miscalculated in GroupCoordinator
- [KAFKA-4488] - UnsupportedOperationException during initialization of StandbyTask
- [KAFKA-4497] - log cleaner breaks on timeindex
- [KAFKA-4529] - tombstone may be removed earlier than it should
- [KAFKA-1573] - Transient test failures on LogTest.testCorruptLog
- [KAFKA-4186] - Transient failure in KStreamAggregationIntegrationTest.shouldGroupByKey
- [KAFKA-4352] - Failure in org.apache.kafka.streams.integration.ResetIntegrationTest.testReprocessingFromScratchAfterReset