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00001 /*
00002  *   Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
00003  *
00004  *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00009  *
00010  *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  *   limitations under the License.
00015  *
00016  */
00018 #if !defined(_AXISUSERAPI_H____OF_AXIS_INCLUDED_)
00021 #include <time.h>
00022 #include <string.h>
00030 #define AxisChar char
00036 typedef AxisChar * xsd__string;
00041 typedef int xsd__integer;
00046 typedef int xsd__int;
00051 typedef long xsd__long;
00056 typedef short xsd__short;
00061 typedef double xsd__decimal;
00066 typedef float xsd__float;
00071 typedef double xsd__double;
00076 typedef enum { false_=0, true_ } xsd__boolean;
00081 typedef unsigned char xsd__byte;
00086 typedef AxisChar * xsd__QName;
00091 typedef struct tm xsd__dateTime;
00096 typedef struct tm xsd__date;
00101 typedef struct tm xsd__time;
00106 typedef unsigned char xsd__unsignedByte;
00111 typedef unsigned int xsd__unsignedInt;
00116 typedef unsigned long xsd__unsignedLong;
00121 typedef unsigned short xsd__unsignedShort;
00126 typedef struct {
00127     xsd__unsignedByte * __ptr;
00128     xsd__int __size;
00129 } xsd__base64Binary;
00134 typedef struct{
00135     xsd__unsignedByte * __ptr;
00136     xsd__int __size;
00137 } xsd__hexBinary;
00142 typedef AxisChar * xsd__anyURI;
00147 typedef AxisChar * xsd__NMTOKEN;
00153 typedef enum {
00154     RPC_ENCODED, /*default*/
00155     DOC_LITERAL,
00156     RPC_LITERAL
00159 #define AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(type) \
00160     struct {\
00161         type * m_Array;\
00162         int m_Size;\
00163     }
00165 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(void) Axis_Array;
00166 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__string) xsd__string_Array;
00167 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__integer) xsd__integer_Array;
00168 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__int) xsd__int_Array;
00169 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__long) xsd__long_Array;
00170 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__short) xsd__short_Array;
00171 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__decimal) xsd__decimal_Array;
00172 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__float) xsd__float_Array;
00173 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__double) xsd__double_Array;
00174 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__boolean) xsd__boolean_Array;
00175 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__QName) xsd__QName_Array;
00176 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__dateTime) xsd__dateTime_Array;
00177 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__unsignedByte) xsd__unsignedByte_Array;
00178 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__unsignedInt) xsd__unsignedInt_Array;
00179 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__unsignedLong) xsd__unsignedLong_Array;
00180 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__unsignedShort) xsd__unsignedShort_Array;
00181 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__base64Binary) xsd__base64Binary_Array;
00182 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__hexBinary) xsd__hexBinary_Array;
00183 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__anyURI) xsd__anyURI_Array;
00184 typedef AXIS_DEFINED_ARRAY(xsd__NMTOKEN) xsd__NMTOKEN_Array;
00186 #define AXIS_OUT_PARAM 
00188 static const int xsd_boolean_true = 1;
00189 static const int xsd_boolean_false = 0;
00191 typedef enum {
00192     NORMAL_CHANNEL=0,
00193     SSL_CHANNEL
00200 typedef char* XML_String;
00206 typedef struct 
00207 {
00211     XML_String* _array;
00215     int _size;
00216 } AnyType;
00218 #endif

Generated on Tue Jun 29 09:27:56 2004 for AxisC++ by doxygen1.2.18