

package controller

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Callbacks extends AnyRef

  2. class ControlledShutdownLeaderSelector extends PartitionLeaderSelector with Logging

    New leader = replica in isr that's not being shutdown; New isr = current isr - shutdown replica; Replicas to receive LeaderAndIsr request = live assigned replicas

  3. class ControllerBrokerRequestBatch extends Logging

  4. case class ControllerBrokerStateInfo(channel: BlockingChannel, broker: Broker, messageQueue: BlockingQueue[(RequestOrResponse, (RequestOrResponse) ⇒ Unit)], requestSendThread: RequestSendThread) extends Product with Serializable

  5. class ControllerChannelManager extends Logging

  6. class ControllerContext extends AnyRef

  7. class KafkaController extends Logging with KafkaMetricsGroup

  8. case class LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch(leaderAndIsr: LeaderAndIsr, controllerEpoch: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  9. class NoOpLeaderSelector extends PartitionLeaderSelector with Logging

    Essentially does nothing.

    Essentially does nothing. Returns the current leader and ISR, and the current set of replicas assigned to a given topic/partition.

  10. class OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector extends PartitionLeaderSelector with Logging

    Select the new leader, new isr and receiving replicas (for the LeaderAndIsrRequest): 1.

    Select the new leader, new isr and receiving replicas (for the LeaderAndIsrRequest): 1. If at least one broker from the isr is alive, it picks a broker from the live isr as the new leader and the live isr as the new isr. 2. Else, if unclean leader election for the topic is disabled, it throws a NoReplicaOnlineException. 3. Else, it picks some alive broker from the assigned replica list as the new leader and the new isr. 4. If no broker in the assigned replica list is alive, it throws a NoReplicaOnlineException Replicas to receive LeaderAndIsr request = live assigned replicas Once the leader is successfully registered in zookeeper, it updates the allLeaders cache

  11. case class PartitionAndReplica(topic: String, partition: Int, replica: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  12. trait PartitionLeaderSelector extends AnyRef

  13. sealed trait PartitionState extends AnyRef

  14. class PartitionStateMachine extends Logging

    This class represents the state machine for partitions.

    This class represents the state machine for partitions. It defines the states that a partition can be in, and transitions to move the partition to another legal state. The different states that a partition can be in are - 1. NonExistentPartition: This state indicates that the partition was either never created or was created and then deleted. Valid previous state, if one exists, is OfflinePartition 2. NewPartition : After creation, the partition is in the NewPartition state. In this state, the partition should have replicas assigned to it, but no leader/isr yet. Valid previous states are NonExistentPartition 3. OnlinePartition : Once a leader is elected for a partition, it is in the OnlinePartition state. Valid previous states are NewPartition/OfflinePartition 4. OfflinePartition : If, after successful leader election, the leader for partition dies, then the partition moves to the OfflinePartition state. Valid previous states are NewPartition/OnlinePartition

  15. class PartitionsReassignedListener extends IZkDataListener with Logging

    Starts the partition reassignment process unless - 1.

    Starts the partition reassignment process unless - 1. Partition previously existed 2. New replicas are the same as existing replicas 3. Any replica in the new set of replicas are dead If any of the above conditions are satisfied, it logs an error and removes the partition from list of reassigned partitions.

  16. class PreferredReplicaElectionListener extends IZkDataListener with Logging

    Starts the preferred replica leader election for the list of partitions specified under /admin/preferred_replica_election -

  17. class PreferredReplicaPartitionLeaderSelector extends PartitionLeaderSelector with Logging

    New leader = preferred (first assigned) replica (if in isr and alive); New isr = current isr; Replicas to receive LeaderAndIsr request = assigned replicas

  18. class ReassignedPartitionLeaderSelector extends PartitionLeaderSelector with Logging

    New leader = a live in-sync reassigned replica New isr = current isr Replicas to receive LeaderAndIsr request = reassigned replicas

  19. case class ReassignedPartitionsContext(newReplicas: Seq[Int] = Seq.empty, isrChangeListener: ReassignedPartitionsIsrChangeListener = null) extends Product with Serializable

  20. class ReassignedPartitionsIsrChangeListener extends IZkDataListener with Logging

  21. sealed trait ReplicaState extends AnyRef

  22. class ReplicaStateMachine extends Logging

    This class represents the state machine for replicas.

    This class represents the state machine for replicas. It defines the states that a replica can be in, and transitions to move the replica to another legal state. The different states that a replica can be in are - 1. NewReplica : The controller can create new replicas during partition reassignment. In this state, a replica can only get become follower state change request. Valid previous state is NonExistentReplica 2. OnlineReplica : Once a replica is started and part of the assigned replicas for its partition, it is in this state. In this state, it can get either become leader or become follower state change requests. Valid previous state are NewReplica, OnlineReplica or OfflineReplica 3. OfflineReplica : If a replica dies, it moves to this state. This happens when the broker hosting the replica is down. Valid previous state are NewReplica, OnlineReplica 4. ReplicaDeletionStarted: If replica deletion starts, it is moved to this state. Valid previous state is OfflineReplica 5. ReplicaDeletionSuccessful: If replica responds with no error code in response to a delete replica request, it is moved to this state. Valid previous state is ReplicaDeletionStarted 6. ReplicaDeletionIneligible: If replica deletion fails, it is moved to this state. Valid previous state is ReplicaDeletionStarted 7. NonExistentReplica: If a replica is deleted successfully, it is moved to this state. Valid previous state is ReplicaDeletionSuccessful

  23. class RequestSendThread extends ShutdownableThread

  24. case class StopReplicaRequestInfo(replica: PartitionAndReplica, deletePartition: Boolean, callback: (RequestOrResponse) ⇒ Unit = null) extends Product with Serializable

  25. class TopicDeletionManager extends Logging

    This manages the state machine for topic deletion.

    This manages the state machine for topic deletion. 1. TopicCommand issues topic deletion by creating a new admin path /admin/delete_topics/<topic> 2. The controller listens for child changes on /admin/delete_topic and starts topic deletion for the respective topics 3. The controller has a background thread that handles topic deletion. The purpose of having this background thread is to accommodate the TTL feature, when we have it. This thread is signaled whenever deletion for a topic needs to be started or resumed. Currently, a topic's deletion can be started only by the onPartitionDeletion callback on the controller. In the future, it can be triggered based on the configured TTL for the topic. A topic will be ineligible for deletion in the following scenarios - 3.1 broker hosting one of the replicas for that topic goes down 3.2 partition reassignment for partitions of that topic is in progress 3.3 preferred replica election for partitions of that topic is in progress (though this is not strictly required since it holds the controller lock for the entire duration from start to end) 4. Topic deletion is resumed when - 4.1 broker hosting one of the replicas for that topic is started 4.2 preferred replica election for partitions of that topic completes 4.3 partition reassignment for partitions of that topic completes 5. Every replica for a topic being deleted is in either of the 3 states - 5.1 TopicDeletionStarted (Replica enters TopicDeletionStarted phase when the onPartitionDeletion callback is invoked. This happens when the child change watch for /admin/delete_topics fires on the controller. As part of this state change, the controller sends StopReplicaRequests to all replicas. It registers a callback for the StopReplicaResponse when deletePartition=true thereby invoking a callback when a response for delete replica is received from every replica) 5.2 TopicDeletionSuccessful (deleteTopicStopReplicaCallback() moves replicas from TopicDeletionStarted->TopicDeletionSuccessful depending on the error codes in StopReplicaResponse) 5.3 TopicDeletionFailed. (deleteTopicStopReplicaCallback() moves replicas from TopicDeletionStarted->TopicDeletionFailed depending on the error codes in StopReplicaResponse. In general, if a broker dies and if it hosted replicas for topics being deleted, the controller marks the respective replicas in TopicDeletionFailed state in the onBrokerFailure callback. The reason is that if a broker fails before the request is sent and after the replica is in TopicDeletionStarted state, it is possible that the replica will mistakenly remain in TopicDeletionStarted state and topic deletion will not be retried when the broker comes back up.) 6. The delete topic thread marks a topic successfully deleted only if all replicas are in TopicDeletionSuccessful state and it starts the topic deletion teardown mode where it deletes all topic state from the controllerContext as well as from zookeeper. This is the only time the /brokers/topics/<topic> path gets deleted. On the other hand, if no replica is in TopicDeletionStarted state and at least one replica is in TopicDeletionFailed state, then it marks the topic for deletion retry.

Value Members

  1. object Callbacks

  2. object ControllerStats extends KafkaMetricsGroup

  3. object KafkaController extends Logging

  4. object NewPartition extends PartitionState with Product with Serializable

  5. object NewReplica extends ReplicaState with Product with Serializable

  6. object NonExistentPartition extends PartitionState with Product with Serializable

  7. object NonExistentReplica extends ReplicaState with Product with Serializable

  8. object OfflinePartition extends PartitionState with Product with Serializable

  9. object OfflineReplica extends ReplicaState with Product with Serializable

  10. object OnlinePartition extends PartitionState with Product with Serializable

  11. object OnlineReplica extends ReplicaState with Product with Serializable

  12. object ReplicaDeletionIneligible extends ReplicaState with Product with Serializable

  13. object ReplicaDeletionStarted extends ReplicaState with Product with Serializable

  14. object ReplicaDeletionSuccessful extends ReplicaState with Product with Serializable
