

package producer

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BaseProducer extends AnyRef

  2. class BrokerPartitionInfo extends Logging

  3. class ByteArrayPartitioner extends Partitioner

  4. class DefaultPartitioner extends Partitioner

  5. class KafkaLog4jAppender extends AppenderSkeleton with Logging

  6. case class KeyedMessage[K, V](topic: String, key: K, partKey: Any, message: V) extends Product with Serializable

    A topic, key, and value.

  7. class NewShinyProducer extends BaseProducer

  8. class OldProducer extends BaseProducer

  9. case class PartitionAndLeader(topic: String, partitionId: Int, leaderBrokerIdOpt: Option[Int]) extends Product with Serializable

  10. trait Partitioner extends AnyRef

    A partitioner controls the mapping between user-provided keys and kafka partitions.

  11. class Producer[K, V] extends Logging

  12. class ProducerClosedException extends RuntimeException

  13. class ProducerConfig extends AsyncProducerConfig with SyncProducerConfigShared

  14. class ProducerPool extends Logging

  15. class ProducerRequestMetrics extends KafkaMetricsGroup

  16. class ProducerRequestStats extends AnyRef

    Tracks metrics of requests made by a given producer client to all brokers.

  17. class ProducerStats extends KafkaMetricsGroup

  18. class ProducerTopicMetrics extends KafkaMetricsGroup

  19. class ProducerTopicStats extends AnyRef

    Tracks metrics for each topic the given producer client has produced data to.

  20. class SyncProducer extends Logging

  21. class SyncProducerConfig extends SyncProducerConfigShared

  22. trait SyncProducerConfigShared extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object ProducerConfig extends Config

  2. object ProducerPool extends AnyRef

  3. object ProducerRequestStatsRegistry extends AnyRef

    Stores the request stats information of each producer client in a (clientId -> ProducerRequestStats) map.

  4. object ProducerStatsRegistry extends AnyRef

    Stores metrics of serialization and message sending activity of each producer client in a (clientId -> ProducerStats) map.

  5. object ProducerTopicStatsRegistry extends AnyRef

    Stores the topic stats information of each producer client in a (clientId -> ProducerTopicStats) map.

  6. object SyncProducer extends AnyRef

  7. object SyncProducerConfig extends AnyRef

  8. package async