

package utils

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class DelayedItem[T] extends Delayed

  2. class IteratorTemplate[T] extends Iterator[T] with Iterator[T]

    Transliteration of the iterator template in google collections.

  3. class KafkaScheduler extends AnyRef

    A scheduler for running jobs in the background TODO: ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor notriously swallows exceptions

  4. class MockTime extends Time

  5. class Pool[K, V] extends Iterable[(K, V)]

  6. trait Range extends AnyRef

    A generic range value with a start and end

  7. class SnapshotStats extends AnyRef

  8. class State extends AnyRef

  9. class Throttler extends AnyRef

    A class to measure and throttle the rate of some process.

  10. trait Time extends AnyRef

    A mockable interface for time functions

  11. class ZKConfig extends AnyRef

  12. class ZKGroupDirs extends AnyRef

  13. class ZKGroupTopicDirs extends ZKGroupDirs

  14. class immutable extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

    Indicates that the annotated class is immutable

  15. class nonthreadsafe extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

    Indicates that the annotated class is not threadsafe

  16. class threadsafe extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

    Indicates that the annotated class is meant to be threadsafe.

Value Members

  1. object DONE extends State

  2. object FAILED extends State

  3. object Mx4jLoader extends AnyRef

    If mx4j-tools is in the classpath call maybeLoad to load the HTTP interface of mx4j.

  4. object NOT_READY extends State

  5. object READY extends State

  6. object SystemTime extends Time

    The normal system implementation of time functions

  7. object Throttler extends AnyRef

  8. object Time extends AnyRef

    Some common constants

  9. object UpdateOffsetsInZK extends AnyRef

    A utility that updates the offset of every broker partition to the offset of latest log segment file, in ZK.

  10. object Utils extends AnyRef

    Helper functions!

  11. object ZKStringSerializer extends ZkSerializer

  12. object ZkUtils extends AnyRef