Release Notes - Apache Twill - 0.10.0 Improvements: [TWILL-46] Have a way to specify / control the restart action upon container failure [TWILL-63] Speed up application launch time [TWILL-181] Control the maximum number of retries for failed application starts [TWILL-187] Max app start time should be configurable [TWILL-199] Get next offset and handle offset error in KafkaConsumer.MessageCallback [TWILL-205] Location should have a way to set the group ownership [TWILL-208] Location should have a way to set permissions when creating directories [TWILL-216] Make ratio between total memory and on-heap memory configurable Bug fixes: [TWILL-210] ServiceMain does not handle well URI without authority [TWILL-211] Retries of failed runnable instances may result in unsatisfiable provisioning requests [TWILL-218] The implicit jopt-simple dependency should be made explicit