Release 1.21 - 05/14/2019
* Add optional AUTO mode to OCR'ing of PDFs. If tesseract is installed
and on the path, and this option is selected programmatically
or via TikaConfig(), the PDFParser will use heuristics to decide
whether or not to run OCR per page on PDFs. (TIKA-2749)
* The ZipContainerDetector's default behavior was changed to run
streaming detection up to its markLimit. Users can get the
legacy behavior (spool-to-file/rely-on-underlying-file-in-TikaInputStream)
by setting markLimit=-1. The POIFSContainerDetector requires an underlying file;
it will try to spool the file to disk; if the file's length is > markLimit,
it will not attempt detection; set markLimit to -1 for legacy behavior (TIKA-2849).
* Upgrade PDFBox to 2.0.14 (TIKA-2834).
* Add CSV detection and replace TXTParser with TextAndCSVParser;
users can turn off CSV detection by excluding the TextAndCSVParser
and adding back the TXTParser via tika-config (TIKA-2833).
* Add a CSVParser. CSV detection is currently based solely on filename
and/or information conveyed via Metadata (TIKA-2826).
* General upgrades: asm, bouncycastle, commons-codec, commons-lang3, cxf,
guava, h2, httpcomponents, jackcess, junrar, Lucene, mime4j, opennlp, parso,
sqlite-jdbc (provided), zstd-jni (provided) (TIKA-2824)
* Bundle xerces2 with tika-parsers (TIKA-2802).
* Upgrade jaxb to 2.3.2 (TIKA-2819).
* Upgrade jackson to 2.9.8 (TIKA-2717).
* Update tika-eval's common tokens lists (TIKA-2822).
* Handle bad tags in tika-eval more robustly (TIKA-2810).
* Add reports for tags in tika-eval (TIKA-2809).
* Extract text from SDT element within textboxes in .docx files (TIKA-2807).
* Try to handle truncated OOXML files more robustly (TIKA-2765).
Release 1.20 - 12/17/2018
* Upgrade to POI 4.0.1 (TIKA-2751).
* Integrate/parameterize new angles handling in
PDFBox (TIKA-2779).
* Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.13 (TIKA-2788).
* Prevent content within and elements
to be written in the ToTextContentHandler (TIKA-2550).
* Switch child to parent communication to a shared memory-mapped
file in tika-server's -spawnChild mode.
* Fix bug in tika-server when run in legacy mode (not -spawnChild)
that caused it to return 503 on documents submitted after
it hit an OutOfMemoryError (TIKA-2776).
* Upgrade jaxb-runtime and javax.activation (TIKA-2778).
* tika-app in batch mode now requires an interrupt or
kill signal to the parent process to stop the parent
and the child processes (TIKA-2780).
* Bulk upgrade of dependencies (TIKA-2775).
* Improve language id efficiency in tika-eval (TIKA-2777).
* Upgrade sqlite "provided" dependency to 3.25.2 (TIKA-2773).
* Remove duplication of notes in PPT slides (TIKA-2735)
* Use -javaHome or $JAVA_HOME (if they exist) when
spawning child in tika-server's -spawnChild mode.
* Fixed closing of styles around Hyperlinks in Word Parser
Contributed by Ronan O'Sullivan (TIKA-2599).
Release 1.19.1 - 10/4/2018
* Update PDFBox to 2.0.12, jempbox to 1.8.16
and jbig2 to 3.0.2 (TIKA-2745).
* Fix regression in parser for MP3 files (TIKA-2730).
* Updated Python Dependency Check for TesseractOCR (TIKA-2740).
* Improve SAXParser robustness (TIKA-2727).
* Remove dependency on slf4j-log4j12 by upgrading jmatio (TIKA-2742).
* Replace com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl and jaxb-core with
org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime and jaxb-core (TIKA-2743)
Release 1.19 - 9/14/2018
* Require Java 8 (TIKA-2679).
* Enable building with Java 11 (TIKA-2668)
* Add an option to make tika-server robust against infinite loops,
OOMs, and memory leaks (TIKA-2725).
* Allow configuration of the Tesseract parser via the standard
tika-config.xml options (TIKA-2705).
* Improve handling of empty cells across table-based
formats (TIKA-2479).
* Add a Standards compliant HTML encoding detector
via Gerard Bouchar (TIKA-2673).
* Improved XML parsing -- limited default entity expansions to 20.
To raise this limit, add -Djdk.xml.entityExpansionLimit=XXX to
your commandline.
* Mime magic improvements for Olympus RAW (TIKA-2658), interpreted
server-side languages via HTTP (TIKA-2648), MHTML (TIKA-2723)
* Add absolute timeout to ForkParser rather than testing
for active (TIKA-2656).
* Make the RecursiveParserWrapper work with the ForkParser (TIKA-2655).
* Allow the ForkParser to specify a directory containing tika-app.jar
for use by the ForkServer. This allows users to keep most of the
parser dependencies out of their code; and it allows for an easy
addition of optional jars for Parser dependencies,
such as the xerial sqlite jar (TIKA-2653).
* Use a pool for SAXParsers and DOMBuilders rather than creating
a new parser/builder for every parse.
For better performance, set XMLReaderUtils.setPoolSize() to the
number of threads you're using with Tika (TIKA-2645).
* Add the RecursiveParserWrapperHandler to improve the RecursiveParserWrapper
API slightly (TIKA-2644).
* Upgraded to Commons-Compress 1.18 (TIKA-2707).
* Upgraded to Apache POI 4.0.0 (TIKA-2552).
* Upgraded to Apache PDFBox 2.0.11 (TIKA-2681).
* Upgraded to deeplearning4j 1.0.0-beta2 (TIKA-2672).
* Upgraded jmatio to 1.4 (TIKA-2667)
* Upgraded Apache Lucene to 7.4.0 in tika-eval and tika-examples (TIKA-2695).
* Upgraded junrar to 1.0.1 (TIKA-2664).
* Numerous other upgrades (TIKA-2692).
* Excluded Spring as a transitive dependency (TIKA-2721).
Release 1.18 - 4/20/2018
* Upgrade jackson to 2.9.5 (TIKA-2634).
* Add support for brotli (TIKA-2621).
* Upgrade PDFBox to 2.0.9 and include new jbig2-imageio
from org.apache.pdfbox (TIKA-2579 and TIKA-2607).
* Support for TIFF images in PDF files (TIKA-2338)
* Detection of full encrypted 7z files (TIKA-2568)
* Various new mimes and typo fixes in tika-mimetypes.xml
via Andreas Meier (TIKA-2527).
* Revert to listenForAllRecords=false in ExcelExtractor
via Grigoriy Alekseev (TIKA-2590)
* Add workaround to identify TIFFs that might confuse
commons-compress's tar detection via Daniel Schmidt
* Ignore non-IANA supported charsets in HTML meta-headers
during charset detection in HTMLEncodingDetector
via Andreas Meier (TIKA-2592)
* Add detection and parsing of zstd (if user provides
com.github.luben:zstd-jni) via Andreas Meier (TIKA-2576)
* Allow for RFC822 detection for files starting with "dkim-"
and/or "x-" via Andreas Meier (TIKA-2578 and TIKA-2587)
* Extract xlsx files embedded in OLE objects within PPT and PPTX
via Brian McColgan (TIKA-2588).
* Extract files embedded in HTML and javascript inside HTML
that are stored in the Data URI scheme (TIKA-2563).
* Extract text from grouped text boxes in PPT (TIKA-2569).
* Extract language metadata item from PDF files via Matt Sheppard (TIKA-2559)
* RFC822 with multipart/mixed, first text element should be treated
as the main body of the email, not an attachment (TIKA-2547).
* Swap out com.tdunning:json for com.github.openjson:openjson to avoid
jar conflicts (TIKA-2556).
* No longer hardcode HtmlParser for XML files in tika-server (TIKA-2551).
* Require Java 8 (TIKA-2553).
* Add a parser for XPS (TIKA-2524).
* Mime magic for Dolby Digital AC3 and EAC3 files
* Fixed bug where TesseractOCRParser ignores configured ImageMagickPath,
and set rotation script to ignore Python warnings (TIKA-2509)
* Upgrade geo-apis to 3.0.1 (TIKA-2535)
* Mime definition and magic improvements for text-based programming
and config formats (TIKA-2554, TIKA-2567, TIKA-1141)
* Added local Docker image build using dockerfile-maven-plugin to allow
images to be built from source (TIKA-1518).
* Support for SAS7BDAT data files (TIKA-2462)
* Handle .epub files using .htm rather than .html extensions for the
embedded contents (TIKA-1288)
* Mime magic for ACES Images (TIKA-2628) and DPX Images (TIKA-2629)
* For sparse XLSX and XLSB files, always output missing cells to
the left of filled ones (matching XLS), and optionally output
missing rows on all 3 formats if requested via the
OfficeParserContext (TIKA-2479)
Release 1.17 - 12/8/2017
ON Java 7. The next versions will require Java 8***
* Fix thread-safety in ChmExtractor (TIKA-2519).
* Upgrade cxf to 3.0.16 (TIKA-2516).
* Allow users to configure maxMainMemoryBytes for PDFs via shrike (PR-213).
* Extract underline and strikethrough in docx (TIKA-2347 and TIKA-2512).
* Cache TikaConfig in EmbeddedDocumentUtil for better performance
in documents with large number of attachments (TIKA-2511).
* Extract media files from ooxml (TIKA-2510).
* Standardize the way the Image and Video captioning
dockers and extraction work (TIKA-2400, GitHub-208)
* Upgrade to xmpcore 5.1.3 (TIKA-2034).
* Upgrade to metadata-extractor 2.10.1 (TIKA-2486).
* Upgrade to OpenNLP 1.8.3 (TIKA-2502).
* Upgrade to Jackson 2.9.2 (TIKA-2501).
* Catch potential NPE in getting InputStream for attachments
in PST file (TIKA-2488).
* Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.8 (TIKA-2489).
* Allow configuration of markLimit in EncodingDetectors
via tika-config.xml (TIKA-2485).
* RFC822Parser now selects the best alternative for
multipart/alternative body components. This aligns with the
behavior of the OutlookParser (TIKA-2478). Users can select
legacy behavior via the "extractAllAlternatives" parameter
in the RFC822 parser definition in tika-config.xml.
* Narrow mime detection for ms-owner files and add detection
for .nls files (TIKA-2469).
* Fix bug in CharsetDetector that led to different detected charsets
depending on whether user setText with a byte[] or an InputStream
via Sean Story (TIKA-2475).
* Remove JAXB for easier use with Java 9 via Robert Munteanu (TIKA-2466).
* Upgrade to POI 3.17 (TIKA-2429).
* Enabling extraction of standard references from text (TIKA-2449).
* Load external custom mimetypes XML from system property
tika.custom-mimetypes (TIKA-2460).
* Extract number of tiffs in a multi-page tiff (TIKA-2451).
* Fix detection of emails extracted from mbox (TIKA-2456).
* Add OverrideDetector and allow PSTParser to specify body content type
as text or html -- to avoid incorrect auto-detection of
rfc/mbox, etc. (TIKA-2454)
* AutoDetectParser throws ZeroByteFileException for zero-byte files after
detection on the file extension (TIKA-2450).
* Extract phonetic runs in docx with experimental SAX parser (TIKA-2448).
* Extract phonetic runs from xls and allow users to turn off extraction
of phonetic runs in both xls and xlsx (TIKA-2440).
* OOXML locale should be set by POI's LocaleUtil not Locale.getDefault().
Fix unit tests to be robust against different locales in OOXML
and ExcelParser (TIKA-2438).
* Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.7 (TIKA-2431).
* Tika now has support for automatic image captioning, that
combines Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing to
automatically generate a readable caption for an image
(TIKA-2262, TIKA-2355, TIKA-2402, Gh-198, Gh-196, Gh-189).
* Add TestCorruptedFiles to allow devs to test parsers against
corrupted input files (TIKA-2430).
* Correct Mimetype definition for Windows batch files (CMD and BAT)
which are the same (TIKA-2445)
* PSDParser memory use improvements (TIKA-2447)
* Add underline extraction from Word documents (doc/docx) via Stuart Hendren
as well as strikethrough extraction in docx (TIKA-2347, GitHub-173)
* Corrected Tesseract OCR script and made it a configurable
option via Peter Weiss (TIKA-2385)
Release 1.16 - 7/7/2017
* Exclude jj2000 from edu.ucar grip to avoid potential
license conflicts with ASL 2.0
* Add Age recognition using Ensemble model for Linear regression
and Apache OpenNLP Maximum Entropy. Tika can now detect age from
text (TIKA-1988).
* Add Tika Deep Learning support for the VGG16 model for
Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition.
Now Tika supports both Inception v3/v4 and VGG16 based image
recognition (TIKA-2298).
* Extract macros from PPT (TIKA-2089).
* Extract absolute path for last saved location when available
in .xlsx and .xlsb (TIKA-2335).
* Rename SentimentParser to SentimentAnalysisParser to
prevent conflict with dependency (TIKA-2368).
* tika-app now extracts inline images in PDFs by
default, and it includes a warning to users that this is not the
default behavior elsewhere in Tika (TIKA-2374).
* Allow configurability of warnings for problems during
parser initialization (TIKA-2389).
* Upgrade to Jackcess 2.1.8 (TIKA-2380).
* Upgrade to POI 3.17-beta1 (TIKA-2336).
* Remove non-ASL-2.0-compatible org.json (TIKA-1804).
* Allow extraction of