

package serializer

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Decoder[T] extends AnyRef

    A decoder is a method of turning byte arrays into objects.

  2. class DefaultDecoder extends Decoder[Array[Byte]]

    The default implementation does nothing, just returns the same byte array it takes in.

  3. class DefaultEncoder extends Encoder[Array[Byte]]

    The default implementation is a no-op, it just returns the same array it takes in

  4. trait Encoder[T] extends AnyRef

    An encoder is a method of turning objects into byte arrays.

  5. class NullEncoder[T] extends Encoder[T]

  6. class StringDecoder extends Decoder[String]

    The string encoder translates strings into bytes.

  7. class StringEncoder extends Encoder[String]

    The string encoder takes an optional parameter serializer.
