Release Notes - Kafka - Version 0.7
Upgrade path
In this release the wire format changed, so did the on-disk message format. To upgrade from 0.6 to 0.7, deploy 0.7 to consumers first, then the brokers, and lastly the producers. This is so that the downstream components are ready to understand messages sent in the new format. The details of the changes can be found in the compression wiki
- Kafka now supports block level compression. See compression wiki for details. Currently only gzip is sup
- Log retention can now depend on space (log.retention.size)
- [KAFKA-88] - Producer perf test fails against localhost with > 10 threads
- [KAFKA-91] - zkclient does not show up in pom
- [KAFKA-107] - Bug in serialize and collate logic in the DefaultEventHandler
- [KAFKA-109] - CompressionUtils introduces a GZIP header while compressing empty message sets
- [KAFKA-110] - Bug in the collate logic of the DefaultEventHandler dispatches empty list of messages using the producer
- [KAFKA-111] - A bug in the iterator of the ByteBufferMessageSet returns incorrect offsets when it encounters a compressed empty message set
- [KAFKA-115] - Kafka server access log does not log request details coming from a MultiProduceRequest
- [KAFKA-116] - AsyncProducer shutdown logic causes data loss
- [KAFKA-117] - The FetcherRunnable busy waits on empty fetch requests
- [KAFKA-124] - Console consumer does not exit if consuming process dies
- [KAFKA-125] - tooBigRequestIsRejected fails with unexpected Exceptoin
- [KAFKA-126] - Log flush should complete upon broker shutdown
- [KAFKA-128] - DumpLogSegments outputs wrong offsets
- [KAFKA-129] - ZK-based producer can throw an unexpceted exception when sending a message
- [KAFKA-131] - Hadoop Consumer goes into an infinite loop when kafka.request.limit is set to -1
- [KAFKA-135] - the ruby kafka gem is not functional
- [KAFKA-138] - Bug in the queue timeout logic of the async producer
- [KAFKA-145] - Kafka server mirror shutdown bug
- [KAFKA-146] - testUnreachableServer sporadically fails
- [KAFKA-147] - kafka integration tests fail on a fresh checkout
- [KAFKA-148] - Shutdown During a Log Flush Throws Exception, Triggers Startup in Recovery Mode
- [KAFKA-149] - Current perf directory has buggy perf tests
- [KAFKA-154] - ZK consumer may lose a chunk worth of message during rebalance in some rare cases
- [KAFKA-159] - Php Client support for compression attribute
- [KAFKA-160] - ZK consumer gets into infinite loop if a message is larger than fetch size
- [KAFKA-161] - Producer using broker list does not load balance requests across multiple partitions on a broker
- [KAFKA-207] - AsyncProducerStats is not a singleton
- [KAFKA-216] - Add nunit license to the NOTICE file
- [KAFKA-221] - LICENSE and NOTICE problems in Kafka 0.7
- [KAFKA-3] - Consumer needs a pluggable decoder
- [KAFKA-82] - upgrade zkclient library as of 2011/04/12
- [KAFKA-84] - commit offset before consumer shutdown
- [KAFKA-85] - Enhancements to .NET client
- [KAFKA-89] - consumer should initialize to a valid offset
- [KAFKA-90] - remove in tree zk jar
- [KAFKA-92] - upgrade to latest stable 0.7.x sbt
- [KAFKA-101] - Avoid creating a new topic by the consumer
- [KAFKA-103] - Make whitelist/blacklist mirror configs more consistent
- [KAFKA-112] - Improve the command line tools in the bin directory to use the compression feature correctly
- [KAFKA-113] - test log4j properties shouldn't be turned off
- [KAFKA-114] - Replace tabs with spaces
- [KAFKA-118] - Producer performance tool should use the new blocking async producer instead of the sleep timeout hack
- [KAFKA-120] - Code clean up in FetcherRunnable and ZookeeperConsumerConnector
- [KAFKA-122] - Add more info in output of DumpLogSegments
- [KAFKA-132] - Reduce Unnecessary Filesystem Writes for Logs Without Unflushed Events
- [KAFKA-136] - A JMX bean that reports #message/sec in consumer
- [KAFKA-137] - Fix ASF license headers for C# client
- [KAFKA-144] - ignores JMX_PORT
- [KAFKA-150] - Confusing NodeExistsException failing kafka broker startup
- [KAFKA-151] - Standard .rat-excludes file
- [KAFKA-152] - Include payload size in DumpLogSegments
- [KAFKA-153] - Add compression to C# client
- [KAFKA-164] - Config should default to a higher-throughput configuration for log.flush.interval
- [KAFKA-165] - Add helper script for
- [KAFKA-195] - change ProducerShell to use high level producer
New Feature
- [KAFKA-70] - Introduce retention setting that depends on space
- [KAFKA-78] - add optional mx4j support to expose jmx over http
- [KAFKA-79] - Introduce the compression feature in Kafka
- [KAFKA-130] - Provide a default producer for receiving messages from STDIN
- [KAFKA-140] - Expose total metrics through MBeans as well
- [KAFKA-162] - Upgrade python producer to the new message format version
- [KAFKA-141] - Check and make sure that the files that have been donated have been updated to reflect the new ASF copyright
- [KAFKA-142] - Check and make sure that for all code included with the distribution that is not under the Apache license, we have the right to combine with Apache-licensed code and redistribute
- [KAFKA-143] - Check and make sure that all source code distributed by the project is covered by one or more approved licenses
- [KAFKA-177] - Remove the clojure client until it is correctly implemented and refactored
- [KAFKA-211] - Fix LICENSE file to include MIT and SCALA license
- [KAFKA-222] - Mavenize contrib
- [KAFKA-108] - A new unit test for ByteBufferMessageSet iterator