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AxisC++ Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AdminUtilsThis class contains the Server side administration functionalities
AnyElementStruct that represents any XML element
AttributeInterface for the Attribute class
AxisConfigClass for taking configuration parameters
AxisExceptionBase class for Axis C++ exception hierarchy
AxisFileClass for allocating file resources for Axis C++
AxisIOStreamInterface of the input/output stream of Axis transport. ISOAPTransport is derived from this interface
AxisTimeTime manipulating helper class
AxisTraceThis is class is used to log messages when AXISTRACE is defined
CharacterElementInterface for the CharacterElement class
ComplexElementInterface for the ComplexElement class
HandlerInterface for handlers
HandlerBaseInterface for the Handlers. This is the base class for: -Handler -WrapperClassHandler In the Axis Architecture there are different types of Handlers : -NORMAL_HANDLER : A Handler which is used to process SOAP Headers. -WEBSERVICE_HANDLER : A web service is also considered as a Handler. -CHAIN_HANDLER : Handler Chains are also derived from Handler. Each of these handlers will inherit from this HandlerBase which serves as the base point for all the different types of Handlers
IAdminUtilsThis Interface contains the Server side administration functionalities
IHandlerSoapSerializerInterface for the IHandlerSoapSerializer class. This interface is exposed to a Handler Writer, to let him manipulate on the Serialzer object. Example usage is given below
IHeaderBlockInterface for the IHeaderBlock class
IWrapperSoapDeSerializerInterface for the IWrapperSoapDeSerializer class
SoapHeaderThe Header element information item according to SOAP 1.2 specification
SoapSerializerInterface for the SoapSerializer class
SOAPTransportInterface of any Axis transport layer
StubThis is the client Stub base class to be inherited by all stub classes genarated by WSDL2WS tool. This class acts as the interface between the users and the Axis C++ engine (client side). Programmer can use the API defined here to enrich the client application functionality. Setting transport properties, setting SOAP headers, setting connection timeout and specifying a proxy on the client stub is facilitated with this interface
StubFunctionsStructure with function pointer definitions to provide Stub base class's functionalities for C stubs
TypeMappingInterface for the TypeMapping class
WSDDHandlerInterface for the WSDDHandler class
WSDDServiceInterface for the WSDDService class
XMLParserInterface that any parser wrapper should implement in order to be use in Axis as a XML PULL parser. This interface basically describes XML pull parsing behavior. Any SAX or DOM parser can be wrapped to expose XML pull behavior by implementing this interface. But the efficiency of the overall component depends on the particular implementaion. Its the responsibility of the implementation class to free any memory allocated inside the class. The class should not deallocate the given input stream

Generated on Tue Jun 29 09:27:57 2004 for AxisC++ by doxygen1.2.18