-------------------------- Jetspeed 2.0-M1 Release December 5, 2004 -------------------------- ----------- Features ----------- * JSR 168 Support * Component Architecture (Spring) * J2EE Security, Portal Security Policy * Page and Portal Security Constraints (Bronco) * PSML/Folder CMS Navigations, Menus, Links * Jetspeed SSO * Multithreaded Aggregation Engine * Full Localization Support * Pipeline Request Processor * Rules-based Profiler * Basic Page Customization * Auto Deployment of Portlet Applications * Auto Deployment of Layouts and Decorators * Advanced Password Features * Navigational State Component * Integration with Pluto Portlet Container * Tigris CSS * Client Indepedent Capability Engine (HTML, XHTML, WML, VML....) * Portals Bridges - Struts - MyFaces - Velocity - Perl - PHP - Bridges Framework * Admin Portlets - Portlet Application Managerr - Profiler Admin - Role Manager - Portal Site Manager - User Manager * Sample Portlets - XSLT RSS - Rome RSS - WebContent - IFrame - Calendar - Bookmark - Tree Navigator - Guess Games --------------------- Tested App Servers: --------------------- * Tomcat 4.1.30 * Tomcat 5.0.30 (Tomcat 5.5 requires a different jetspeed.xml found in the source tree under src/resources/jetspeed-tomcat-5.5.xml) Jetspeed 2 has been independently tested and run on JBoss, Weblogic, and Websphere application servers Check out our wiki page for details: http://wiki.apache.org/portals/Jetspeed2 --------------------------- Installation Instructions --------------------------- 1. Download jetspeed-2.0-M1.tar.gz Download jetspeed-2.0-M1.zip (windows) 2. Expand jetspeed-2.0-M1.tar.gz into a clean Tomcat installation ** tar xfz jetspeed-2.0-M1.tar.gz -C tomcat # where 'tomcat' is your tomcat home directory For Windows: unzip jetspeed-2.0-M1.zip directly into your tomcat home directory (overlay) 3. cd $TOMCAT_HOME/jetspeed-database 4. start-database.sh (.bat) 5. startup Tomcat 6. start up Jetspeed, navigate to http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal ------------------------------ Configuring Another Database ------------------------------ 1. cd $TOMCAT_HOME/jetspeed-database/scripts 2. edit the build.properties, set the properties for your database connection, save. 3. create a database schema/catalog to hold your database tables 4. type 'ant' to run the database population scripts 5. edit the jetspeed.xml properties - Tomcat4 - $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jetspeed.xml - Tomcat5 - $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/jetspeed.xml and set your database connection 6. copy your database driver into Tomcat's common/endorsed directory 7. start up Jetspeed, navigate to http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal Sample accounts to login as: admin/admin ** NOTE: if you are installing into a Tomcat instance which had Jetspeed installed previously, remember to delete these files : $TOMCAT_HOME/shared/lib/jetspeed*.jar $TOMCAT_HOME/shared/lib/pluto*.jar $TOMCAT_HOME/shared/lib/portlet-api*.jar $TOMCAT_HOME/shared/lib/portals-bridges*.jar $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jetspeed ----------------------------- Deployment Optimization ----------------------------- There are some known issues with deployment and race conditions with the default jetspeed configuration. To optimize deployment, add these properties to your $HOME/build.properties: org.apache.jetspeed.services.autodeployment.user = admin org.apache.jetspeed.services.autodeployment.password = admin Edit your $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml and add the required manager and admin roles and admin user: ... If you make these changes, its recommended to change Tomcat's server.xml and turn off Autodeployment feature: <------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- A few notes on the M1 install process for Tomcat 4/5 and Linux --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The Tomcat conf directory accessed by the autodeployer for Tomcat 5 may not be not available as a relative path based on the webapps directory, (i.e. Linux JPackage RPMs). To work around this, I modified webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/conf/jetspeed.properties before starting tomcat and overrode this property: autodeployment.catalina.base=/usr/share/tomcat5/ In addition, untarring the binary release does not properly install jetspeed.xml when installed from /var/lib/tomcat5. Do not untar the release from /usr/share/tomcat5 since tar does not always follow symbolic links. I untarred in /var/lib/tomcat5 and copied the conf directory components to /usr/share/tomcat5/conf, (conf/Catalina/localhost/jetspeed.xml). BTW, the override.properties file does not seem to override jetspeed.properties for these settings, (?). 2. In production, we use a different port and credentials to access the Tomcat admin manager application, (see tomcat-users.xml). Again, before starting tomcat, override these properties in webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/conf/jetspeed.properties: autodeployment.port=9999 autodeployment.user=myadmin autodeployment.password=myadmin 3. By default, the M1 binary release is configured for Tomcat 5. To use Tomcat 4 and ensure that the security.xml context file is properly deployed, one will also have to override this property before starting tomcat in webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/conf/jetspeed.properties: autodeployment.catalina.version.major=4 4. Finally, Tomcat 5 users can remove the webapps/jetspeed.xml file since it is here only for Tomcat 4 compatibility. The same goes for the conf/Catalina directory for Tomcat 4 users since this is a Tomcat5 artifact.