Release Notes for Storm 1.1.2
JIRA issues addressed in the 1.1.2 release of Storm. Documentation for this
release is available at the Apache Storm
project site.
- [STORM-2512] - Change KafkaSpoutConfig in storm-kafka-client to make it work with flux
- [STORM-2616] - Document the built in metrics (just in time to replace them???)
- [STORM-2657] - Update SECURITY.MD
- [STORM-2663] - Backport STORM-2558 and deprecate storm.cmd on 1.x-branch
- [STORM-2712] - accept arbitrary number of rows per tuple in storm-cassandra
- [STORM-2775] - Improve KafkaPartition Metric Names
- [STORM-2807] - Integration test should shut down topologies immediately after the test
- [STORM-2862] - More flexible logging in multilang (Python, Ruby, JS)
- [STORM-2877] - Introduce an option to configure pagination in Storm UI
- [STORM-2917] - Check the config( before using it to connect
- [STORM-2231] - NULL in DisruptorQueue while multi-threaded ack
- [STORM-2426] - First tuples fail after worker is respawn
- [STORM-2500] - waitUntilReady in PacemakerClient cannot be invoked
- [STORM-2525] - Fix flaky integration tests
- [STORM-2535] - test-reset-timeout is flaky. Replace with a more reliable test.
- [STORM-2541] - Manual partition assignment doesn't work
- [STORM-2607] - [kafka-client] Consumer group every time with lag 1
- [STORM-2642] - Storm-kafka-client spout cannot be serialized when using manual partition assignment
- [STORM-2660] - The Nimbus storm-local directory is relative to the working directory of the shell executing "storm nimbus"
- [STORM-2666] - Storm-kafka-client spout can sometimes emit messages that were already committed.
- [STORM-2674] - NoNodeException when ZooKeeper tries to delete nodes
- [STORM-2677] - consider all sampled tuples which took greater than 0 ms processing time
- [STORM-2682] - Supervisor crashes with NullPointerException
- [STORM-2690] - resurrect invocation of ISupervisor.assigned() & make Supervisor.launchDaemon() accessible
- [STORM-2695] - BlobStore uncompress argument should be Boolean
- [STORM-2705] - DRPCSpout sleeps twice when idle
- [STORM-2706] - Nimbus stuck in exception and does not fail fast
- [STORM-2724] - ExecutorService in WaterMarkEventGenerator never shutdown
- [STORM-2736] - o.a.s.b.BlobStoreUtils [ERROR] Could not update the blob with key
- [STORM-2750] - fix double_checked locking
- [STORM-2751] - Remove AsyncLoggingContext from Supervisor
- [STORM-2764] - HDFSBlobStore leaks file system objects
- [STORM-2769] - Fast-fail if output stream Id is null
- [STORM-2771] - Some tests are being run twice
- [STORM-2779] - NPE on shutting down WindowedBoltExecutor
- [STORM-2786] - Ackers leak tracking info on failure and lots of other cases.
- [STORM-2810] - Storm-hdfs tests are leaking resources
- [STORM-2811] - Nimbus may throw NPE if the same topology is killed multiple times, and the integration test kills the same topology multiple times
- [STORM-2814] - Logviewer HTTP server should return 403 instead of 200 if the user is unauthorized
- [STORM-2815] - UI HTTP server should return 403 if the user is unauthorized
- [STORM-2833] - Cached Netty Connections can have different keys for the same thing.
- [STORM-2853] - Deactivated topologies cause high cpu utilization
- [STORM-2855] - Travis build doesn't work after update of Ubuntu image
- [STORM-2856] - Make Storm build work on post 2017Q4 Travis Trusty image
- [STORM-2868] - Address handling activate/deactivate in multilang module files
- [STORM-2870] - FileBasedEventLogger leaks non-daemon ExecutorService which prevents process to be finished
- [STORM-2876] - Some storm-hdfs tests fail with out of memory periodically
- [STORM-2879] - Supervisor collapse continuously when there is a expired assignment for overdue storm
- [STORM-2892] - Flux test fails to parse valid PATH environment variable
- [STORM-2894] - fix some random typos in tests
- [STORM-2912] - Tick tuple is being shared without resetting start time and incur side-effect to break metrics
- [STORM-2918] - Upgrade Netty version
- [STORM-2942] - Remove javadoc and source jars from toollib directory in binary distribution
- [STORM-2874] - Minor style improvements to backpressure code