General ------- This hotfix ZIP file consists of the following files: * LICENSE.txt - Information about the Apache License v2 * Linux32.README.txt - The file you are reading * Linux32.README_de.txt - German * NOTICE.txt - Software notes * - Patch file that you will need to install * - Public signature file of the developer who built the patch file You can use whatever GPG tools you have to verify the signature against the information provided in the Apache OpenOffice KEYS file: Prerequisites ------------- Download the hotfix ZIP file to a location on your PC where it can be used and its content extracted. Example: User Jane downloaded and extracted the hotfix ZIP file from her browser window and saved it in a folder called "Downloads". The full path is: /home/jane/Downloads Installation Instructions ------------------------- This file provides basic instructions for installing the patched file "" into your existing Apache OpenOffice installation. You will need to do this replacement using a console (terminal) window and will likely need to use "root" (administrator) access to your system. 0. Make sure OpenOffice is not being used. 1. Open a console window and login as root with the following command: $ su - 2. Locate where Apache OpenOffice is installed on your system: a) If you already know where Apache OpenOffice is located on your system, navigate to that directory. Example: $ cd /opt/openoffice4 b) If you do not know this, you can use your package manager (e.g., RPM) to find this, or use the "locate" command. Examples: $ rpm -ql openoffice-core04-4.1.2-9782.i586 | grep $ locate openoffice | grep program The commands show you the "program" sub-directory where Apache OpenOffice is installed. For illustration, let's assume "/opt/openoffice4" is the directory location of OpenOffice. Navigate to the "program" sub-directory: 3. Navigate to the "program" sub-directory of your Apache OpenOffice installation: $ cd /opt/openoffice4/program 4. List the files in the Apache OpenOffice program sub-directory: $ ls You should see a file listed as "". 5. Make a backup of the existing file by renaming it. You can leave this where it is if you like: $ mv 6. Copy the new "" provided by this hotfix to the "program" sub-directory. Use your download folder with the saved and extraced ZIP file to copy it to the "program" sub-directory. Use the following command to copy the file: $ cp -p /home/jane/Downloads/ . (the last dot "." is an abbreviation for the current directory) 7. Verify that the "" got placed in the "program" sub-directory. $ ls -al This will allow you to verify permission settings on the new file. Important: If it is NOT listed as "-r--r--r-- 1 root root", go to Step 8. 8. Change file ownership and permissions. To correct the ownership and permission settings on the new "", execute both commands still in the console window as root in the "program" sub-directory: $ chown root:root $ chmod 444 9. Now the patch work is done and you can exit the console window: $ exit 10. Start Apache OpenOffice as you normally would as a non-privileged user.