[KAFKA-349] - Create individual "Response" types for each kind of request and wrap them with "BoundedByteBufferSend", remove "xxResponseSend" types for all requests except "FetchRequest"
[KAFKA-237] - create/delete ZK path for a topic in an admin tool
[KAFKA-239] - Wire existing producer and consumer to use the new ZK data structure
[KAFKA-240] - implement new producer and consumer request format
[KAFKA-329] - Remove the watches/broker for new topics and partitions and change create topic admin API to send start replica state change to all brokers
[KAFKA-872] - Socket server does not set send/recv buffer sizes
[KAFKA-879] - In system test, read the new leader from zookeeper instead of broker log on completion of become-leader state transition
[KAFKA-880] - NoLeaderPartitionSet should be cleared before leader finder thread is started up
[KAFKA-884] - Get java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.yammer.metrics.core.TimerContext.stop()J when stopping kafka brokers
[KAFKA-895] - Protocol documentation is not clear about requiredAcks = 0.
[KAFKA-899] - LeaderNotAvailableException the first time a new message for a partition is processed.
[KAFKA-900] - ClosedByInterruptException when high-level consumer shutdown normally
[KAFKA-903] - [0.8.0 - windows] FATAL - [highwatermark-checkpoint-thread1] (Logging.scala:109) - Attempt to swap the new high watermark file with the old one failed
[KAFKA-905] - Logs can have same offsets causing recovery failure
[KAFKA-907] - controller needs to close socket channel to brokers on exception
[KAFKA-914] - Deadlock between initial rebalance and watcher-triggered rebalances
[KAFKA-916] - Deadlock between fetcher shutdown and handling partitions with error
[KAFKA-919] - Disabling of auto commit is ignored during consumer group rebalancing
[KAFKA-920] - zkclient jar 0.2.0 is not compatible with 0.1.0
[KAFKA-921] - Expose max lag mbean for consumers and replica fetchers
[KAFKA-927] - Integrate controlled shutdown into kafka shutdown hook