New leader = replica in isr that's not being shutdown; New isr = current isr - shutdown replica; Replicas to receive LeaderAndIsr request = live assigned replicas
Essentially does nothing.
Select the new leader, new isr and receiving replicas (for the LeaderAndIsrRequest): 1.
This class represents the state machine for partitions.
Starts the partition reassignment process unless - 1.
Starts the preferred replica leader election for the list of partitions specified under /admin/preferred_replica_election -
New leader = preferred (first assigned) replica (if in isr and alive); New isr = current isr; Replicas to receive LeaderAndIsr request = assigned replicas
New leader = a live in-sync reassigned replica New isr = current isr Replicas to receive LeaderAndIsr request = reassigned replicas
This class represents the state machine for replicas.
This manages the state machine for topic deletion.