JIRA Report

BugUIMA-5468ResolvedRuta: order of multiple scripts in explanation view
BugUIMA-5480ResolvedRuta: unknown type param variable resolved against Annotation
BugUIMA-5489ResolvedRuta: verbalization of some elements flawed
BugUIMA-5569ResolvedRuta: setting variables by paramters: only skip invalid
BugUIMA-5585ResolvedRuta: allow ResourceManager extension classloader for loading ruta extensions
BugUIMA-5663ResolvedRuta: possible NPE for lazy feature access on null annotation variable
BugUIMA-5680ResolvedSpecial characters in MARKFAST dictionaries mask entries
BugUIMA-5681ResolvedMARKFAST silently ignores non .txt files
BugUIMA-5752ResolvedProblem with matching items in MarkTable with whitespacers visible
BugUIMA-5758ResolvedcsvSeparator parameter is missing in basicengine.xml template
BugUIMA-5771ResolvedRuta: instance comparison of annotation: feature vs label
BugUIMA-5774ResolvedRuta: possible NPE delegated PARTOF condition for empty annotation feature as anchoring element
BugUIMA-5775ResolvedPerformance problem MARKTABLE when matching case insensitive
BugUIMA-5777ResolvedIncorrect feature assignment on MARKTABLE because incorrect record can be used
BugUIMA-5785ResolvedRuta: short name of parent in DECLARE not resolved
BugUIMA-5809ResolvedRuta: COUNT condition assigns wrong value
BugUIMA-5850ResolvedRuta: CONTAINS counts overlapping annotations
BugUIMA-5863ResolvedRuta: label remembers removed match in greedy rule element
BugUIMA-5881ResolvedRuta: multiple matches of simple wildcard
BugUIMA-5882ResolvedRuta: CME for simple wildcard rule
BugUIMA-5888ResolvedRuta: annotation-based variables are not resetted between CASes
BugUIMA-5915ResolvedRuta: editor reports false postive error for complex feature expression
BugUIMA-5946ResolvedRuta: inlined rule as condition at wildcard
BugUIMA-5951ResolvedRuta: wrong initialization of LazyFeature in stacked feature match
BugUIMA-5967ResolvedMARKTABLE throws NullPointerException
ImprovementUIMA-5365ResolvedRuta: remove values of label expressions if rule element did not match successfully
ImprovementUIMA-5481ResolvedRuta: string variables with null values
ImprovementUIMA-5736ResolvedAdd option to CSVTable to use custom column separator
ImprovementUIMA-5780ResolvedRuta: Support all SerialFormats in Query View
ImprovementUIMA-5861ResolvedRuta: include script name in Ruta runtime exceptions
ImprovementUIMA-5892ResolvedRuta should be more careful about creating new ResourceManagers
ImprovementUIMA-5903ResolvedRuta: PlainTextAnnotator should consider vertical/line tabs \u000b
ImprovementUIMA-5910ResolvedSet annotation feature with allowedValues
ImprovementUIMA-5945ResolvedRuta: evaluate inlined rules as condition only if the match has not failed yet
ImprovementUIMA-5950ResolvedDocumentation of default value for removeBasics parameter in RutaEngine
ImprovementUIMA-5969ResolvedRuta: assignment of string feature is not robust enough concerning other primitive types
ImprovementUIMA-5978ResolvedRuta: refactor xml parsing and use uimaj utils
ImprovementUIMA-5979ResolvedRuta: bundles export packages that have private references
ImprovementUIMA-5980ResolvedRuta: cleanup test files
ImprovementUIMA-5982ResolvedRuta: javadoc warnings
ImprovementUIMA-5983ResolvedRuta: build with Java 11
ImprovementUIMA-5984ResolvedRuta: adapt readme file
ImprovementUIMA-5986ResolvedRuta: maven compiler should use 1.8
New FeatureUIMA-5414ResolvedRuta: config param for max amount of rule and rule element matches
New FeatureUIMA-5415ResolvedRuta: open inference crowd visitors as configuration parameter
New FeatureUIMA-5419ResolvedRuta: actions for creating annotations as functions filling label variables
New FeatureUIMA-5884ResolvedRuta: TYPELIST as matching condition
New FeatureUIMA-5916ResolvedRuta: new language element for optional matching condition
New FeatureUIMA-5952ResolvedRuta: type namespace prefix for missing script in rules param should be configurable
New FeatureUIMA-5955ResolvedRuta: allow multiple inlined rule blocks of same type at one rule element
TaskUIMA-5671ResolvedRuta: update parent pom
TaskUIMA-5737ResolvedRuta: adapt build tools to new Release Distribution Policy