Release Notes - Kafka - Version
Below is a summary of the JIRA issues addressed in the release of Kafka. For full documentation of the
release, a guide to get started, and information about the project, see the Kafka
project site.
Note about upgrades: Please carefully review the
upgrade documentation for this release thoroughly
before upgrading your cluster. The upgrade notes discuss any critical information about incompatibilities and breaking
changes, performance changes, and any other changes that might impact your production deployment of Kafka.
The documentation for the most recent release can be found at
- [KAFKA-4943] - SCRAM secret's should be better protected with Zookeeper ACLs
- [KAFKA-4631] - Refresh consumer metadata more frequently for unknown subscribed topics
- [KAFKA-4689] - OffsetValidationTest fails validation with "Current position greater than the total number of consumed records"
- [KAFKA-4779] - Failure in kafka/tests/kafkatest/tests/core/
- [KAFKA-4788] - Broker level configuration 'log.segment.bytes' not used when 'segment.bytes' not configured per topic.
- [KAFKA-4791] - Kafka Streams - unable to add state stores when using wildcard topics on the source
- [KAFKA-4800] - Streams State transition ASCII diagrams need fixing and polishing
- [KAFKA-4806] - KafkaConsumer: ConsumerConfig gets logged twice.
- [KAFKA-4809] - docker/ should set up /opt/kafka-dev to be the source directory
- [KAFKA-4837] - Config validation in Connector plugins need to compare against both canonical and simple class names
- [KAFKA-4848] - Stream thread getting into deadlock state while trying to get rocksdb lock in retryWithBackoff
- [KAFKA-4851] - SessionStore.fetch(key) is a performance bottleneck
- [KAFKA-4861] - log.message.timestamp.type=LogAppendTime breaks Kafka based consumers
- [KAFKA-4863] - Querying window store may return unwanted keys
- [KAFKA-4864] - Kafka Secure Migrator tool doesn't secure all the nodes
- [KAFKA-4878] - Kafka Connect does not log connector configuration errors
- [KAFKA-4901] - Make ProduceRequest thread-safe
- [KAFKA-4916] - Add streams tests with brokers failing
- [KAFKA-4919] - Document that stores must not be closed when Processors are closed
- [KAFKA-4959] - remove controller concurrent access to non-threadsafe NetworkClient, Selector, and SSLEngine
- [KAFKA-4980] - testReprocessingFromScratch unit test failure
- [KAFKA-5003] - StreamThread should catch InvalidTopicException
- [KAFKA-5038] - running multiple kafka streams instances causes one or more instance to get into file contention
- [KAFKA-5040] - Increase number of Streams producer retries from the default of 0
- [KAFKA-5075] - Defer exception to the next pollOnce() if consumer's fetch position has already increased
- [KAFKA-5095] - ThreadCacheTest.cacheOverheadsSmallValues fails intermittently
- [KAFKA-5097] - KafkaConsumer.poll throws IllegalStateException
- [KAFKA-4198] - Transient test failure: ConsumerBounceTest.testConsumptionWithBrokerFailures
- [KAFKA-4786] - Transient test failure: ConsumerCoordinatorTest.testHeartbeatThreadClose