Apache Software Foundation | Jakarta Project | Apache Tomcat

This document describes the configuration file used by mod_jk2 on the Tomcat site. Its default name is ${jkHome}/conf/jk2.properties, where ${jkHome} is the well known ${catalina.base} property.

Config options

Property name Default Description
handler.list request,container,channelSocket Handlers to load.
class.myhandler No default value Define the class of the handler myhandler.
apr APR descriptor
NativeSo jkjni Location of the jkjni dynamic library. It is searched in java.library.path but a absolute path can be specified.
jniModeSo inprocess If set to "inprocess" the jk2 will regiter native library functions by itself. If not then it has to be the absolute path of the jkjni dynamic library.
channelSocket A communication transport from a remote Web Server.
port 8009 First port where Tomcat is listening
address Local address where Tomcat is listening.
maxPort port+10 Max port used to listen.
channelUnix A AF_UNIX socket communication transport from a local Web Server.
file No default value Name of the "file" associate with the socket. That must be absolut path name.
channelJni A in Web Server process communication.
mx mx4j adapter.
port -1 (Disabled) Port Number.
shm shared memory objects handler.
file /tmp/shm.file Shared memory file.
host localhost Host name.
port 8009 Port number.
unixSocket No default value Unix socket where tomcat is listening.