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IHeaderBlock Class Reference

interface for the IHeaderBlock class. More...

#include <IHeaderBlock.h>

Inheritance diagram for IHeaderBlock:

List of all members.

Public Methods

virtual int getNoOfChildren ()=0
virtual BasicNode * createChild (NODE_TYPE eNODE_TYPE, AxisChar *pachLocalName, AxisChar *pachPrefix, AxisChar *pachUri, AxisChar *pachValue)=0
virtual BasicNode * createImmediateChild (NODE_TYPE eNODE_TYPE, AxisChar *pachLocalName, AxisChar *pachPrefix, AxisChar *pachUri, AxisChar *pachValue)=0
virtual AttributecreateStdAttribute (HEADER_BLOCK_STD_ATTR_TYPE eStdAttrType, SOAP_VERSION eSOAP_VERSION)=0
virtual AttributecreateAttribute (const AxisChar *localname, const AxisChar *prefix, const AxisChar *uri, const AxisChar *value)=0
virtual AttributecreateAttribute (const AxisChar *localname, const AxisChar *prefix, const AxisChar *value)=0
virtual BasicNode * createImmediateChild (NODE_TYPE eNODE_TYPE)=0
virtual BasicNode * createChild (NODE_TYPE eNODE_TYPE)=0
virtual const BasicNode * getLastChild ()=0
virtual const BasicNode * getChild (int iChildPosition)=0
virtual int addChild (BasicNode *pBasicNode)=0
virtual void setLocalName (const AxisChar *localname)=0
virtual void setUri (const AxisChar *uri)=0
virtual int initializeForTesting ()=0
virtual IHeaderBlock * clone ()=0
virtual ~IHeaderBlock ()

Detailed Description

interface for the IHeaderBlock class.

Roshan Weerasuriya (, , Samisa Abeysinghe ( , Susantha Kumara (,

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual IHeaderBlock::~IHeaderBlock   [inline, virtual]

The Destructor.

Member Function Documentation

virtual int IHeaderBlock::addChild BasicNode *    pBasicNode [pure virtual]

Adds a child node to the Header Block.

pBasicNode  The child node pointer which is to be added.
AXIS_SUCCESS to indicate successfull operation.

virtual IHeaderBlock* IHeaderBlock::clone   [pure virtual]

Creates and returns a clone of this Header Block.

A clone of this Header Block.

virtual Attribute* IHeaderBlock::createAttribute const AxisChar *    localname,
const AxisChar *    prefix,
const AxisChar *    value
[pure virtual]

Creates a Attribute and adds it to this Header Block.

localname  The local name of the attribute.
prefix  The prefix of the attribute.
value  The value of the attribute.
A pointer to the created Attribute will be returned.

virtual Attribute* IHeaderBlock::createAttribute const AxisChar *    localname,
const AxisChar *    prefix,
const AxisChar *    uri,
const AxisChar *    value
[pure virtual]

Creates a Attribute and adds it to this Header Block.

localname  The local name of the attribute.
prefix  The prefix of the attribute.
uri  The namespace uri of the attribute.
value  The value of the attribute.
A pointer to the created Attribute will be returned.

virtual BasicNode* IHeaderBlock::createChild NODE_TYPE    eNODE_TYPE [pure virtual]

Creates a child node depending on the given type. If the type is CHARACTER_NODE a CharacterElement is created. If the type is ELEMENT_NODE a ComplexElement is created. After creating the child it will not be added as a child to the header block. The user has to add the created child to the appropriate locaion as his wish.

eNODE_TYPE  The type of the child to be created, it should be either CHARACTER_NODE for CharacterElements or ELEMENT_NODE for ComplexElements.
The child node created will be returned if the creation is successfull. If the creation is unsccessfull it will return NULL.

virtual BasicNode* IHeaderBlock::createChild NODE_TYPE    eNODE_TYPE,
AxisChar *    pachLocalName,
AxisChar *    pachPrefix,
AxisChar *    pachUri,
AxisChar *    pachValue
[pure virtual]

Creates a child node depending on the given node type. i.e: if node type == CHARACTER_NODE then it creates a Character Element. if node type == ELEMENT_NODE then it creates a Complex Element. This method doesn't add the created child to this Header Block. If the user needs to add this created child then he has to use the addChild(BasicNode *pBasicNode) method after creating the child. If the node to be created is a CHARACTER_NODE then only the parameter pachValue will be usefull and for others you can provide NULL. If the node to be created is a ELEMENT_NODE then the parameters pachLocalName, pachPrefix, pachUri will be needed to provide and you can provide NULL for the pachValue.

eNODE_TYPE  The node type to be created, i.e CHARACTER_NODE or ELEMENT_NODE.
pachLocalName  The local name of the child node. A CHARACTER_NODE will ignore this.
pachPrefix  The prefix of the child node. A CHARACTER_NODE will ignore this.
pachUri  The namespace uri of the child node. A CHARACTER_NODE will ignore this.
pachValue  The value of the child node. A ELEMENT_NODE will ignore this.
The child node created will be returned if the creation is successfull. If the creation is unsccessfull it will return NULL.

virtual BasicNode* IHeaderBlock::createImmediateChild NODE_TYPE    eNODE_TYPE [pure virtual]

Creates a child node depending on the given type. If the type is CHARACTER_NODE a CharacterElement is created. If the type is ELEMENT_NODE a ComplexElement is created. After creating the child it will be added as a immediate child to the header block.

The  type of the child to be created, it should be either CHARACTER_NODE for CharacterElements or ELEMENT_NODE for ComplexElements.
The child node created will be returned if the creation is successfull. If the creation is unsccessfull it will return NULL.

virtual BasicNode* IHeaderBlock::createImmediateChild NODE_TYPE    eNODE_TYPE,
AxisChar *    pachLocalName,
AxisChar *    pachPrefix,
AxisChar *    pachUri,
AxisChar *    pachValue
[pure virtual]

Creates a child node depending on the given type. If the type is CHARACTER_NODE a CharacterElement is created. If the type is ELEMENT_NODE a ComplexElement is created. After creating the child it will be added as a immediate child to the header block. It is important to note that if the type is CHARACTER_NODE only the NODE_TYPE and value (pachValue) parameters will be usefull.If the type is ELEMENT_NODE the parameters NODE_TYPE, pachLocalName, pachPrefix, pachUri will be usefull.

eNODE_TYPE  The type of the child to be created, it should be either CHARACTER_NODE for CharacterElements or ELEMENT_NODE for ComplexElements.
pachLocalName  The local name of the complex element to be created.
pachPrefix  The prefix of the complex element to be created.
pachUri  The namespace uri of the complex element to be created.
pachValue  The value of the character element to be created.
The child node created will be returned if the creation is successfull. If the creation is unsccessfull it will return NULL.

virtual Attribute* IHeaderBlock::createStdAttribute HEADER_BLOCK_STD_ATTR_TYPE    eStdAttrType,
[pure virtual]

A user can use this method to create a standard HeaderBlock attribute. The types of HEADER_BLOCK_STD_ATTR_TYPE are: ROLE_NEXT : To create the role attribute to point to next. ROLE_NONE : To create the role attribute to point to none. ROLE_ULTIMATE_RECEIVER : To create the role attribute to point to ultimate receiver. ACTOR : To create the actor attribute to point to next. MUST_UNDERSTAND_TRUE : To create the mustUnderstand attribute to point to true. MUST_UNDERSTAND_FALSE : To create the mustUnderstand attribute to point to false. To use ROLE_NEXT, ROLE_NONE, ROLE_ULTIMATE_RECEIVER, MUST_UNDERSTAND_TRUE, MUST_UNDERSTAND_FALSE the user has to pass SOAP_VER_1_2 as the SOAP_VERSION. To use ACTOR, MUST_UNDERSTAND_TRUE, MUST_UNDERSTAND_FALSE the user has to pass SOAP_VER_1_1 as the SOAP_VERSION.

eStdAttrType  The standard attribute to be created. The current values that can be passes are: ROLE_NEXT, ROLE_NONE, ROLE_ULTIMATE_RECEIVER, ACTOR, MUST_UNDERSTAND_TRUE, MUST_UNDERSTAND_FALSE.
eSOAP_VERSION  The related soap version. The vallues which could be passes are SOAP_VER_1_1 and SOAP_VER_1_2.
A pointer to the created standard Attribute will be returned.

virtual const BasicNode* IHeaderBlock::getChild int    iChildPosition [pure virtual]

Returns the child element at the given postion. The user has to check whether the method return NULL before proceding.

iChildPosition  The positon of the required child element.
The required child element is returned if it exists. If the child element doesn't exsist this method returns NULL.

virtual const BasicNode* IHeaderBlock::getLastChild   [pure virtual]

Returns the last child element. The user has to check whether the method return NULL before proceding.

The last child element is returned if it exists. If the child element doesn't exsist this method returns NULL.

virtual int IHeaderBlock::getNoOfChildren   [pure virtual]

Returns the number of child elements of this HeaderBlock.

The number of child elements of this HeaderBlock.

virtual int IHeaderBlock::initializeForTesting   [pure virtual]

Initialized the Header Block for testing.

virtual void IHeaderBlock::setLocalName const AxisChar *    localname [pure virtual]

Sets the local name of this Header Block.

localname  The localname to set in.

virtual void IHeaderBlock::setUri const AxisChar *    uri [pure virtual]

Sets the namespace uri of this Header Block.

uri  The namespace uri to set in.

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Generated on Tue Jun 29 09:27:58 2004 for AxisC++ by doxygen1.2.18