Installing and deploying web applications using xml-AxisC++



This document describes how to install Apache Axis C++. It assumes you already know how to write and run C++/C code and not scared away by XML. You should also have familiarity with Web servers. This version of Axis C++ is tested on Apache web server.

What You need

It needs a few helper libraries, for logging, WSDL processing and introspection. You need to have following in order to run Axis C++ engine.

Installation On Linux

We tested with the following

        Note : To test on debian you had to update followings with the mentioned versions.

Downloading the source or binary from the mirror site and setting the environment variables

You can download the Axis C++ source or binary from one of the apache mirror sites

Your downloaded distribution is axis-c-src-1_0-linux.tar.gz. After you extracting it for example as, /home/axisuser/projects/axis-c-src-1_0-linux you can rename it as axis_c

You have to set the environment variable $AXISCPP_HOME to the directory where you extracted the tar ball.. We further assume that the user dose the installation and has the linux user account axisuser. For example I have my <AXISCPP_HOME> as following.


Installing expat

You can get expat from the uri

You have to follow the expat installation guide to install it

Installing Xerces-c

You can get expat from the uri

You have to follow the the expat installation giude to install it.

Installing Apache

Get the apache downloadable software. (We used the source apache_1.3.27.tar.gz). Build it with sharable module support.

$ ./configure --enable-module=so

Note:- Here "so" is simple letters

$ make

$ make install

Starting the Apache server

$ usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start

Stopping the Apache Server

$ usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl stop

Installing Axis C++

Create an environment variable called AXISCPP_HOME.

$ cd /home/axisuser

[axisuser@localhost axisuser]$ vi ./.bash_profile



Save it and back in the terminal window.

$ source ~/.bash_profile

Verify the above change had been correctly effected by typing


Copy apache include files

$ cp -f <apacheinstdirectory>/include/* $AXISCPP_HOME/include/apache1_3/

Copy the expat include files

$ cp -f <expatinstdirectory>/lib/expat.h $AXISCPP_HOME/include/expat/


The Folder called deploy in the $AXISCPP_HOME/ should be copied to apache root folder .Rename the deploy folder as "Axis" . Give all permissions to this folder.

$ cp -rf $AXISCPP_HOME/deploy  /usr/local/apache

$ cd /usr/local/apache

$ mv deploy Axis

$ chmod -R 777 Axis

Now set the environment variable AXIS_HOME pointing to this directory.


If you are using expat parser do the following

set EXPAT_HOME="<Your expat installation root folder>"

set LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$EXPAT_HOME/lib:AXISCPP_HOME/bin" (do this in your ./.bash_profile)

cd $AXISCPP_HOME/src/soap

cp -f Makefile.am_expat

cd $AXISCPP_HOME/src/wsdd

cp -f Makefile.am_expat

If you are using Xerces-c parser do the following

set XERCES_HOME="<Your xercesc installation root folder>"

set LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$XERCESC_HOME/lib" (do this in your ./.bash_profile)

cp -rf $XERCESC_HOME/include/xercesc/* $AXISCPP_HOME/include/xercesc/

cd $AXISCPP_HOME/src/soap
cp -f Makefile.am_xercesc

cd $AXISCPP_HOME/src/wsdd
cp -f Makefile.am_xercesc


comment expat related things and uncomment xercesc related
things as described in it.

for samples

in $AXISCPP_HOME/samples/client/

comment expat related things and uncomment xercesc related
things as described in it.

To Build from the Axis C++ source execute these.


$ sh

$ sh runconfig

$ make

$ make install


Run the as follows


Also now there is no need to seperately build client side and server side. When start running it will lookafter everything.

NOTE: If you use apache2.0 following two small changes has to be done in $AXISCPP_HOME/ and $AXISCPP_HOME/src/server/



AC_OUTPUT(Makefile src/Makefile src/common/Makefile src/engine/Makefile src/soap/Makefile src/wsdd/Makefile src/xml/Makefile src/server/Makefile src/server/apache/Makefile)

and uncomment

#AC_OUTPUT(Makefile src/Makefile src/common/Makefile src/engine/Makefile src/soap/Makefile src/wsdd/Makefile src/xml/Makefile src/server/Makefile src/server/apache2/Makefile)

in $AXISCPP_HOME/src/server/

change SUBDIRS = apache to SUBDIRS = apache2

Then to deploy it on apache

cd /usr/local/apache/libexec (If apache2 /usr/local/apache2/modules)

cp -f $AXIS_HOME/deploy.sh_apache  ./



Now (If you built for apache2 this is should have been created in $AXISCPP_HOME/bin directory. Note:- you can give the install path inside the runconfigure script.

Now you need to edit /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf

$ vi /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf

At the bottom of the file you have to include following lines and save it.

LoadModule axis_module libexec/ (in apache2 replace libexec with modules and with

<Location /axis>

SetHandler axis


Copy $AXISCPP_HOME/bin/ into /usr/local/Apache/libexec/ (in apache2 replace libexec with modules and with

$cp -f $AXISCPP_HOME/bin/ /usr/local/apache/libexec (in apache2 replace libexec with modules and with

Restart apache

Validating The Installation

If you have done installation successfully it will display the Axis C++ welcome page when you point to URI http://localhost/axis .

Deploying a Web Service Using InteropBase.wsdl

You can deploy your own web service or the sample webservices with the guidance in the userguide

WSDL2Ws tool must run on a jvm.