

package server

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractFetcherManager extends Logging with KafkaMetricsGroup

  2. abstract class AbstractFetcherThread extends ShutdownableThread

    Abstract class for fetching data from multiple partitions from the same broker.

  3. case class BrokerAndFetcherId(broker: Broker, fetcherId: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  4. case class BrokerAndInitialOffset(broker: Broker, initOffset: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  5. case class BrokerState() extends Product with Serializable

  6. sealed trait BrokerStates extends AnyRef

    Broker states are the possible state that a kafka broker can be in.

    Broker states are the possible state that a kafka broker can be in. A broker should be only in one state at a time. The expected state transition with the following defined states is:

    +-----------+ |Not Running| +-----+-----+ | v +-----+-----+ |Starting +--+ +-----+-----+ | +----+------------+ | +>+RecoveringFrom | v |UncleanShutdown | +----------+ +-----+-----+ +-------+---------+ |RunningAs | |RunningAs | | |Controller+<--->+Broker +<-----------+ +----------+ +-----+-----+ | | | v | +-----+------------+ |-----> |PendingControlled | |Shutdown | +-----+------------+ | v +-----+----------+ |BrokerShutting | |Down | +-----+----------+ | v +-----+-----+ |Not Running| +-----------+

    Custom states is also allowed for cases where there are custom kafka states for different scenarios.

  7. class BrokerTopicMetrics extends KafkaMetricsGroup

  8. case class ClientIdBrokerTopicPartition(clientId: String, brokerInfo: String, topic: String, partitionId: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  9. class DelayedFetch extends DelayedRequest

    A delayed fetch request, which is satisfied (or more accurately, unblocked) -- if: Case A: This broker is no longer the leader for some partitions it tries to fetch

    A delayed fetch request, which is satisfied (or more accurately, unblocked) -- if: Case A: This broker is no longer the leader for some partitions it tries to fetch

    • should return whatever data is available for the rest partitions. Case B: This broker is does not know of some partitions it tries to fetch
    • should return whatever data is available for the rest partitions. Case C: The fetch offset locates not on the last segment of the log
    • should return all the data on that segment. Case D: The accumulated bytes from all the fetching partitions exceeds the minimum bytes
    • should return whatever data is available.
  10. class DelayedProduce extends DelayedRequest with Logging

    A delayed produce request, which is satisfied (or more accurately, unblocked) -- if for every partition it produce to: Case A: This broker is not the leader: unblock - should return error.

    A delayed produce request, which is satisfied (or more accurately, unblocked) -- if for every partition it produce to: Case A: This broker is not the leader: unblock - should return error. Case B: This broker is the leader: B.1 - If there was a localError (when writing to the local log): unblock - should return error B.2 - else, at least requiredAcks replicas should be caught up to this request.

  11. case class DelayedProduceResponseStatus(requiredOffset: Long, responseStatus: ProducerResponseStatus) extends Product with Serializable

  12. class DelayedRequest extends DelayedItem[Request]

    A request whose processing needs to be delayed for at most the given delayMs The associated keys are used for bookeeping, and represent the "trigger" that causes this request to check if it is satisfied, for example a key could be a (topic, partition) pair.

  13. trait DelayedRequestKey extends AnyRef

    Keys used for delayed request metrics recording

  14. case class FetchDataInfo(fetchOffset: LogOffsetMetadata, messageSet: MessageSet) extends Product with Serializable

  15. class FetchRequestPurgatory extends RequestPurgatory[DelayedFetch]

    The purgatory holding delayed fetch requests

  16. class FetcherLagMetrics extends KafkaMetricsGroup

  17. class FetcherLagStats extends AnyRef

  18. class FetcherStats extends KafkaMetricsGroup

  19. case class GroupTopicPartition(group: String, topicPartition: TopicAndPartition) extends Product with Serializable

  20. class KafkaApis extends Logging

    Logic to handle the various Kafka requests

  21. class KafkaConfig extends ZKConfig

    Configuration settings for the kafka server

  22. class KafkaHealthcheck extends Logging

    This class registers the broker in zookeeper to allow other brokers and consumers to detect failures.

    This class registers the broker in zookeeper to allow other brokers and consumers to detect failures. It uses an ephemeral znode with the path: /brokers/[0...N] --> advertisedHost:advertisedPort

    Right now our definition of health is fairly naive. If we register in zk we are healthy, otherwise we are dead.

  23. class KafkaRequestHandler extends Runnable with Logging

    A thread that answers kafka requests.

  24. class KafkaRequestHandlerPool extends Logging with KafkaMetricsGroup

  25. class KafkaServer extends Logging with KafkaMetricsGroup

    Represents the lifecycle of a single Kafka broker.

    Represents the lifecycle of a single Kafka broker. Handles all functionality required to start up and shutdown a single Kafka node.

  26. class KafkaServerStartable extends Logging

  27. trait LeaderElector extends Logging

    This trait defines a leader elector If the existing leader is dead, this class will handle automatic re-election and if it succeeds, it invokes the leader state change callback

  28. case class LogOffsetMetadata(messageOffset: Long, segmentBaseOffset: Long = ..., relativePositionInSegment: Int = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  29. class OffsetCheckpoint extends Logging

    This class saves out a map of topic/partition=>offsets to a file

  30. class OffsetManager extends Logging with KafkaMetricsGroup

  31. case class OffsetManagerConfig(maxMetadataSize: Int = ..., loadBufferSize: Int = ..., offsetsRetentionMs: Long = 24*60*60000L, offsetsRetentionCheckIntervalMs: Long = ..., offsetsTopicNumPartitions: Int = ..., offsetsTopicSegmentBytes: Int = ..., offsetsTopicReplicationFactor: Short = ..., offsetsTopicCompressionCodec: CompressionCodec = ..., offsetCommitTimeoutMs: Int = ..., offsetCommitRequiredAcks: Short = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration settings for in-built offset management

    Configuration settings for in-built offset management


    The maximum allowed metadata for any offset commit.


    Batch size for reading from the offsets segments when loading offsets into the cache.


    Offsets older than this retention period will be discarded.


    Frequency at which to check for stale offsets.


    The number of partitions for the offset commit topic (should not change after deployment).


    The offsets topic segment bytes should be kept relatively small to facilitate faster log compaction and faster offset loads


    The replication factor for the offset commit topic (set higher to ensure availability).


    Compression codec for the offsets topic - compression should be turned on in order to achieve "atomic" commits.


    The offset commit will be delayed until all replicas for the offsets topic receive the commit or this timeout is reached. (Similar to the producer request timeout.)


    The required acks before the commit can be accepted. In general, the default (-1) should not be overridden.

  32. case class PartitionDataAndOffset(data: FetchResponsePartitionData, offset: LogOffsetMetadata) extends Product with Serializable

  33. class ProducerRequestPurgatory extends RequestPurgatory[DelayedProduce]

    The purgatory holding delayed producer requests

  34. class ReplicaFetcherManager extends AbstractFetcherManager

  35. class ReplicaFetcherThread extends AbstractFetcherThread

  36. class ReplicaManager extends Logging with KafkaMetricsGroup

  37. abstract class RequestPurgatory[T <: DelayedRequest] extends Logging with KafkaMetricsGroup

    A helper class for dealing with asynchronous requests with a timeout.

    A helper class for dealing with asynchronous requests with a timeout. A DelayedRequest has a request to delay and also a list of keys that can trigger the action. Implementations can add customized logic to control what it means for a given request to be satisfied. For example it could be that we are waiting for user-specified number of acks on a given (topic, partition) to be able to respond to a request or it could be that we are waiting for a given number of bytes to accumulate on a given request to be able to respond to that request (in the simple case we might wait for at least one byte to avoid busy waiting).

    For us the key is generally a (topic, partition) pair. By calling val isSatisfiedByMe = checkAndMaybeWatch(delayedRequest) we will check if a request is satisfied already, and if not add the request for watch on all its keys.

    It is up to the user to then call val satisfied = update(key, request) when a request relevant to the given key occurs. This triggers bookeeping logic and returns back any requests satisfied by this new request.

    An implementation provides extends two helper functions def checkSatisfied(request: R, delayed: T): Boolean this function returns true if the given request (in combination with whatever previous requests have happened) satisfies the delayed request delayed. This method will likely also need to do whatever bookkeeping is necessary.

    The second function is def expire(delayed: T) this function handles delayed requests that have hit their time limit without being satisfied.

  38. class TopicConfigManager extends Logging

    This class initiates and carries out topic config changes.

    This class initiates and carries out topic config changes.

    It works as follows.

    Config is stored under the path /brokers/topics/<topic_name>/config This znode stores the topic-overrides for this topic (but no defaults) in properties format.

    To avoid watching all topics for changes instead we have a notification path /brokers/config_changes The TopicConfigManager has a child watch on this path.

    To update a topic config we first update the topic config properties. Then we create a new sequential znode under the change path which contains the name of the topic that was updated, say /brokers/config_changes/config_change_13321 This is just a notification--the actual config change is stored only once under the /brokers/topics/<topic_name>/config path.

    This will fire a watcher on all brokers. This watcher works as follows. It reads all the config change notifications. It keeps track of the highest config change suffix number it has applied previously. For any previously applied change it finds it checks if this notification is larger than a static expiration time (say 10mins) and if so it deletes this notification. For any new changes it reads the new configuration, combines it with the defaults, and updates the log config for all logs for that topic (if any) that it has.

    Note that config is always read from the config path in zk, the notification is just a trigger to do so. So if a broker is down and misses a change that is fine--when it restarts it will be loading the full config anyway. Note also that if there are two consecutive config changes it is possible that only the last one will be applied (since by the time the broker reads the config the both changes may have been made). In this case the broker would needlessly refresh the config twice, but that is harmless.

    On restart the config manager re-processes all notifications. This will usually be wasted work, but avoids any race conditions on startup where a change might be missed between the initial config load and registering for change notifications.

  39. case class TopicPartitionRequestKey(topic: String, partition: Int) extends DelayedRequestKey with Product with Serializable

  40. class ZookeeperLeaderElector extends LeaderElector with Logging

    This class handles zookeeper based leader election based on an ephemeral path.

    This class handles zookeeper based leader election based on an ephemeral path. The election module does not handle session expiration, instead it assumes the caller will handle it by probably try to re-elect again. If the existing leader is dead, this class will handle automatic re-election and if it succeeds, it invokes the leader state change callback

Value Members

  1. object BrokerShuttingDown extends BrokerStates with Product with Serializable

  2. object BrokerTopicStats extends Logging

  3. object DelayedRequestKey

  4. object LogOffsetMetadata extends Serializable

  5. object NotRunning extends BrokerStates with Product with Serializable

  6. object OffsetManager

  7. object OffsetManagerConfig extends Serializable

  8. object PendingControlledShutdown extends BrokerStates with Product with Serializable

  9. object RecoveringFromUncleanShutdown extends BrokerStates with Product with Serializable

  10. object ReplicaManager

  11. object RunningAsBroker extends BrokerStates with Product with Serializable

  12. object RunningAsController extends BrokerStates with Product with Serializable

  13. object Starting extends BrokerStates with Product with Serializable
