Release Notes - Kafka - Version 2.8.1
Below is a summary of the JIRA issues addressed in the 2.8.1 release of Kafka. For full documentation of the
release, a guide to get started, and information about the project, see the Kafka
project site.
Note about upgrades: Please carefully review the
upgrade documentation for this release thoroughly
before upgrading your cluster. The upgrade notes discuss any critical information about incompatibilities and breaking
changes, performance changes, and any other changes that might impact your production deployment of Kafka.
The documentation for the most recent release can be found at
New Feature
- [KAFKA-13207] - Replica fetcher should not update partition state on diverging epoch if partition removed from fetcher
- [KAFKA-10675] - Error message from ConnectSchema.validateValue() should include the name of the schema.
- [KAFKA-13209] - Upgrade jetty-server to fix CVE-2021-34429
- [KAFKA-13258] - AlterClientQuotas response does not include an error when it failed
- [KAFKA-13259] - DescribeProducers response does not include an error when it failed
- [KAFKA-8562] - SASL_SSL still performs reverse DNS lookup despite KAFKA-5051
- [KAFKA-9747] - No tasks created for a connector
- [KAFKA-9887] - failed-task-count JMX metric not updated if task fails during startup
- [KAFKA-10340] - Source connectors should report error when trying to produce records to non-existent topics instead of hanging forever
- [KAFKA-12252] - Distributed herder tick thread loops rapidly when worker loses leadership
- [KAFKA-12262] - New session keys are never distributed when follower with key becomes leader
- [KAFKA-12336] - custom stream naming does not work while calling stream[K, V](topicPattern: Pattern) API with named Consumed parameter
- [KAFKA-12619] - Ensure LeaderChange message is committed before initializing high watermark
- [KAFKA-12667] - Incorrect error log on StateDirectory close
- [KAFKA-12672] - Running test-kraft-server-start results in error
- [KAFKA-12702] - Unhandled exception caught in InterBrokerSendThread
- [KAFKA-12730] - A single Kerberos login failure fails all future connections from Java 9 onwards
- [KAFKA-12747] - Flaky Test RocksDBStoreTest.shouldReturnUUIDsWithStringPrefix
- [KAFKA-12749] - Changelog topic config on suppressed KTable lost
- [KAFKA-12751] - ISRs remain in in-flight state if proposed state is same as actual state
- [KAFKA-12752] - CVE-2021-28168 upgrade jersey to 2.34 or 3.02
- [KAFKA-12835] - Topic IDs can mismatch on brokers (after interbroker protocol version update)
- [KAFKA-12870] - RecordAccumulator stuck in a flushing state
- [KAFKA-12890] - Consumer group stuck in `CompletingRebalance`
- [KAFKA-12898] - Owned partitions in the subscription must be sorted
- [KAFKA-12904] - Connect's validate REST endpoint uses incorrect timeout
- [KAFKA-12914] - StreamSourceNode.toString() throws with ctor
- [KAFKA-12925] - prefixScan missing from intermediate interfaces
- [KAFKA-12948] - NetworkClient.close(node) with node in connecting state makes NetworkClient unusable
- [KAFKA-12951] - Infinite loop while restoring a GlobalKTable
- [KAFKA-12983] - onJoinPrepare is not always invoked before joining the group
- [KAFKA-12984] - Cooperative sticky assignor can get stuck with invalid SubscriptionState input metadata
- [KAFKA-12991] - Fix unsafe access to `AbstractCoordinator.state`
- [KAFKA-12996] - OffsetOutOfRange not handled correctly for diverging epochs when fetch offset less than leader start offset
- [KAFKA-13007] - KafkaAdminClient getListOffsetsCalls builds cluster snapshot for every topic partition
- [KAFKA-13037] - "Thread state is already PENDING_SHUTDOWN" log spam
- [KAFKA-13081] - Port sticky assignor fixes (KAFKA-12984) back to 2.8
- [KAFKA-13092] - Perf regression in LISR requests
- [KAFKA-13096] - QueryableStoreProvider is not updated when threads are added/removed/replaced rendering IQ impossible
- [KAFKA-13099] - Message too large error when expiring transactionalIds
- [KAFKA-13141] - Leader should not update follower fetch offset if diverging epoch is present
- [KAFKA-13214] - Consumer should not reset group state after disconnect
- [KAFKA-13231] - `TransactionalMessageCopier.start_node` should wait until the process if fully started
- [KAFKA-13236] - TopologyTestDriver crashes with EOS-beta config
- [KAFKA-13277] - Serialization of long tagged string in request/response throws BufferOverflowException
- [KAFKA-12820] - Upgrade maven-artifact dependency to resolve CVE-2021-26291
- [KAFKA-12976] - Remove UNSUPPORTED_VERSION error from delete topics call
- [KAFKA-12985] - CVE-2021-28169 - Upgrade jetty to 9.4.42
- [KAFKA-12790] - Remove SslTransportLayerTest.testUnsupportedTlsVersion