Release Notes - Kafka - Version
Below is a summary of the JIRA issues addressed in the release of Kafka. For full documentation of the
release, a guide to get started, and information about the project, see the Kafka
project site.
Note about upgrades: Please carefully review the
upgrade documentation for this release thoroughly
before upgrading your cluster. The upgrade notes discuss any critical information about incompatibilities and breaking
changes, performance changes, and any other changes that might impact your production deployment of Kafka.
The documentation for the most recent release can be found at
- [KAFKA-6205] - Have State Stores Restore Before Initializing Toplogy
- [KAFKA-6634] - Delay initiating the txn on producers until initializeTopology with EOS turned on
- [KAFKA-7009] - Mute logger for at the warn level in system tests
- [KAFKA-4767] - KafkaProducer is not joining its IO thread properly
- [KAFKA-4827] - Kafka connect: error with special characters in connector name
- [KAFKA-6054] - ERROR "SubscriptionInfo - unable to decode subscription data: version=2" when upgrading from to
- [KAFKA-6148] - ClassCastException in BigQuery connector
- [KAFKA-6277] - Make loadClass thread-safe for class loaders of Connect plugins
- [KAFKA-6288] - Broken symlink interrupts scanning the plugin path
- [KAFKA-6307] - mBeanName should be removed before returning from JmxReporter#removeAttribute()
- [KAFKA-6360] - RocksDB segments not removed when store is closed causes re-initialization to fail
- [KAFKA-6467] - Enforce layout of dependencies within a Connect plugin to be deterministic
- [KAFKA-6529] - Broker leaks memory and file descriptors after sudden client disconnects
- [KAFKA-6536] - Streams quickstart pom.xml is missing versions for a bunch of plugins
- [KAFKA-6566] - SourceTask#stop() not called after exception raised in poll()
- [KAFKA-6568] - LogCleanerManager.doneDeleting() should check the partition state before deleting the in progress partition
- [KAFKA-6661] - Sink connectors that explicitly 'resume' topic partitions can resume a paused task
- [KAFKA-6711] - GlobalStateManagerImpl should not write offsets of in-memory stores in checkpoint file
- [KAFKA-6747] - kafka-streams Invalid transition attempted from state READY to state ABORTING_TRANSACTION
- [KAFKA-6782] - GlobalKTable GlobalStateStore never finishes restoring when consuming aborted messages
- [KAFKA-6857] - LeaderEpochFileCache.endOffsetFor() should check for UNDEFINED_EPOCH explicitly
- [KAFKA-6906] - Kafka Streams does not commit transactions if data is produced via wall-clock punctuation
- [KAFKA-6925] - Memory leak in org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamThread$StreamsMetricsThreadImpl
- [KAFKA-7021] - Source KTable checkpoint is not correct
- [KAFKA-7058] - ConnectSchema#equals() broken for array-typed default values
- [KAFKA-6917] - Request handler deadlocks attempting to acquire group metadata lock
- [KAFKA-6118] - Transient failure in kafka.api.SaslScramSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest.testTwoConsumersWithDifferentSaslCredentials